Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Worst Piece of "Fake News" in Recent Memory?

Yeah, I'm gonna go with when the mainstream media went with that bullshit narrative about Iraqi soldiers supposedly pulling Kuwaiti babies from incubators and of how the main witness that they used for this alleged war-crime was that lying piece of shit daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the U.S.; the purpose of course being to pull us into yet another moronic war.......If I had to pick only one.

On the Legendary Comedian, Buddy Hackett

Not marbles in the mouth sounding enough.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

On the Concept of Coming to Turkey's Defense After that Increasingly Radicalized Pariah Nation Foolishly Decides to Pick a Fight with Russia (a Nuclear-Armed Russia, No Less)

It is total insanity and anyone who even suggests it should be drawn and quartered (can you say, John McCain?).......Oh, and that sonic boom that you're hearing in the background, relax. It's just Washington spinning in his grave, that's all (the fact that he warned the country about bullshit alliances like N.A.T.O. and is probably experiencing some indigestion because of them). 

Monday, December 26, 2016

On "Moderate Rebels"

They only exist in the deranged, dementia-addled brains of war-mongering buffoons like John McCain and Hillary Clinton and piss upon the mainstream media (the BBC, especially) for enabling this bullshit narrative.

On the Fact that Japan and South Korea Are Both Far More Ethnocentric than the U.S. Is and the Left Never, Ever, EVER Defames Them, Calls Them Racist, etc.

More proof-positive that the left has no real moral rectitude and that these folks are strictly virtue-signalling, engaging in pathological altruism, self-hate, etc., etc..

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Friday, December 23, 2016

On Michelle Obama Proclaiming that We Now Know What it's Like to Have "No Hope"

Sorry but if your prospects in life are totally contingent upon which disgusting politician wins the Presidency, you probably have bigger fish to fry.......No hope, indeed.

On the Fact that Howard Dean Recently Inferred (Without a Shred of Evidence, No Less) that Glenn Greenwald and His Web-Site, "The Intercept", Were Being Bankrolled by the Russians and Iranians

I'm not a big fan of suing people generally but if I was Greenwald, oh yeah.......Ohhhhhh yeah.

On the Fact that Some of My Other Sources and Inspirations Are Seymour Hersh, Jonathan Turley, Diana Johnstone ("Queen of Chaos", a Must-Read Book), Gareth Porter, and Jeremy Scahill - NONE OF WHOM ARE ON THE RIGHT (Never Mind the "Alt-Right")

And yet these humiliation-resistant, barely intelligible leftist bloggers continue to try and pigeon-hole me. Oh well, you gotta give 'em props for persistence, I guess.

The Last Time that the Arabs or Africans Were Made to Feel Guilty for Their Thousand Year Plus Participation in the Slave Trade?

There isn't a calendar long enough for that one, folks. As in NEVER (as opposed to white Europeans who continue to be shamed even today). 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

On the Fact that Even Though Julian Assange and Other Wikileaks Sources Have Repeatedly Claimed that Russia Was NOT the Source of the Leaks (, the Mainstream Media Continues to Eschew this Reality and Hammer Home Instead Some Paranoiac Narrative of Russian Espionage

So, they're siding with John McCain and Lindsey Graham then. Oh boy.

On the C.I.A.'s Claim (from Unnamed Sources to the Mainstream Media - Two Strikes, Right There) that Russia Attempted to Influence the U.S. Presidential Election

So the entity that has played a part in the overthrow of numerous governments over the years (Iran, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, South Vietnam - the Brutal Murder of No Dihn Diem in 1963 Literally Destroying that Country, Iraq, etc., etc.) is now proclaiming foreign interference in OUR elections?......Yeah, I'm going to have to go irony-meter-10 on this one, folks (and to steal a phrase from Reverend Wright, "the chickens have come home to roost"). Sorry. 

On if Russia and its Allies Had Helped to Install a Bellicose Puppet Government in Mexico or Canada (as America and N.A.T.O. Plainly Did in Ukraine)

Can you even begin to imagine?......Yeah, it's time that we developed some perspective on this.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

On the Fact that Historically the Word, Liberal, Was Always Used to Denote a Libertarian or Classical Liberal (a Person Who Champions the Primacy of the Individual Over the Tyranny of the State Collective) and that it Wasn't Until the Commie-Adoring Progressives of the Early 20th Century (the Soviet Junket of 1927 - Google it) Pilfered the Word that it Started Becoming Synonymous with the Left

Yeah, time to steal it back from these fascists, I say.  

On Being so Intellectually Bereft as to Parrot Mainstream Media Buzz-Words Like, Fake News, and Attempt to Argue that There's this Cavernous Difference Between the Two in Terms of Accuracy When in Fact There Is More than Enough Blame to Go Around

These leftists are moronic and insane but it goes beyond that. They are literally trying to crush dissent and squash free-speech; in the media, in colleges and universities, and even in the halls of Congress where they seem to be hearkening back to the not so subtle fascism of tyrants such as Adams, Lincoln, and Wilson (something called the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act). We need to stop this shit and, yes, stay vigilant......'cause you know that they will for sure.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

On the Fact that Mrs. Clinton Apparently Looks Down at Starbucks Baristas

Sorry but I'll take a good barista over a piece-of-shit lawyer and politician any day.......I mean, it's not even close.......................................................................................................P.S. And, no, working at Starbucks isn't a horrible job. I was at one of the Starbucks in Poughkeepsie the other week and was able to overhear this chick being interviewed and I can tell you that the starting wage is decent, the tips are great, regular raises are given, stock options are offered after six months, tuition-reimbursement to Arizona State on-line is available, you are provided one free meal a shift along with unlimited drinks, AND you're given one free bag of coffee every week (my God, it takes me four months to go though a pound of coffee beans). Not too shabby............Oh, and you don't have to pimp yourself out, either. Don't forget about that. 

On the Fact that I Eviscerated Knucklehead Christie When He Threatened a No-Fly-Zone Over Syria and so Why in the Hell Wouldn't I Do the Same to that Stumbling and Bumbling, Battle-Axed Tyrant in a Fecal-Stained Pants-Suit, Hillary?

Yeah, I guess that having a consistent moral yardstick is just too much of an anathema in today's mind-numbingly dumb progressive world. Sad, huh?  

On All of Those European Communist Lesbians Who for Some Strange Reason Have Decided to Join Forces with the Muslim Community

They do realize, don't they, that if Sharia Law ultimately does become the new norm, they will either be killed or forced to have sex with some of the scuzziest slopeheads on the planet and remain in a perpetual state of pregnancy 'til 40, 45?......Apparently not, huh?

On the Fact that the Only X Chromosomes in Kaitlin Jenner's Whole Body Are in His or Her (Pick a Pronoun - Whatever Floats Your Boat) Sperm Cells

Again, I don't care what people do with their own bodies as long as they aren't harming others (call it the libertarian in me). I'll even call a male tranny a she if it makes HER happy. But let's not kid ourselves. The fact of the matter is that Jenner isn't any more of a woman than I am a 28 year-old and being that a lot of these people end up changing their minds after a while, maybe we shouldn't go off completely cocked on this stuff and instead employ a modicum of prudence. Only a suggestion.    

Monday, December 19, 2016

On the Fact that Two of My Personal Favorite Hangouts Are Antiwar Radio and

I dare the leftist degenerates and intellectual lightweights to call these places, "alt-right". Seriously.

On the Fact that if Pervert Podesta Was Really and Truly Concerned About Hacking, He Probably Should Have Come Up with a Better Password than, Say, p@ssw0rd -

Too much to ask?

On the Fact that Some of These Virulent Leftists Have Actually Gone from Calling Everybody Who Voted for Trump a Member of the "Alt-Right" (Leftist-Speak for Racist, Essentially) to Using that Same Moniker on Folks Who Didn't Vote for Trump but Who Also Didn't Vote for that Corrupt, Dishonest, War-Mongering Piece-of-Shit Lawyer, Hillary

I think that there are two things at work here; a) the fact that these bozos are of an exceedingly low intellect and hence have to perceive everything in a rudimentary binary fashion and b) the fact that they are also possessive of an immaturity which borders on the insane and which seemingly creates this incessant and insipid need to be rallied around.......Those would be my guesses, at least. 

