Thursday, February 29, 2024

So, Is that Kamala Harris Laughing or Is it an Excerpt from Some Cheap 1930's Horror Film?

I'll take, "Inquiries that the Chattering Dolts from D.C.'s Suburbs Make While Attending Exclusive Wine-Tasting Events In Fairfax and Chevy Chase", for a thousand, Alex.

On President Trump's Fate (at Least for Now) Residing In the Deranged Psyche of this POS

And all for a nonexistent crime with zero victims (the banks clearly exercising their fiduciary responsibility and seemingly not having a beef with Trump's assessment). Frightening, isn't it? And if they can pull this shit on Trump, just imagine what they could do to us.

On Jean Baptiste Camille Corot Being One of the Greatest Landscape Painters of All Time......and Not Exactly a Rube In the Figure Painting Sphere, Either

As you can plainly see from these.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

On the Fact that a Large Chunk of the Billionaire Class (Reid Hoffman, Ken Griffin, Charles Koch, Frank Laukien - Rich Assholes of this Ilk) Has Been Supporting Nikki Haley, Not Donald Trump

Maybe it's because one of those candidates can't be bought (probably the one who made their money before entering politics would be my guess) and the other one can. Okkam's Razor 101, right?

On the Fact that Even Though Hamas Has Vowed to Perpetrate Additional October 7ths, the Biden Regime Continues to Push this Insane Two-State Solution (a Terrorist Nation Right Next to Israel - What Could Possibly Go Astray?), a Concept that the Palestinian Leadership Itself Has Repeatedly Rejected as it's the Whole Enchilada that They Truly Want

This would be like having an independent state run by drug cartels (possessing thousands of rockets, mortars, land mines, etc.) a stone's-throw from El Paso, Brownsville, and Laredo. Not that the bi-coastal rich elites would give a rat's-ass, mind you, but all this talk about a civil war, this shit could potentially trigger one and it's only a matter of time before they hit the Hamptons......and the Upper East Side.

On California Senatorial Candidate, Barbara Lee, Recently Coming Out for a $50 an Hour Minimum Wage, a Proposal so Extreme that the Buffoonish, Knuckle-Dragging, Foaming-at-the-Mouth Adam Schiff Looked Askance at the Chick

 So she's either a moron with zero economic knowledge or has a shitload of stock in the robot-building industry.......and since she's from California, the first one, I'm guessing.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

On Asking One of Those Chatbots to Draw You a Ginger and Getting Back a Black Dude with Red Hair

So we have SJW wokesters  programming AI now. Doesn't bode well, does it (the harsh fact that they manage enough information already and to have these same psychopaths seize control of this, too - not good)?

Monday, February 26, 2024

On the Atlantic Doing an Article Claiming that the Democrats May Not Certify the 2024 Election if Trump Ends Up Winning

So these slobs are planning on denying the upcoming election if they don't reach paydirt......and, gee, what a surprise, they're gonna' blame Russia. I mean, couldn't they have at least changed the country, Trump-China collusion, Trump-North Korea collusion, Trump-Turkey-collusion, anything for Christ sakes, JUST NOT RUSSIA? Damn, these morons.

On the Fact that I Toss and Turn Every Damned Night Worried About Who's Going to Rule the Donbas Region of Eastern Ukraine

Seriously. Just don't make me take a poly, that's all (they're quite unreliable, don't you know?).

On the Political Leanings of So-Called Misinformation Experts

According to this graph (which I got from Twitter so it's possibly not the be all and end all, admittedly) 85% of these "experts" are left of center (57% being fairly or very left), 10% are centrists, and just 5% are right of center (all of those being slightly to the right). And while I can't totally vouch for these numbers, they do mesh enough with my experience of every fact check backing the left that I'd probably lay some serious money that they're close enough.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

On Trump Being Banned from Doing Business In New York but Prolific Pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, Never Being Banned

Yeah, I guess that hundreds of victims doesn't have quite the same cachet as zero. Oh well, at least Trump is still taking breaths. That's a bonus, I guess.

