Tuesday, March 19, 2019

On the Recently Leaked Lisa Page Testimony Which Proves that the Obama/Lynch Justice Department Put Pressure On the F.B.I. to NOT Indict Mrs. Clinton Under the Espionage Act - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2019/03/13/lisa-page-yeah-obamas-doj-killed-the-prosecution-of-hillary-clinton-n2543063

This is an absolutely devastating piece of news (and one that could potentially put a lot of people away for a long time) and yet CNN, MSNBCLSDPMSLGBTandsometimesQ, and the rest of the propagandist and traitorous media are completely ignoring it and focusing instead on how to do a better job of crushing a President that they despise and/or fear...….Being the enemy of the people, in other words.

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