On the Fact that Global Warming Fruit-Cake, David Titley, Recently Made a Monstrous Deal Over the Fact that the Satellite Temperature Data Has Been Adjusted Upward Several Times AGAINST THE SKEPTIC VIEW but Apparently Has No Problem with the Fact that James Hansen and the Rest of Those Dishonest Criminals at Goddard Have Adjusted the Land Temperature Readings Hundreds of Times ALWAYS IN FAVOR OF THE CATASTROPHIST VIEW (the Bastards All but Wiping Out the Post-War Cooling Period)

And the fact that this asshole works at Penn State with serial liar and 24/7 litigator, Michael Mann, is simply a coincidence, I guess.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

On the Fact that No Imagined Evil Can Ever Come Close to Matching the Actual Evil (the Murders, the Starvation, the Persecutions, etc.) that Materialized in the Soviet Union from 1919 to 1959

Great place for a honeymoon, though. Just ask Bernie.  

On the Scurrilous Accusation that I Get All of My News from Fake News Sites (You Know, as Opposed to Legitimate Sources Such as Rachel MadDUH, the Young Jerks, the Clinton News Network, the New York Crimes, the War Street Journal, the Washington Compost Heap, the Weekly Substandard, Snopes, Dan I'd Rather Not, Spittin' Chris Matthews, PolitiCON, etc.)

I get my information from a wide variety of sources, NONE OF WHICH I TAKE AT FACE VALUE (as opposed to these leftist degenerate fools who hang on every word that Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow say as if it was gospel). So, with this Pizzagate story, for example, yes, I did watch some of the Youtbe videos on it but I also went directly to Wikileaks and examined the emails for myself and, guess what, folks. It appears that these Podesta brothers (along with a small cadre of other perverts) ARE communicating in some sort of pedophilia code......and not only is the mainstream media not covering these cretins, they're giving them cover!!............So, ya' still bent out of shape over this fake news, leftists?........................................................................................................P.S. And, no, I never said a single time that Mrs. Clinton herself was involved in this. That was a bald-faced lie and the person who said it is a dirty, slimy, low-down slice of shit. Excuse my French. 

On the Fact that Bill Clinton Went to Haiti in 2010 and Actually Tried to Spring Some Piece-of-Shit Chick Accused of Child Trafficking - (and, No, the Dude in this Video ISN'T a Member of the "Alt-Right" in that He Voted for Jill Stein)

Again, if this was Donald Trump, the mainstream media (now that's some real fake news!) would have been all over the thing but because its Clinton - crickets.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

On Who Gets to Determine What Is and Isn't Fake News

Let me guess here. The government and their servants in the legacy media.......I nailed it, huh?

On Being Called by a Small Regiment of Mental Midgets and Lowbrow Leftists a Member of Something Called the "Alt-Right" (the Latest Slur that These Bozos Have Concocted for People Who They Disagree with, Fail to Comprehend, etc.)

Alright, let's look at the facts here. a) I didn't vote for Trump and was never even tempted to. b) I have criticized Trump countless times over the years and have actually stepped it up somewhat since the election (though, yes, I do find him somewhat more palatable than the serial country-ruiner, Hillary). c) I voted for Johnson for President and pulled the lever for only one Republican on my entire ballot (compare that to these leftist assholes who unquestionably voted straight Democrat down the line). d) I haven't voted Republican for President since 1988. And e) while I'm plainly not an expert on the alt-right (I can only name two dudes off the top of my head; Vox Day and Richard Spencer - neither of whom have impressed me very much), I DO know that I strongly disagree with them on trade and modestly disagree with them on immigration (foreign-policy-wise - we might line up; staying out of foreign entanglements, for example).............So, does that sound like an alt-right person to you?...Only if you're insane, correct?......................................................................................................P.S. And how do I define myself? First off, I would prefer not to but if compelled, I would go with what is stated at the top of my blog; fiscally conservative, socially tolerant, anti-war and add to that; a libertarian-leaning independent who champions free-speech and who eschews political correctness. Boom, done. 

On the 1945 On-Screen Pairing of Gregory Peck and Greer Garson in MGM's Monster Hit, "The Valley of Decision"

I'll take, "Classic Movies in Which the Leading Man Is Slightly Prettier than the Leading Lady", for a thousand, Alex.

On the Fact that if Donald Trump Had Mismanaged the Haitian Relief Effort as Piss-Badly as the Clintons Have AND Had Given One of His Family Members a Lucrative Gold-Mining Deal AND Had Pissed-Off Haitian-Americans to the Tune of Countless Protests, the Mainstream Media Would Have Eviscerated Him BUT Since it Was the Clintons Who Were the Possessors of Such a Horrible Legacy, Yeah, Not so Much

Let's face it, folks. The Russians didn't stand a chance and so even if they DID try and influence the election, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, PBS, etc., etc........Come on.

On the Fact that the Gal (Monica Petersen, Who Was Investigating Child Sex-Trafficking Rings in Haiti) Who Stated this; “That’s Two Huge Human Trafficking Scandals, an Environmental Degradation Scandal, a Social Displacement Scandal, a Presidential Election Scandal, a Scandal with Billions in Unaccounted for Earthquake Aid… All Leading Directly Back to the Clinton's Racist Cronyism in Haiti”, Is Now Deceased (Commiserating with Seth Rich, Perhaps)

Yeah, I hate to get all conspiratorial on you but, damn, the bodies are really starting to stack up here.

On the Fact that Media Matters Has Received Over $1 Million in Rental Income Over the Past Five Years and Hasn't Declared a Penny of it on Their Income Tax Forms -

So when the left says that the rich need to fair share, they actually mean, the not so well connected rich apparently.

Friday, December 16, 2016

On the Fact that (According to Sources Far Too Many to Mention; Blake, Coughlan, Kishlanszky, Madden, Crane, Drescher, Blassingame, etc., etc.) LITERALLY Every African Slave that Was Brought Over to the Americas (with Most of Those Going to South America and the Caribbean) Was Hunted Down, Brutally Marched Through the Rough African Interior, and Sold Off by a Fellow African

And yet somehow we're still led to believe that the only barbarous participants in this whole sordid affair were Victorian white Southern farmers. Thank you, Yankee historians, politically correct schmucks, leftist academics, etc..

On the Fact that I've Already Criticized Trump More as a President-Elect than Those Partisan Leftist Dolts; Shaw, Octopus, etc., Have Criticized Obama During His Entire Eight Years as President

And yet, I'm the unreasonable one, they say.......Only in America, folks.

On Mrs. Clinton's Foreign Policy

Yeah, I'm gonna go with, "John McCain with Vagina", on this one, folks.......And then scurry for the fallout-shelter.

On John McCain Going on Television and Calling Vladimir Putin a "Butcher"

Sorry but after all of the interference and destruction that America has engaged in over the past 50 years or so, Mr. McCain's demonizing and hyperbole just no longer resonate with me.............I mean, they all (Ho Chi Minh, Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, the al Assads, and now Putin) can't be the next Hitler, can they? CAN THEY? 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

On the Fact that ( Upwards of 80,000 People Have Died at Sea Trying to Escape Castro's Cuba (a Figure that Is Almost 600 Times the Number of Those Who Died Trying to Scale the Berlin Wall)

And yet the New York Times, Michael Moore, Louis Farrakhan, and Newsweek continue to peddle the meme that Cuba is this wonderful place to live. UN-REAL.

On Jill Stein Claiming to Be a Champion of Democracy, Electoral Integrity, etc. While at the Same Time Celebrating the Life of Fidel Castro, One of the Most Vile, Treacherous, Blood-Thirsty, and Anti-Democratic Pieces of Shit of the 20th Century

Jill Stein is a fucking moron (the fact that apparently thinks that solar panels, windmills, and ethanol can replace coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, and hydro probably should have been our first indicator). Do we really need to know more than that? 

On the Fact that (According to William Bradford Himself) the Early Difficult Winters of the Plymouth Colony Weren't so Much the Result of Poor Preparation (Not Bringing Enough Food with Them on Their Voyage) or Even of the the Harsh Climate but Much More the Result of the Collectivist Policies in Which Many Folks Either Stole or Didn't Carry Their Weight

So because of socialism, in other words. What a surprise.....................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, it all started to turn around in 1624 when the colony embraced private property, a market-oriented paradigm, etc., to the point where these citizens were growing so much corn that they were actually able to export a fair amount of it.