On Dick Durbin's Plan to Stockpile Illegal Aliens In the Military In Exchange for Citizenship

Yes, because as we're all aware, the military is in desperate need of some additional members with questionable allegiance to the U.S.A. (wokesters and LGBTQ ramrods clearly insufficient).

Friday, February 23, 2024

"Finally, Someone Who Makes Us All Look a Little Less Idiotic, Insane, and Unreasonable"

I'll take, "Things that the Current Cadre of TikTok Users Must Be Saying Now that President Biden Himself Has Started an Account on the Shit-Posting Venue", for a thousand, Alex.

On Recent Polling In the West Bank Showing that Hamas Would Annihilate Fatah if Elections Were to Be Held There

So, do you see now why Israel has some reservations about a likely radicalized Palestinian state within a couple miles of Tel Aviv and Netanya? It's definitely become crystalized to me (a person who long backed a two state solution).

Thursday, February 22, 2024

On the Fact that Kamala Harris Is One of the Most Opportunistic Politicians this Side of Mrs. Clinton and the Fact that She Made No Attempt to Capitalize on What Was Supposed to Resemble an Assassination Attempt (a Pipe Bomb Being Found Right Outside Her Room at the DNC) Has a Very Suspicious Aura to it

And not only did Harris and the Dems not make hay over this (possibly the most serious thing that happened that day), they barely mentioned it in their January 6 documents, and even there it was just a footnote. Kind of perplexing, huh (he queried without an ounce of cynicism😎)?

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

On the Fact that Any First Year Psychology Student Can Tell You that When You Reward Bad Behavior You're Likely Going to Get More of it and so, Yeah, the Best and Brightest Minds In the Biden Regime Must Have Taken a Different Elective (Their Goal to Construct a Firm Timeline for the Creation of a Palestinian State Four Short Months After Hamas Went On Their Genocidal Rampage)

And the Palestinians have never shown much interest in having their own state as they've rejected the opportunity to have one countless times. Yes, I've heard a few rumblings in that direction but when get through the translation it's clear that a Palestinian state isn't their end goal but rather a transitional phase toward their ultimate objective of crushing Israel and securing the whole enchilada. To quote the great Anthony Fauci, it's just common sense.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Now THIS Is Star-Power (Susan Hayward and Gregory Peck from "David and Bathsheba")

Some critics have said that Ms. Hayward was miscast in this movie. Needless to say I disagree as my obsession simply wouldn't allow it.

On Biden's Homeland Security Department Still Refusing to Give R.F.K. Jr. Secret Service Protection (this Despite the Fact that There've Been Threats Against Him)

I get it that there are certain metrics to go by here but being that the fellow is polling decently at 14% and AND both his father and uncle were blown to smithereens when they were running for President, it really wouldn't kill the government to capitulate here and ix-nay on Biden's vindictiveness (as this is what it's all about, I'm sure).

On the Fact that In 2022 There Were 1,630 Knife Murders In the U.S.A. and Only 541 Rifle Murders (I Use the Term, Only, Not to Minimize These Fatalities but Rather to Put Forth an Apples to Apples Comparison)

And AR-15s were only a tiny slice of that rifle tally. If the politicians truly wanted to cut back on "gun violence" they'd be going after hand guns in that they kill way more people than rifles and shotguns combined. Not saying that I'm in favor of such a policy but if we're approaching the problem with any sort of logic one would at least consider that policy, no? I'm just askin'.