On the Fact that Even Though the F.B.I., N.S.A., and the Office of the Department of National Intelligence Have ALL Concluded that There Exists No Strong Evidence of Russian Interference in the U.S. Electoral Process, We Still Have Misinformation Outlets Like CNN, MSNBC, and the Washington Post Trying to Convince Us Otherwise (with Unnamed C.I.A. Sources Being Their Evidence)

And not even the C.I.A. has tried to allege that there was hacking into the actual voting apparatus, just that there was hacking into the DNC and that this supposedly influenced media coverage (an absurd allegation in that media largely ignored the Wikileaks releases in no small part because it showed how THEY, the media, was influencing the election though collusion, deception, etc.). THAT'S IT and, so, yeah, this is little more than just another effort to delegitimize Trump and maybe even steal the election. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

On the Fact that the New York Post Recently Did an Article About a White "Granny" Being Robbed at Knife-Point and Right Above the Article They Showed a Menacing Picture of Some White Dude Holding a Knife -

Yeah, the only problem here is that the perpetrator was black. Simply an oversight, I'm sure.............Yeah, right. 

On the Odds that if Mrs. Clinton Had Narrowly Won the Election, Time Magazine Would Have Referred to Her as the "President of the Divided States of America" (this, While Posing Her to Look Like Some Mafia Big-Shot)

Yeah, I'm gonna go 5 to 10%, at best (the fact that they loved Mrs. Clinton and thoroughly despised Trump).

On the Fact that (According to Historians, Clark D. Moore, Ann Dunbar, and Basil Davidson) Slavery Existed and Was Widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa for at Least 1,600 Years Prior to the Arab and European Slave Traders Arriving There and Virtually Every Slave that Was "Purchased" Had Already Been Enslaved and Brutally Treated by Black Africans

And yet blacks are never held accountable for their role in slavery which was far more brutal and long-lasting than that of white, Southern Americans, ever. EVER.......Hm, could it possibly be that the left is just so damned racist that they refuse to even think that black folks COULD be held accountable? 'Cause that's what it looks like to me, people.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

On the Fact that Over the Last Four Weeks or so Democrats and the Media Elites Have Blamed Everything from Voter Fraud to Racism to Russian Hacking to Internalized Misogyny for Hillary's Defeat and it Has Never Once Dawned on Them that the Real Reason for this Calamitous Event Was the Fact that They Had a Shit-Show Candidate Who's Wrecked and Destabilized Numerous Countries, Taken Money from Dirt-Bag Governments Like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Threatened to Nuke Iran, Armed Terrorists in Syria, Lied to the Families of the Benghazi Victims, and Screwed the Dirt-Poor Haitians

There comes a point in one's life when you have to look inward and, yes, that would be my advice to these people. Big time.  

On the Fact that Julian Assange Has Repeatedly Stated that the Russians Were Not the Source of the DNC Leaks and Has Strongly Insinuated that the Real Source Was Seth Rich (You Know, that Poor DNC Employee Who Supported Bernie Sanders and Who Ended Up with Four Bullets in His Back)

Alright, let's sort this through. Julian Assange, a fellow who has never lied as far as we know and who has never once released a fraudulent or hoax email, asserts that the Russians weren't the source while the media and the government, both of whom have lied 'til the cows came home, says that they were. Hmmm, who to believe here? 

On the Mainstream Media's Claim that Russia Attempted to Influence the Outcome of the U.S. Presidential Election

Oh, so kind of like what Hillary and her fellow N.A.T.O. ramrods did in 2014 when they helped to lay the groundwork for that coup d’etat in Ukraine (the fact that Mrs. Clinton sent former Dick Cheney adviser, Victoria Nuland, over there to depose the neutralist leader, Viktor Yanukovych, and replace him with a virulently anti-Russian U.S. puppet by the name of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, an act that has led to a bloody civil war)? OK, I get it now........................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, the pot calling the kettle black here, too - big time (the fact that the mainstream media was going full-throttle for Hillary and it wasn't even close TRYING TO INFLUENCE THE ELECTION).                                                                                                                              

Monday, December 12, 2016

On the Fact that Even Though Scientific Minds from Aristotle to Richard Feynman Have Repeatedly Told Us that a) Skepticism Is One of the Most Critical Aspects of Science and b) Science Doesn't Advance Via a Show of Hands (by Consensus, in Other Words), We Still Have Dolts Like Sheldon Whitehouse, Barack Obama, and Barbara Boxer Going Around Trying to Convince Us Otherwise with Their Ludicrous Global Warming Catastrophism Claims

And I'll bet that these schmucks have never actually looked at the data; the satellite and radiosonde balloon temperature data which shows modest warming since 1979, the cyclonic activity data (I refer you here to Ryan Maue of Florida State) which shows that we're actually in a low period for hurricanes, the ARGO data which shows that ocean temperatures have been fairly consistent for 13 years now, the 97% of the climate models that have seriously overstated the atmospheric warming, the global sea ice charts which have shown a virtual straight line for forty years now (, the graphs which show a chaotic correlation (at best) between CO2 and warming for the better part of two decades now, etc., etc........Seriously, you wanna bet?  

On the Fact that the Actual Retarded Baggers at Big Y and Stop and Shop Always Seem to Do a Much Better Job than the Non-Retarded but Majorly Clueless Ones Do

And they don't try and finagle $15 an hour, either. Win, win.

On the Fact that a Lot of the Same Conservative Talking-Heads (Hannity, Coulter, Dobbs, Ingraham, etc.) Who Blasted Obama (Legitimately, in My Opinion) for His Crony Capitalism and Boondoggle Stimulus Spending Are Suddenly Not Only Accepting Mr. Trump's Brand of These Very Same Things (the Carrier Deal, the Fact that the Dude Wants to Spend a TRILLION Dollars More on Infrastructure, etc.) They're Lauding Him for Them

I write a great deal about liberal hypocrisy and will continue to but, yeah, the right is guilty of it, too - exhibit A, right here.......................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, the fact that Cenk Uygur of the "Young Turks" is praising Trump for the Carrier deal is a massive enough indictment of its own, thank you.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

On the Fact that There Actually Exist Social Justice Tribunals in Ontario, Canada Where People Can Literally Be Brought Before it for as Little as Offending (Through Words) Some Member of a Protected Class

People in the U.S. take freedom of speech for granted and they shouldn't. 'Cause what's happening up north there could easily happen here if we aren't vigilant. Just look at America's state-run colleges and universities and extrapolate for yourself.......Yeah, huh?

Saturday, December 10, 2016

On the Fact that President-Elect Trump Seemingly Brow-Beat Carrier Into Not Moving Their Indiana Facility to Mexico (There Appears to Have Been Some Bribery as Well)

Somebody else used to brow-beat businesses and industries. You may have hear of him, a dude by the name of HUGO CHAVEZ (you know, that deceased leader of a country in which the folks are essentially eating out of garbage cans now in large measure because of these strong-armed tactics - hello!!)!!!

On the Fact that (According to Historians, Garcilaso de la Vega and Milton Meltzer) the Incas and the Aztecs Both Practiced Slavery and it Was Amongst the Most Brutal and Virulent Form of it Ever Instituted (the Fact that it Included Such Barbarous Acts as Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice)

Yeah, I think that even the most ardent SJW is going to have a hard time blaming white Europeans males for this one - try though they may.

On the Fact that the Trauma Perspective on Rape Tries to Assert that Any Inconsistency, Contradiction, or Ludicrous Absurdity in the Rape Victim's Narrative Can Be Explained by Her Trauma and so Hence There Is Nothing that the Woman Can Say or Do to Destroy Her Credibility - NOTHING

So any woman at any time can accuse any man of rape and the chick must be believed no matter what......and due-process be damned. Wow, huh (the fact that I've read Kafka parables, South African laws, and Beckett plays that have made more sense than this abject horseshit, etc.)?

Friday, December 9, 2016

On Obama Claiming that He Now Fears a Scary New Form of "Tribalism"

Oh, that's precious. The fellow who's done more than any other President in recent memory to bring about divisiveness and identity politics (racial, ethnic, economic, etc.) is now trying to forewarn us that the shit is about to hit the fan. Talk about a lack of self awareness................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, the guy is also a moron in that as anyone who's studied this shit knows, identity politics leads to violence (as it has in Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Sudan, South Africa, etc, etc.) and it rarely ends well.......Of course now we have Trump and so who knows what's next.  

On the Fact that the National Organization for Women Recently Argued that that Idiot Chick, Mattress Girl (AKA, Emma Sulkowicz), Who Falsely Accused a Fellow Student of Rape and Who Then Made a Spectacle of Herself by Carrying a Mattress Around for Frigging Ever, Is Actually an Inspiration for All of the Real Rape Victims

So, ya' still need more evidence that radical feminism has gone off the damned rails?...Hopefully not.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

On the Fact that that Black Actor (Brandon Victor Dixon) Who Recently Dressed Down Mike Pence After a Broadway Performance of "Hamilton" Once Tweeted this Little Ditty -

"St. Patty's day weekend is like Christmas for black dudes who like white chicks. Happy holidays boys."............So, having sex with inebriated white chicks, in other words; a sentiment that if a white man had said it would have garnered much vitriol but because it was a black man - CRICKETS. Way to show your moral rectitude, SJWs.