On the Fact that if President Trump Was Going to Pardon Julian Assange and Ed Snowden (as Has Been Surmised by Some Reporters) and Didn't Because McConnell and Graham Threatened to Vote, Yes, On Impeachment if He Did so, Then Those Two A-Holes Are Even Bigger Scumbags than I Had Initially Thought........................and that's Saying a Lot

As for the motivation of these two douche-bags, with McConnell I suspect that it has something to do with him being compromised in some manner (similar to his family's China situation) while Graham on the other hand, he just like's killing folks, with this just being his latest insanity.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

On the Fact that the Muslims Invaded India Countless Times Over the Centuries and Each Time They Slaughtered Hundreds of Thousands Hindus and Perhaps I Missed it but Thus Far I Haven't Heard a Single Thing from the Anticolonial Leftists On this Barbarism Inflicted On the INDIGINOUS People of India - Quick Addendum to this November 29, 2023 Entry


Contemporary accounts of the numerous genocides perpetrated by Muslims against the Hindus of India

  “they said that on the great day of battle these 100,000 prisoners could not be left with the baggage, and that it would be entirely opposed to the rules of war to set these idolaters and foes of Islam at liberty“throughout the camp that every man who has infidel prisoners was to put them to death, and whoever neglected to do so should himself be executed and his property given to the informer. When this order became known to the ghazis
of Islam, they drew their swords and put their prisoners to death. 100,000 infidels, impious idolaters, were on that day slain. Maulana Nasir-ud-din Umar, a counselor and a man of learning, who, in all his life had never killed a sparrow, now, in execution of my order, slew with his sword fifteen idolatrous Hindus, who were his captives“
  “In a short space of time all the people in the [Delhi] fort were put to the sword, and in the course of one hour the heads of 10,000 infidels were cut off. The sword of
Islam was washed in the blood of the infidels, and all the goods and effects, the treasure and the grain which for many a long year had been stored in the fort became the spoil of my soldiers."
  “They set fire to the houses and reduced them to ashes, and they razed the buildings and the fort to the ground….All these infidel Hindus were slain, their women and children, and their property and goods became the spoil of the victors. I proclaimed throughout the camp that every man who had infidel prisoners should put them to death, and whoever neglected to do so should himself be executed and his property given to the informer. When this order became known to the ghazis of Islam, they drew their swords and put their prisoners to death.” - Timus, founder of the Timurid dynasty (taken from his memoirs)

  “For the sake of Islam I became a
I battled infidels and Hindus,
I determined to become a martyr
Thank God I became a Killer of
Non-Muslims!” - Babur, emperor of the Mughal empire (taken from his memoirs)

  “Abdali’s soldiers would be paid 5 Rupees (a sizeable amount at the time) for every enemy head brought in. Every horseman had loaded up all his horses with the plundered property, and atop of it rode the girl-captives and the slaves. The severed heads were tied up in rugs like bundles of grain and placed on the heads of the captives…Then the heads were stuck upon lances and taken to the gate of the chief minister for payment."
  “It was an extraordinary display! Daily did this manner of slaughter and plundering proceed. And at night the shrieks of the women captives who were being raped, deafened the ears of the people…All those heads that had been cut off were built into pillars, and the captive men upon whose heads those bloody bundles had been brought in, were made to grind corn, and then their heads too were cut off. These things went on all the way to the city of Agra, nor was any part of the country spared.” - Extracted from the chronicle, Tarikh-I-Alamgiri, in which it proceeds to describe the atrocities perpetrated against the Hindus by Afghan ruler, Ahmad Shah Abdal

  “Hindus are like the mud; if silver is demanded from them, they must with the greatest humility offer gold. If a Mohammadan desires to spit into a Hindu’s mouth, the Hindu should open it wide for the purpose. God created the Hindus to be slaves of the Mohammadans. The Prophet hath ordained that, if the Hindus do not accept Islam, they should be imprisoned, tortured, finally put to death, and their property confiscated.” - Qazi, spiritual adviser to Alaul-Din Khiji, second ruler of the Khiji dynasty

On "Sex Workers for Palestine" (One-Upping Queers for Palestine, I Guess)

Anyone who claims to have seen this one probably telling the truth (the art of soothsaying clearly not what it used to be).