On the Fact that Virtually Every One of the 1990s Climate Models Overstated (by as Much as Three-Fold) the Amount of Atmospheric Warming

Yeah, that doesn't exactly bellow out, "the debate is over", to me.........................................................................................................P.S. I also find it quite hilarious that these morons no longer refer to their predictions as predictions but rather, projections (so, yeah, they're even moving the goalposts on this).

On Paul Krugman's Brain-Disordered (to the Point of Making Wile E. Coyote Seem Cogent) Proposal to Pay Down the Debt with a Trillion Dollar Platinum Coin

Fort a platinum coin to be worth a trillion dollars the thing would have to be the size of a brownstone. But as we all know here the inflation-worshiping and spendaholic Krugman isn't talking about real value but fiat value and so the platinum aspect of this whole harebrained scheme is totally superfluous and deceptive. To steal a ditty from Malraux, “Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.”

On the Fact that Neocon Lunatic, Ben Stein, Recently Tried to Argue that a California Secession from the Union Would de Facto Lead to a Second Civil War

Only in the warped mind of a statist like Stein would a notion like this seem logical. a) It assumes that secession is illegal (it isn't in that the Union was voluntary from the beginning and there is NOTHING in the Constitution which prohibits it), b) it assumes that the only response to it is the strong arm of the central government to squash it (and, please, keep in mind here that this asshole worked for Nixon, RICHARD NIXON), and c) the fellow doesn't even know what a civil war is (i.e., an armed conflict that is fought for the control of A government) and until you convince me that California wants to take over Washington D.C.......or even Tallahassee, Florida, I'm probably gonna stick with my assertion that California leaving the Union and the Feds raining death-blows on 'em doesn't fit the bill.............Ben Stein, LOL!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

On the Fact that President Obama's Brain-Dead Science Adviser, John Holdren, Once Uttered this -

“Indeed, it has been concluded (by him, of course) that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society (again, as determined by him).”............And this - “A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men.......The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control.”.............................................................................................................P.S. And, while, no, he never explicitly came out and advocated these measures, the mere fact that he was willing to play footsie with them is good enough for me. Ba by, Holdren.  

On the Concept of Schools Making 6 and 7 Year-Olds Keep a Food Diary

Yeah, that shit has soft fascism written all over it and what if the kid has pizza three, four nights in a row? Are they gonna come down on the parent?......Yeah, I don't like this, period.

On the Fact that Environmental Nut-Case, Paul Ehrlich, Once Suggested that We Might Have to Adulterate the Food and Water of Africans with Sterility Drugs to Keep Their Population Down

But Trump is the racist.......Unreal.

On the Fact that 97% (a Number that I Just Made Up Out of Whole Cloth but that's Beside the Point) of Clothing Experts Now Say that the Emperor Is Wearing Fine New Clothes

So we can finally put that debate to bed, I guess.......What a relief!!

Monday, December 5, 2016

On Obama's Departure Drawing Nigh

And he's still "clinging" to his statism, discredited Keynesian economic policies, and specious arguments pertaining to race and crime, climate change, etc........So much for him believing in evolution.......of thought.  

On the Fact that the Racism Charge Didn't Seem to Stick to Trump

Yeah, the left just cried wolf too many times (the fact that they said pretty much the same stuff about McCain, Romney, the Bushes, etc.) and the public has apparently had enough of 'em (being talked-down to and insulted by a bunch of overrated and insular academic schmucks and members of the corrupt political class tends to gets stale after awhile, I guess - whoda' thunk it?).....................................................................................................P.S. And, no, this isn't to say that Trump didn't say some over-the-top things (about that Mexican judge, Muslims as a whole, etc.) and/or strong-arm his positions, just that when you go to the well too many times you're bound to lose some credibility, that's all.

On the Fact that the Movie, "300", Tries to Portray the Spartans as this Great Band of Freedom Fighters When In Actuality They Were Conquerors Who Enslaved and Brutalized Their Subjects at an Alarming Rate and Who Were Just as Imperialistic as the Persians Were

So, yes, the Iranians actually do have a beef here, a legitimate one.

On the Fact that Even Though They Harbored Many More Slaves than the United States and Treated Them Exponentially Worse, Brazil Was Able to Get Rid of this Institution with Minimal Bloodshed (Ditto, Every Other Country Except for Haiti)

I guess that it (war and bloodshed) just wasn't in "God's plan" (the bogus justification that Lincoln concocted as the body-count rose).

Sunday, December 4, 2016

On the Fact that the 16 Year-Old Black Street-Thug Who Murdered 29 Year-Old Cyclist, Robert Ponsi, in Baltimore Is Going to Be Tried as a Juvenile Offender and Hence Will Probably Get Out of Prison by Age 21 -

Yeah, we need criminal justice reform alright.......Starting with shit like this!

On the Fact that Ann Coulter Recently Referred to the University of Pennsylvania as a "Lesser Ivy"

She is full of shit on this one in that Penn has the #7 ranked law school (only slightly behind Yale, Harvard, and Columbia), the #3 ranked medical school for research (ahead of both Yale and Columbia), the #11 ranked medical school for primary-care (well ahead of Yale, Columbia, AND Harvard), and the #4 ranked business school (ahead of Columbia and Yale and only slightly behind Harvard). And didn't Ms. Coulter go to Cornell, an "ivy" that ranks below Penn in virtually every category? Please, somebody ask her if she thinks that Cornell is a lesser ivy......................................................................................................P.S. My source for the rankings is the U.S. News and World Report, 2016.  

On the New York Times's "Move Along, Nothing to See Here" Approach to Covering Pizzagate and the Podesta Emails (Where it's Almost Certain that These Pervs Were Communicating in Pedophilia Codes; the Fact that Nobody "Does" a Pizza, "Does" a Hotdog, Plays Dominoes on Cheese, etc.)

And if these clowns were Republicans they'd be covering it the exact same way, correct?......Yeah, right (the fact that they did a bogus cover story about McCain having an affair, AN AFFAIR!!)

Saturday, December 3, 2016

On Cyd Charisse's Sickeningly Hot Turn in "The Bandwagon"

Let's just put it this way. Mr. Astaire didn't stand a chance in this one and neither would any of us. Oh yeah!

On the Fact that Sexual Harassment Has Now Been Watered-Down to the Point Where What Was Once Considered Innocuous Banter Is Now Seen as Intolerable Cruelty (Courtesy of Anti-Intellectual Dolts, Ramrods, and Miscreants)

As the wussification of America proceeds.......unabated. 

On the Fact that Tony Podesta Has a Work of Art Which Closely Resembles One of Jeffrey Dahmer's Frozen Victims

Well, being that the creep goes to "spirit cookings" and emails in pedophilia codes, can't say that I'm hugely surprised.......Are you?

On "Rape Cultures"

Yes, they exist and they're called prisons, Muslim societies, and the black inner-city (everywhere where the leftists AREN'T looking, in other words). Please, check 'em out some time.......AND LEARN SOMETHING, FOR CHRIST

On the Fact that Whenever You Have Troughs (In the Case of Global Warming, Billions and Billions of Dollars of Grant Money), You Will Also Have Pigs (In this Instance, "Scientists" Who Are Quite Willing to Sell Their Souls to Keep this Gravy-Train Afloat)

And that is precisely why we need to keep science and the government separated, to avoid this.

Friday, December 2, 2016

On the Concept of Thousands of Fighting-Age Syrian Men Running Around the Country (a Lot of Whom Undoubtedly Think that Women Are Second-Class Humans, that Free-Speech Mustn't Be Tolerated, and that Gays Should Be Severely Punished) Unsupervised and with Very Inadequate Vetting

What could go conceivably wrong (besides everything, that is)?

On the Legacy Media's Recent Preoccupation with "Fake News"

So the same people who had told us that there were WMD in Iraq, that there was a genocide going on in Yugoslavia, that the Iranians were attempting to enrich weapons-grade uranium (as if going from 3% to 90% was as easy as flipping a switch), that the Syrians were using poison gas on their own citizens just for the sheer hell of it, etc. are now accusing other folks of spreading disinformation. Well I'll be damned. 