Saturday, February 17, 2024

On the Mainstream Media Having Such a Hive Mind that They All End Up Using the Same Damned Words, Phrases, etc. (Hillary Clinton "Powering Through", Remember that One?)

The most recent example is them saying that Robert Hur's report on Biden's classified documents case is "gratuitous" because it basically insinuates that Biden's brain is oatmeal these days and because of it he can't stand trial (he can't remember shit, in other words). Of course if they truly cared about the poor guy they'd be inspiring him to, you know, POWER THROUGH, and since they haven't yet, you make the call.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

On the "Two State Solution"

 Or as prefer to call it, decimating Israel in phases (the harsh fact that Hamas and even the Palestinian Authority will use this newly minted state of theirs to try and wrestle away the rest of Western Palestine which of course is, oh yeah, Israel).

On President Biden (or Whoever's Pulling His Strings) Starting a TikTok Account Despite the Fact that He's Already Banned it On Federal Devices and Has Been Strongly Considering a Nationwide Ban

Wreaks of desperation but being that he's bleeding support in pretty much every other sector, going for the dumb as hell juvenile vote was probably a reasonable foray. 

Free Palestine?

Alright. But if we free the "Palestinians" (a large chunk of whom have an Egyptian, Syrian, or Saudi background but whatever) then we also have to free the Indian subcontinent from the Muslims who not only stole the land but slaughtered millions of Hindus in the process. I mean, we have to be consistent, right?......What, no? Too heavy of a lift? Thought so.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

On the Fact that I've Only Watched this 6,251 Times, I Swear

      With fingers crossed, of course.

On the Odds of Julian Assange Eventually Getting "Epsteined"

Well, being that these deep-state assholes have apparently lost whatever remained of their inhibitions and therefore don't give a shit what anyone thinks, 50%, maybe. Ballparking it of course.

To All of the Brainwashed, Surface-Thinking, and Miseducated (Likely Unemployed, too, but that I'm Not Sure of) Little College Schmucks Who Think that They Know the World Simply Because They Can Regurgitate the Key Tenets of Intersectionality, Here's My Advice

 Be an individual who thinks for yourself and break from the crowd when necessary. I get it that it's much easier said than done but the rewards, yeah, it's worth it. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

On the Democrats Now Being the Pro Fentanyl Overdose, Pro Human Trafficking, Pro Legalized Squatting, Pro Biological Men Competing Against Women In Sports (Including MMA), Pro Defecating In Public, Pro Puberty Blockers for Kids, Pro Court Packing, Pro Censorship, Pro Post-Birth Abortion, Pro Collective Attribution, Pro Identity Politics, Pro Disarming the Populace, Pro You Can Steal Up to $999.99 and Not Get In Any Trouble, Pro Proxy Wars with Nuclear-Armed Powers, Pro You Can Torch an American City While the Police Just Stand There, Pro Collusion with Huge Conglomerates, Pro Anti-Meritocracy, Pro Wealth Taxes, Pro We Can Challenge Elections but the Other Side Can't, Pro Mandates for Experimental Biological Agents, Pro Black Folks Are Simply Way too Retarded to Locate the DMV, Pro Discrimination Against Asians, Pro Family-Friendly Drag-Shows and Drag-Queen Story Hour, Pro Overarching Surveillance State, Pro Reparations, and Pro Preferred Pronouns......Party

  Not to fret, though, 'cause as we're all aware, Trump is the true-blue extremist.

On the Fact that Alan Goodman, a Shit-for-Brains Israel Who Went to the Temple Mount In 1982 and Murdered Several Arab Worshipers While Wounding Double-Digits More Was Tried Immediately In an Israeli Court, Convicted of Murder, and Awarded a Big, Fat, Juicy Life Sentence

First off, condolences to the victims but I also want you to compare how the Israelis deal with their terrorists with how the Palestinian leadership handles theirs. The former metes out swift and punitive punishment to their a-holes while the latter either venerates the killers (suicide bombers who are no longer with us) or rewards them in a more earthly sense. The contrast is of course massive and the fact that the Israel haters fail to acknowledge (or even see) it speaks volumes, doesn't it? 