On the Fact that Abraham Lincoln Was a Lifelong Member of the Yankee Founded, American Colonization Society (and by Lifelong, I Mean, Right Up to His Last Dying Breath; the Smoking Gun Being the Documented Works of Historians, Philip Magness and Lerone Bennet)

Even by 19th Century Standards, Lincoln was a virulent white supremacist who literally wanted to gather up every freed slave and dump them into Africa (a cultural situation that they had absolutely nothing in common with after multiple centuries in America) and the fact that there are still folks from across the political spectrum (from neocons to progressives) who not only accept him but champion him is perplexing to say the least..........................................................................................................P.S. And no, it wasn't just this fact that led me to the above conclusion. I site also a) the plethora of racist sentiments that the man uttered over the years, b) the fact that his 1861 inaugural was essentially a "slavery forever" missive, and c) the fact that his Emancipation Proclamation didn't free a single slave and was penned primarily as a military strategy (its main goal of course being to incite a slave insurrection).......Seriously, if you want to remove somebody from the currency and use Harriet Tubman in that person's stead, look no further, people. Look no further.

On the Fact that Without Open Discourse, There Is No Scholarship, and to Have a Discourse There Has to Be at Least Two Points of View

So there isn't a truckload of scholarship going on in many colleges these days, in other words. How pathetic.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

On Being Called Transphobic Simply for Not Believing that an Individual Can Magically Change His or Her Gender

I have zero problem with trans-people and support equal rights (I'll even call a male to female tranny, she, if it makes HER happy) but I will not concede that an individual who was born a male (i.e., a human who's only non-Y chromosomes ironically reside in his sperm cells) can suddenly become a female simply because "he" undergoes a series of surgical mutilations, dangerous hormonal therapies, mental gymnastics, etc.. Sorry but that's a bridge too far for me. 

On the Fact that a Significant Portion of the American Left Is Currently Praising Castro (Posthumously Now, Thank the Lord), a Tyrant and Mass Murderer, While Simultaneously Vilifying Trump


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

On the Fact that We Still Don't Know How Trump and Pence Were Able to Retain Those Thousand Carrier Jobs in Indiana

It makes a difference (the fact that if it was due to Trump's economic policies, that would be good but if it was more a by-product of cronyism and coercion, yeah, not so much) and, besides, the American citizens have a right to know - the bottom-line.  

On the Fact that in 1955 (According to the Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy; June of 2003), the Riviera Casino in Las Vegas (Just this One Casino) Had More Gambling Action than the Entire Island of Cuba Did (with Gambling Being but a Tiny Fraction of that Country's GDP)

So much for Meyer Lansky and the mob running Cuba and the warped belief that a person can best learn the history of pre-Castro Cuba by watching "The Godfather 2" (a la, Michael Moore, Jon Stewart, etc.).

On the Fact that in the the Perverse Mind of the Modern Feminist, Any Sexual Act, Even One in Which There Is No Force, No Inequality, and No Coercion, Can in Fact Be Considered Rape, Depending Upon the Woman's Mind-Set, a Paradigm in Which One Can Quite Literally Assert a Lack of Consent SECONDS AFTER IT WAS GIVEN

So men have to be mind-readers, I guess.......Good luck with that.

On the Fact that Ms. Magazine Recently Compared America's University Administrations to ISIS

That is full-bore insanity. To even suggest that America's colleges are on a par with ISIS, a murderous, barbaric, and slant-headed organization that uses not just sexual torture but torture across the board and kills people for the most preposterous of slights, IS LUDICROUS. If anything, these colleges and their administrations have bought hook, line, and sinker the entire feminist philosophy and are sticking to the male students (males getting kicked out of school because the chick has a change of heart the next morning and claims that she was raped).......ISIS, yeah, not so much. 

On the Bizarre Notion that the American Founding Fathers Eliminated British Rule Just so that They Could Reestablish a Strong Central Authority of Their Own

Yeah, I really think that we need to start teaching logic in school 'cause this is pure bullshit (the fact that anybody could come to this fascistic fantasy and expect to be taken seriously AND ARE)................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, the major stumbling block here is the public school system itself in that the state clearly has a vested interest in continuing the paradigm that they and only they should retain the reins of power.    

On the Denial of Rape-Culture Being Proof of Rape-Culture

Again, we need to teach logic 'cause if we don't this type of fuzzy thinking will continue to prevail (the notion that a verbal negation of something affirms that very thing being extremely illogical).......Aristotle for beginners maybe. 

On the Compatibility of Political Islam with Western Values

There isn't a plus-nickel's worth (the fact that radical Islam doesn't believe in free speech, freedom of the press, women's rights, gay rights, a separation between church and state, diversity in any real sense, etc.) and because of this, yes, we need to be exceedingly careful as to who we allow in this country. I mean, I understand that this a spear in the heart of multiculturalism and all but cultural suicide isn't exactly an appealing eventuality, either. Yes, Trump is a buffoon and he articulated his position on this matter awkwardly at best but at least he recognized this incongruence and that to me is better than having one's head in the sand 24/7.  

Monday, November 28, 2016

On the Fact that John Podesta's Last Missive on Twitter Was November 7th

Yeah, if somebody had falsely accused me of being a pedophile, I would be going nonstop to defend myself. Yes, he does have the right to keep his yapper shut and, yes, he is innocent until proven otherwise but I challenge anybody to go on Wikileaks and look at those disturbing Podesta Emails and try to conjure up with a more plausible explanation. ANYBODY.

On the Fact that the Social Networking Web-Site, Reddit, Has Banned All Accounts Related to Pizzagate (the Scandal that Centers Around Those Creepy Podesta Emails and the Pizza Place in D.C. Where a Lot of These Miscreants Hang Out) While Continuing to Allow Perverts Such as "Pedofiends" to Post with Impunity -

It's disgusting and probably a big reason as to why so many folks have been leaving sites like Reddit and Twitter and moving on over to Gab (which thus far hasn't been censoring people I've been told). 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Note to Carlos Santana

While I appreciate your guitar-work, the Che Guevara hero-worshiping, yeah, not so much. a) The guy was a murderous bastard who played a crucial role in the firing-squad deaths of 16,000 political prisoners (none of whom received a trial). b) He oversaw a prison system in which both men and women were routinely and hideously tortured (and, no, we aren't talking water-boarding here, either). c) He had zero respect for civil liberties and helped to create what was essentially a police state and gulag system. And d) he was a genocidal madman whose ultimate goal was to nuke the U.S..................................................................................................Look, I get it, it's cool in your little clique to dig Che and you're probably not the most learned man in the hemisphere but, dude, COME ON, there's gotta be some sort of limit as to how far left that you clowns are willing to take this shit. There's gotta be..................................................................................................P.S. My source for the 16,000 deaths is the Black Book of Communism and my source for this asshole wanting to nuke the U.S. is Che himself; "If the missiles (from the Cuban missile crisis) had remained, we would have used them against the very heart of the U.S., including New York. We must never establish peaceful coexistence. In this struggle to the death between two systems we must gain the ultimate victory. We must walk the path of liberation even if it costs MILLIONS OF ATOMIC VICTIMS (emphasis mine)."......So, ya' still gonna wear that fucking t-shirt, amigo?

On the Fact that Raul Castro Once Uttered that it Was His Dream to "Drop Three Atomic Bombs on New York"

So the left has no problem with this genocidal madman but Trump is Hitler? Wow, huh?

Saturday, November 26, 2016

On the Claim by Ben Shapiro and Other Neocon Ramrods that Rand Paul Is an "Isolationist"

Yeah, this is essentially the same horseshit that "The Nation" and other war-mongering interventionists were saying about people like Robert Taft and Russell Kirk back in the '30s and '40s. It didn't make any sense then (the fact that Taft and Kirk weren't so much isolationists as they were non-interventionists; a distinction that was apparently just as baffling to the progressives of yesteryear as it is to the neocons of today) and it makes even less sense now (the fact that our interventions have almost uniformly led to chaos and unintended consequences making us even less secure).............Of course, if Mr.Shapiro, Brett Stephens and the rest of these chicken-hawk war-mongers of fighting-age desire to volunteer THEIR services, yes, by all means.......  

On the Fact that the U.S. Homeland Security Department Has Simultaneously Stated that the U.S.-Mexican Border Is "Safe and Secure" and that the Mexican Drug Cartels Have Successfully Infiltrated Nearly 300 U.S. Cities and Represent One of the Country's "Most Serious Organized Crime Threats"

That just might be the most poisonous piece of double-speak in U.S. history (and, yes, that is saying quite a lot being that we've had so many idiotic Presidents; Fillmore, Wilson, FDR, George W. Bush, etc.), and if you're still scratching your noggin as to why Trump won, yeah, I don't know.

On the Belief that Voter Fraud Doesn't Exist............Except When Republicans Win

My head hasn't gone back and forth this much since Mats Wilander and Ivan Lendl played that epic 5 set final at the 1987 U.S. Open. Seriously.

On the Palatial New Mormon Temple that Just Went Up in Farmington, Connecticut

Well that's one religion that isn't hard-up for money (and, yes, thankfully they aren't using that money to blow people up).

Friday, November 25, 2016

On the Fact that the Left Made a Monstrous Deal Over Trump Saying that He Might Not Accept the Results of the Election but Now that They've Lost They're Protesting, Rioting, and Even Making Claims of Voter Fraud

Would somebody please wrap up a consistent moral yardstick and put it under their Christmas tree, for Christ?......A couple of irony stocking stuffers, too.

On the Fact that (According to Transparency International - Mexican Drug Dealers Dished Out $2.75 Billion in Bribes to that Country's Law Enforcement Officials

And we wonder why over 90% of the violent crimes in Mexico go unsolved. There's gotta be a connection.

On the Brain-Diseased Notion that the Best Way to Fight Fascism Is to Bequeath the Government with Additional Might

A less logical thing I've never encountered EVER and, yet, it continues to be the most prevalent paradigm in BOTH parties. Heaven help us.

On Anthony Weiner Checking Himself Into a Rehab Facility for Sex Addiction


On the Fact that Philadelphia D.A., Seth Williams, Has Recently Established a Hate-Crimes Task-Force for the City

Yeah, because there's sooooooooooo much white on black crime in Philadelphia (the fact of the matter of course being that interracial crime to the extent that it does exist in America's cities is predominantly black on white and black on Asian and that you'd have to be a demagogue and/or delusional to try and assert otherwise).

On the Fact that of the 22 Major Party Candidates Who Ran for the Presidency this Year, Only a Handful of Them Were Smart Enough to Know that Getting Involved in the Middle of a Syrian Civil War Was a Ridiculously Stupid Idea and One of Them, Like it or Not, Was Donald Trump

Principled anti-war liberals should at least give the guy credit for that, no?

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

On the Concept of Letting Google, Verizon, Cable News, and Mark Zuckerberg Predominantly Determine What Constitutes "Fake News"

Yeah, what could possibly go wrong with that (as I laugh myself to shear exhaustion)?

On the Fact that (According to Thomas Sowell, the Brookings Institute, and Other Researchers) Isolation (Geographic, Economic, etc.) Robustly Correlates with Poverty

President Trump just might want to consider this fact as he moves ahead. Hint, hint.

On the Fact that Communist Party Honcho, John Bachtell, Stated Back in February that He Would Support Hillary Clinton for President if Bernie Sanders Didn't Get the Democratic Nomination - - Quick Addendum

And what do you say that we do a little calculation here? Yes, the KKK did lynch black people (white people, too, but nobody cares about them; the fact that lynching was just as much a form of vigilante justice as it was a product of straight-up racism) but we're talking 4 to 5,000 here, Yeah, that's a lot but when you compare it to Marxism, a philosophy that has slaughtered somewhere between 85 and 100 MILLION, I don't know, folks, it seems to me that Trump isn't the only person who needs to do some "repudiating", "disavowing", "distancing", etc.. 

On 1950s and '60s Actress and Sex-Kitten, Carroll Baker

Kind of a cross between Tuesday Weld and Brigitte Bardot, and even though her Hollywood star didn't prevail all that long (a decade and a half about - not including her foreign films), still gotta rank her way up there, I think. A baby-doll, indeed.

On the Fact that U.N. Foreign Diplomats Continue to Receive Immunity for Parking Tickets (Not to Mention for Other Crimes), $16 Million Worth and Counting

Time to put a screaming halt to that crap, I'd say......................................................................................................................P.S. The biggest offender? Egypt. Hardly a surprise there.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

On the Fact that Japanese Immigrants to the U.S. in the Early 20th Century Worked Predominantly as Domestic Servants and Gardeners and In Spite of Paltry Wages and Unbelievable Access to the Money and Valuables of Their Employers Virtually NEVER Pilfered from Them

So much for poverty causing crime and culture not mattering.

On the Fact that The U.S. and N.A.T.O. Bombed Yugoslavia Back Into the Stone-Age (Murdering Countless Civilians in the Process) Over a Genocide that Wasn't Taking Place and All But Ignored the Actual Genocide that Was Raging in Rwanda

Now this is something that black folks SHOULD be pissed off about (and certainly a topic for "conversation"). Wouldn't you say?

On the Fact that the Chevy Bolt (Even with the Humongous $7,500 Tax Credit) Is Twice as Expensive as the Chevy Sonic (an Auto that Gets 35 MPG on the Highway) and You Don't Have to Plug the Sonic in

Yeah, I gotta go with the Sonic here (I'm a Nissan guy but if I was to buy a Chevy), especially now with gas being so inexpensive and me not buying the whole CO2 is killing the earth narrative. But, hey, if you want to get reamed, knock yourself out.

On the "Hate Speech Isn't Free Speech" Bromide

Sorry, snowflakes, it's pure bullshit. The First Amendment protects all speech including hate speech (the exceptions of course being calls to violence and mayhem) and who in the hell is going to be the arbiter of what is and isn't hateful? The government? You and your fellow SJWs? Yeah, right.

Monday, November 21, 2016

On the Dangers of Political Correctness

“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.” Theodore Dalrymple - sizes it up pretty well, doesn't it?

On the Absolute Certainty that I Will Hold President Trump to a Much Higher Standard than Partisan Leftist Buffoons Like Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Lawrence O'Donnell, Octopus, Tao, and Flying Junior (the Latter Three Having Only Slightly Less Notoriety, Relevance, and Heft than the Former Three) Would Have Held a President Clinton to

There's precious little that you can take to the bank these days. Feel free to, this.

The Biggest Winner of this Election Cycle (the Biggest Loser of Course Being the American Public)?

As far as I'm aware, there was only one news anchor who obliterated Newt Gingrich AND Donna Brazile and her name is Megyn Kelly. I vote for her (plus I love the new short hairdo).

On the Fact that at the Same Time that the Congressional Black Caucus Was Praising Raul Castro as Some Sort of Hero, the Black Human Rights Activist, Orlando Tamoyo, Was Being Unspeakably Tortured to to the Point of Irreparable Damage by His Cuban Jailers

So it's just not enough to be the tool of white leftists, they have to be the tool of Stalinist madmen as well. How disgusting.

Note to CNN's Don Lemon

Yes, Steve Bannon did say that Breitbart News provided a "platform for the Alt Right". But he's also made numerous other comments in which he adds significant nuance to the subject ( - fast-forward to 3:30) that you/CNN were either a) unaware of due to a lack of research or b) cognizant of but chose to ignore because you wanted to deceive your viewers. And, while, yes, I understand that the media continues to be in full-scale crisis mode due this election (and just for the record, I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary in that neither one met my minimum standard for President), if you really and truly wanted to know how how the orange guy got elected, look in the mirror, Don, it's all right there.   

Sunday, November 20, 2016

On the Fact that Not Only Do Asian-Americans Outperform White Folks When it Comes to Income and Education, They Also Commit Far Less Crime

Yeah, it must be because of those Asian Founding Fathers and the Asian privilege that they worked so tirelessly to impose upon a fledgling nation.......At least that's the only thing that I can think of (the fact that it couldn't possibly be because they work harder, have a more intact family structure, etc.).

Saturday, November 19, 2016

On the Daily Beast's Assertion that Trump Adviser, Steve Bannon, Might Be a Little Bit "Too Shady to Handle Secrets"

Yeah, as opposed to Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and the rest of that merry band of "patriots" who were just sooooooooooooo careful and meticulous when they handled classified material. Makes sense to me!

On the Fact that Laura Ingraham Is Apparently Being Considered for Press Secretary in a Trump Administration

Well, being that she's been shilling for the guy 24/7 and for the better part of 15 months, it's probably an OK choice.

On the Fact that Communist Party Honcho, John Bachtell, Stated Back in February that He Would Support Hillary Clinton for President if Bernie Sanders Didn't Get the Democratic Nomination -

And the media ignored it as if it was the plague (as opposed to the way that they crucified Trump simply for not condemning David Duke quickly and vociferously enough). How fucking pitiful.