Monday, February 12, 2024

On Biden Now Believing that the President of Mexico Occasionally Pinch-Hits for the President of Egypt......or Is it Vice Versa, I Forget (Plus the Dude Slurs His Words, if You've Noticed)

I normally muster sympathy for people like this but when you're dealing with such a garbage human being like Biden who is so corrupt, so obnoxious, and whose ineptitude on the job has been so incomprehensible, it's really hard. To say the least.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

On E. Jean Carroll Going On Rachel Maddow's Train-Wreck (i.e., Program) and Doing Something that I Never Thought Conceivable, Making the Host Look Sane

 Yes, I get it. There are some hosts on Fox and Newsmax who also wax partisan (some of them blatantly) but, unlike those nutjobs on MSLSD, they tend to come across as regular human beings and not particularly radical. Granted, I don't watch very much of either as I prefer to get my information from non-corporate entities but, trust me, I've seen enough to ascertain the stability of these assholes, more than enough in fact.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

On Claims from Amnesty International that Very Few of the Palestinian On Palestinian Murders During the Second Intifada Were Ever Investigated by the Palestinian Authority and None of the Alleged Murderers Were Ever Prosecuted

As to why these people were killed it seems to divide into two categories: a) those who advocated a peaceful resolution to the Israeli conflict and b) anyone who ever possessed the temerity to question, challenge, or oppose the P.A.. Of course it's also important to point out that a) many of these accusations were either bullshit or hugely exaggerated, b) Arafat and his underlings were invariably the proverbial judges, juries, and executioners, and c) it's easy to get those approval stats up when you murder your critics and scare the rest of the people into silence. Just ask Hamas today.

Friday, February 9, 2024

On the Special Prosecutor Finally Coming Out and Saying that, Yeah, Biden Likely Broke the Law but Being that He's too Demented to Ever Be Convicted, Ending Up Backing Off and Giving the Poor Schmuck a Pass

Kinda' places the media in a bind, huh? They either have to admit to the fellow's crappy handling of classified documents or focus on the lack of a prosecution and confess that it's because he's got dementia. And because they're not particularly intelligent you can definitely expect some cringeworthy moments. Enjoy. 

On the Muslims of Nigeria Now Lording Over 1.6 Million Slaves (According to the Global Slavery Index), the Lion's-Share of Them Christians

They've also murdered over 50,000 Christians, destroyed 13,000 churches, created more than 300,000 refugees (data from the U.N. refugee agency), and engaged in human trafficking for forced labor and sexual exploitation. Of course, since this is a narrative of black Muslims slaughtering and enslaving black Christians with no Jews within hundreds of miles, the wokesters are simply not interested, nope, nope, nope.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

On the Muslims Insisting that Any Land that They've Ever Ruled, Even for a Day, Is Theirs for Eternity

So Spain, for example, even though it's been over five centuries since they got booted, they still think that its theirs and likely won't rest till it's official. Of course it also helps to have a long time-horizon, a character trait that Western minds have only a fraction of.

On the Democrat Plan Clearly Being (and No Amount of Stock Naming-Calling Can Change it - You Know Their Repertoire) -

a) stockpile as many third-world low-information illegals as possible, b) shower them with all sorts of free shit (even if it hurts the minorities already living here), both before they get here and after they arrive, c) fast-track them to citizenship through mass amnesty, d) combine citizenship with automatic voter registration, and e) harvest their ballots during election season. And to all of the leftist jerkoffs out there who are calling this a conspiracy theory, your argument might have a little more heft if the New York Times and MSLSD didn't run headlines such as, "WE CAN REPLACE THEM". I'm just sayin'. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

On the Fact that I Wouldn't Have Minded (Not Even for a Split Second) Gloria Grahame Eyeing Me Like that, Hell No

The chick was also an Academy Award winner, so, yeah, quite the package indeed.