On the Fact that on July 9th, 1979, "Newsweek" Ran a Cover Story on the Energy Crisis and Claimed that We'd Be Out of Oil Within a Decade

And we're still swimming in the stuff (talk about a crisis......for the environmentalists!!). Go figure, huh?

Friday, November 18, 2016

On the Fact that Rand Paul Is Now on the Record as Saying that He Will Strenuously Oppose John Bolton if Trump Nominates the Dude for Secretary of State

The last sane Republican comes through yet again. THANK GOD.

On the Fact that Leftist Blacks Like Harry Belafonte, Jesse Jackson, the Congressional Black Caucus, etc. Always Seem to Be Heaping Praise on the Castro Brothers

They're evidently unaware that 80 to 90% of the prison population in Cuba is black and that blacks are treated horribly all throughout that society. Oops, OOPS -

On Donald Trump's Assertion that the Iran Deal Was the Most Poorly Negotiated Deal in All of World History (or Words to that Effect)

I'll bet you ten dollars and a six pack that he's never read so much as a paragraph of it, and that he's simply spewing words that he thinks that the conservative base wants him to say. I could be wrong but I doubt it.

On the Fact that Trump Sycophants and Boot-Lickers Are Presently Flooding with Negative Reviews of Megyn Kelly's New Book (a Large Chunk of Whom Have Most Certainly Never Read it)

To steal a phrase from Donald himself (on another topic), stop it!

On the Fact that There Are Numerous Countries All Throughout the World (from Zimbabwe, Rwanda, and Uganda to Japan, Vietnam, and South Korea) that Strive to Be Racially and Ethnically Homogeneous and Who Are NEVER, EVER Criticized by the Leftists as Bigoted and/or Ethnocentric

Is there anything that these fascistic creeps aren't hypocritical about?......'Cause I'm still lookin', folks.

On the Fact the Left, Instead of Concluding that Their Candidate Was a Dishonest, Corrupt, and War-Mongering Battle-Axe/Crony Who Played a Role in the Destruction of Countless Nations, Ran Interference for Her Predatory and Sleazy Husband, Threatened the Iranians with a Nuclear Strike, and Who Apparently Screwed the Dirt-Poor Haitians, Is Doubling Down on the Racism Charge and Even Inferring that Everyone Who Voted for Trump Is Some Sort of Vile White Supremacist

They are playing with fire and I strongly advise them to reconsider (if for no other reason that it's counterproductive; the concept of insulting tens of millions of voters being bound to backfire).

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Note to Samantha Bee

You stupid bitch. You stupid, stupid bitch. Yes, Trump is a douche-bag and, yes, he's said some sexist things (though, to be fair, Rosie O'Donnell did threw the first salvo in their little spat) but your candidate, your goddess, Mrs. Clinton a) took copious amounts of money from Qatar and Saudi Arabia, two of the most misogynistic countries on the planet and still won't criticize them, b) denigrated the women who her husband has been accused of sexually assaulting and having affairs with (calling them "trailer trash" and other such insults), c) defended a child-rapist and did so in a manner that was so loathsome (essentially putting the youngster on trial) that it wouldn't have been allowed with today's rape-shield laws, d) wants to normalize relations with Cuba, a renegade country that has imprisoned and tortured THOUSANDS of women just for having a different political view, e) supported the sanctions in Iraq, a policy that caused the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, f) has threatened Iran with a nuclear attack, and g) has royally (along with her philandering husband) fucked up (via graft and cronyism) the Haitian rebuilding process to the tune of thousands of women and children starving to death...............................................................................................................Look, if you want to support Hillary as the lesser of two evils, that's fine. Just don't give me a bunch of bullshit about Hillary being some great supporter of woman 'cause she isn't.  

On the Concept of the Leader of the Free World Tweeting Out His Random Thoughts at 4 AM Every Morning

It's different. I grant you that.

On the Fact that Mrs. Clinton Seemingly Didn't Care for Trump's Description of Partial-Birth Abortion

And how pray-tell would she characterize this procedure? The way that I see it, the dude wasn't graphic ENOUGH and probably should have explained in detail the horrid nature of dilation and extraction (in which the baby's brain is punctured and sucked out) and dilation and evacuation (in which the baby is poisoned and carved to shreds) and have Hillary choke on that. At the very least it would have made for some riveting television.

On the Fact that Leftist Imbeciles Like the Sock-Puppet, Jersey McJones, Are Now Attempting to Blame Trump for All of the Anti-Trump Rioting and Destruction Which Is Currently Taking Place in Big Cities All Throughout the Country

You cannot answer words with violence and anybody who thinks that you can is an illiberal, fascistic, poorly-read piece of garbage who's capacity to look in the mirror, assess oneself, and think outside the box is about as low as the human species can go. Sorry but that's how I see it.

On the Fact that Leslie Stahl Seemingly Felt the Need to Grill Donald Trump Over Hateful Speech that Some of His Supporters May Have Uttered (She Provides No Audio or Video Evidence) but Doesn't Feel that Need to Grill Obama and Clinton Over the Fact that Thousands of Their Supporters Are Rioting All Across the Country

There are a lot of things that Trump said during this campaign that I disagree with (on trade, infrastructure spending, immigration, etc.) and, yes, he has a penchant to strong-arm his positions but on this point; media corruption/bias, the dude nailed it and if anything he wasn't strident enough (the fact that these scoundrels would go after Trump with no solid evidence and let the liberals skate in spite of copious evidence).  

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

On the Mexican Government's Hypocrisy on Illegal Immigration

  A pretty good summary right here, folks.............................................................................................................P.S. And, no, I'm not suggesting that we emulate Mexico's policy. Just pointing out the sheer double-standard.

On the Fact that the Vile,Vulgar, Brain-Diseased, and Moronic Group, Black Lives Matter (Who if They Actually Did Care About Black Lives Would Be Protesting the Gang-Bangers in Places Like Chicago, Baltimore, Cleveland, Charlotte, etc. but I Digress) Is Apparently Protesting a Mom and Pop Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio Simply Because the Owners of this Establishment Had the Unmitigated Audacity to Detain a Black Shoplifter

   Total insanity and if that isn't Kafkaesque for you, get this. By the time that the cops arrived, this same black shoplifter was beating the daylights out of the male proprietor. Icing on the damned cake.

On the Fact that One of the Golden Rules of Politics Is that While it's Generally OK to Denigrate Your Opponent, it Is NEVER OK to Denigrate Their Supporters (the Fact that They're Potential Votes, the Fact that You May Have to Represent Them at Some Point, etc.)

Yeah, it seems that Hillary may have been absent for that tutorial (deplorably and irredeemably, perhaps).

On the Fact that at Various Junctures of His Career, Van Jones Has Been a Marxist, a Crony Capitalist, a 9/11 Truther, a 24/7 Race-Baiter, a Mindless Bureaucrat, and a Vacuous TV Talking-Head

Let's just put it this way. It's not a resume that I'd be chiseling in stone any time soon.

On the Fact that (per the Association of Ex-Cuban Political Prisoners) Not a Single One of the Nearly 500 People Who Were Murdered by Castro's Firing Squads During August of 1964 Had Ever Been Affiliated with the Batista Regime and Most in Fact Had Actually Opposed Batista

What, you think that George Bush invented, "You're either with us or against us"?......Open a book, people!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

On President Obama's Foreign Policy

Not predator drone oriented/expansive enough (art courtesy of the amazing Anthony Freda).

On the Fact that the Poverty Rate for Single White Mothers Is Three Times Higher than that of Two Parent Intact Black Families -

Yeah, I'm calling this one, "Not Having Children Out of Wedlock......Privilege", and strongly suggest that we foster it. ASAP.

On the Fact that Even Though They're Amongst the Most Privileged Individuals in All of Human History, the American College Student Continues to See Himself (Gender Triggered?) as Some Sort of Oppressed Weakling Who Needs to Revolt and Tear Down the Whole System

The bulk of the blame of course goes to all of those lunatic baby-boomer Marxist professors (many of whom have never held a private-sector job) who've been indoctrinating these youngsters and who are all but destroying this country's competitive-edge.......and who we cannot fire!!! Let us NOT forget about that.

On the Fact that the Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Act Is Approximately 14,000 Pages -

Yeah, that would make it longer than "War and Peace", "Crime and Punishment", "Moby Dick", "Of Human Bondage", "Great Expectations", Don Quixote", "Atlas Shrugged", "Les Miserables", "Gone with the Wind", "The Castle", "The Age of Innocence", "The Grapes of Wrath", and Machiavelli's "Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livy" COMBINED......TIMES 2!!!!!......And add to that the fact that you aren't reading the likes of Tolstoy, Melville, Dickens, Wharton, or Steinbeck but rather the idiocy of a cadre of intellectual midgets (politicians and bureaucrats, namely) whose arrogance, lack of self-awareness, surface thinking, and pretense apparently knows no bounds. Talk about insanity, huh?