On What the People Who Immigrated to the U.S. Legally Are Thinking Right Now

Not sure but my strong suspicion is that it wouldn't be appropriate for younger listeners, PG at the bare minimum.

Monday, February 5, 2024

On Rump Senators, John Cornyn and Lindsey Graham, Taking to Twitter and Advocating for the Bombing of Tehra

I've known for a while that Graham had a screw loose but Cornyn, I'm kinda' surprised in that he generally came across as sane. Oh well, guess that if you stay in that cesspool long enough......

On Vile Ideologues Drunk with Power and Having Bubkes When it Comes to Critical Thinking

 Thank the Lord that we don't have anybody like this serving in the U.S. House of Representatives (and by, "don't have anybody", I of course mean, only about four fifths).

Sunday, February 4, 2024

On the Fact that (per the Jewish Virtual Library) There Are a Combined 53 Jews Currently (2021 Being the Most Recent Data that I Could Dig Up) Residing In Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Oman, Yemen, Egypt, and Libya

  Contrast that with the over 2,000,000 Arabs (Muslim, Christian, and Druze) living in Israel (a country where they have it better than they would in virtually every Muslim country) and it kinda' forces you to postulate where that true apartheid lives.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

On the Relationship Between All-Cause Mortality and LDL Levels (Data Courtesy of Nature's Scientific Reports -

  I'll break it down for you. The straight horizontal line of 1.0 is the expected death-rate. The bold line represents the hazard-ratio, the death-rate based upon one of the other variables (in this case, LDL cholesterol levels) and the dotted lines are the confidence levels (AKA, margins if error). And as you can see, the farther from the ideal level (which appears to be between 120 to 130) the more room for error.
  Of course the truly concerning part of this graph is that at around 70 all three lines start to significantly exceed the optimal 1.0, and so whatever heart protection that people get from statins and other cholesterol-lowering drugs seems to get negated by an increase in death from other illnesses (cancer, diabetes, various respiratory ailments, etc.). My advice would be that if you're on one of these agents, show your doctor this graph from a reputable journal (i.e., Nature) and have a heart to heart with him (pause for laughter). It just might save your life.
  And for those of you wanting some additional source material, here - European Heart Journal Vol. 39, Issue 40, October 21, 2018 (pages 3641 to 3653) and BMJ Open, published June 2, 2016, 6(6), e010401

A Bush Worse than Dubya?

 Well, being that she hasn't started any dumb-fuck wars (not that she could as a lowly Congresswoman but, please, stick with me here), probably not.......Still an idiot, though. Obviously.

Friday, February 2, 2024

On the Corporate Media's Embarrassing and Suspicious Lack of Interest In the Following

a) Who blew up Russia's Nordstream Pipeline, b) who murdered Seth Rich, c) who's the January 6th pipe-bomber seen on video, d) why has the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System exploded since the roll-out of the covid vaccines, e) who left the bag of coke at the White House in a neat little cabinet where only important people have access, and f) the 170 suspicious activity reports on the Biden Family. And, yes, I'll probably think of more later in the week and if I do you can expect an addendum or two. Bank it.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Sexiest Actresses Ever?


I'm gonna' say, Linda Fiorentino - late 20th Century, Faye Dunaway - mid to late 20th Century, Susan Hayward - mid 20th Century, Jean Arthur - early to mid 20th Century, and Norma Talmadge - early 20th Century. For today anyway.

On the Oakland Public Schools Pushing for a "Racially Segregated Playdate"

What can I say, yet another illiberal idea (in this case, bringing back segregation) from a group of people who call themselves, liberal,......and who apparently have a never-ending supply of 'em, these shits.

On the Fact that the Palestinian Refugees from the 1948 War Have Received Billions of Dollars In Aid from Various Countries While the Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries Have Gotten Jack Shit

It's what they get for being "oppressors", I guess. Damn, huh? Money out the window!!