Monday, November 14, 2016

Note to Van Jones (a Man Who Sees Racists in His Cheerios, I Suspect)

Hey, idiot, Donald Trump actually got a LOWER percentage of the white vote than Romney did ( and so ixnay on the racism charge. The real reason why Hillary lost is because a lot of the blacks, Hispanics, and Democrats who came out to vote for Obama in 2008 and 2012 STAYED HOME. You want to blame someone, blame them.

On the New York Times's Claim that Trump's Foreign Policy Departs from a "Decades-Old Consensus"

And how in the hell is this a bad thing, for Christ (the fact that we've essentially had non-stop interventionism for nearly a century and the world is just as dangerous as ever)? I mean, my God (the fact it's actually one of his better points and with so many other legitimate things to criticize him for......).

Care to "Converse" About this Fact, Mr.s Obama and Holder......or Are You Just too "Cowardly"?

The latter, huh?

On Jose Ramon Cruz, Carlos Machado, Felicio Acosta, Lorenzo Espino, Justo Garcia Jr., Efrain Brizuelas, Jesus Carrillo, Lorentino Pelaez Jr., Tito Sardinas, Juan Blanco, Emeterio Rodriguez, Ruben Acosta, Antonio Ruiz Acosta, Luis Gonzalez, and the Rest of the Teenagers Who Were Executed by the Castro Brothers and Che

So much for Castro's takeover of Cuba being a "revolution of youth" (an assertion that was repeatedly made by the New York Times writer and erstwhile Castro butt-sniffer, Herbert Matthews).      

On What Can Happen When a Cop DOESN'T Shoot

  This shit. Happy?

On Trump's Alleged Coziness with Putin

The fact that the guy isn't hell-bent on another cold-war with Russia probably isn't the best place for the left to be planting yet another flag. I certainly wouldn't recommend it.

On Hillary Clinton's Contention that Mr. Trump's Verbiage Is Being Used as a "Recruiting Tool" by Terrorists

   That may indeed be true, but the fact that Mrs. Clinton's State Department approved the sale of tens of billions of dollars in advanced fighter aircraft to Saudi Arabia (weapons that they're using to destroy Yemen and murder civilians en masse) may be an even bigger one. I'm just sayin'. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

On Men Who Can't Afford to Purchase Insurance for Their Ten Year-Old Nissan Pickup Trucks Continuing to Pump Out Children Nonetheless

It takes a village idiot, I guess.

On Those Celebrities Who Threatened to Move to Canada if Trump Won

Have you noticed that they never threaten to move to Mexico or Guatemala or the Dominican Republic or Jamaica? It's always Canada. Why is that, folks? I mean, are they afraid of dark-skinned people or something (to the point that they'd rather move to one the coldest places on the planet simply to avoid them)? Please, help me deconstruct this one.

On the Fact that the Clintons Seemingly Once Donated Used Underwear to Charity and Actually Wrote it Off On Their Taxes (Two Bucks a Pair) -

And these are the folks who Chelsea Handler and Miley Cyrus are balling over? Seriously, we've descended this far?

The Difference Between Trump and Clinton?

She was going to drive us off the cliff at 100 miles per hour while he's probably only going to do it at 80 or 90.......In a nutshell. 

On the Fact that Trump Seemingly Doesn't Want to Take On Entitlement Reform

So we have approximately $200,000,000,000,000 in unfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran's Benefits, etc.) and all that this fellow wants to do is ape Bush and Obama (do zilch, in other words).......Yeah, I'm gonna buy more silver.

On Why I Didn't Vote for Trump OR Hillary

Because horrible human beings don't suddenly become virtuous when you afford them more power and in fact they often get worse.............So essentially what Lord Acton said, in other words.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

On the Fact that the Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young 2006 "Freedom of Speech Tour" Included a Concert in Havana (the Karl Marx Theater - I Shit You Not)

The irony (the fact that while they were performing their numbers, scores and scores of young Cubans were rotting in dungeons for the crime of, yeah, you guessed it, free speech!) was undoubtedly lost on these burn-outs, I'm sure. Free speech in Havana - LOL!!!!!!

On the Fact that Trump Is Apparently Considering John Bolton as Secretary of State

One of the more enticing aspects of Trump was the fact that he didn't appear to be neocon.......Now this. Very disappointing.

Friday, November 11, 2016

On the Fact that Thuggish Anti-Trump Protesters Are Turning to Violence Throughout the Country -

And Clinton and Obama will be asked to "repudiate" this............when exactly ('cause you know that if Trump supporters were doing this crap, the media would be all over the fellow)?

On Why the Neocons Truly Don't Like Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal

I think that Daniel Larison of "The American Conservative" (, Scott Horton of "Anti-War Radio", and Investigative Journalist, Gareth Porter have all nailed it perfectly. The real reason why the neocons don't like this agreement ISN'T because it isn't punitive enough or even that it places the Middle-East in imminent danger (there actually isn't any compelling evidence that Iran was ever even constructing a bomb in the first place) but rather because it takes the option of war off the table and we simply can't have that, now can we?

On the Fact that Che Guevara (from His Own "Man and Socialism in Cuba") Once Stated that, "There Is No Life Outside the Revolution"

Yeah, I strongly doubt that the Occupy bed-wetters would be down with that (the fact that after brutal day of nonstop rabble-rousing; shitting and pissing in the park, blocking traffic, throwing debris at cops, echoing platitudes, etc., they'd probably want to unwind with some heavy metal, mindless texting to like-minded morons, a few doobies, and 8-10 Bud Lights).

On the Bonnie Raitt, Norah Jones Version of "The Tennessee Waltz"

  Well, it's nice to know that there are least two people who can sing effectively without having a heart attack (a la, Michael Bolton, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, etc.).

On the Fact that the Only Government in Modern History (Cuba) to Outlaw Rock and Roll Music Has Literally Had Those Very Same Rock Stars (Stephen Stills, Carlos Santana, Bonnie Raitt, Chrissie Hynde, etc.) Write and Perform Songs that Glorify it

You want an effective anti-drug commercial? Start here.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

On the Fact that While I've Never Been a Big Fan of Trump and Freely Admit that He'll Probably Be a Meh President at Best, it All Seems Worth it Just for the Sheer Spectacle of One Buffoonish, Elitist, Pseudo-Intellectual, Leftist Media Fuckfaced Schmuck After Another Crapping Themselves for All the World to See

And how.

On the Fact that (in the Wake of Trump's Victory) There Are Apparently College Students Out There Who Are Just too Distraught to Attend Class

Try that in the private sector, snowflakes. I double-dog dare ya'.

On the Fact that Dinesh D'Souza Spent Months in Prison for a Minor Campaign Violation While Hillary Clinton, Who Violated Multiple Laws Pertaining to National Security and Who Lied to the F.B.I., Congress, etc., Was Never Held Accountable for Anything (the Election, Aside)

One of them made a documentary that was exceedingly critical of President Obama. Guess which.

On the Fact that Hillary Only Got 22% of the Vote in Wyoming

Which would make Wyoming command central for the "deplorable and irredeemable", I guess.......You go, cowboys!

On the Fact that Even Though Mandela Was a Communist Who Quoted Karl Marx and Buthelezi a Libertarian Who Quoted James Madison and Adam Smith, the West Not Only Got Behind the Former but Actually Tried to Deify Him

And even after the Berlin Wall was destroyed, it continued. So inexplicable.

On When Somebody Calls You a Racist

I think that the journalist, provocateur, and iconoclast, Jim Goad, probably has the best advice in that he tells the object of the slur to ask the perpetrator of it to define exactly what he or she means and when they do, you can either say that you are or you aren't. He claims that it's a strategy which typically ends the conversation and I strongly suspect that he's correct.     

On Joy Behar's Suicide Watch

q 15 minutes, folks (ditto, Krugman, Goldberg, Maddow, etc.).

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

On Van Jones's Claim that Trump's Victory Represents a Racist White Backlash Against Obama

Alright, let's see if I've gotten this straight; Jones is saying that all of those white people in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Carolina, and Florida who voted for Obama in 2008 AND 2012, they're suddenly racist now simply because they didn't vote for the corrupt, demagogic, and war-mongering Mrs. Clinton? Seriously, that's what CNN is paying him for?......And they wonder why their brand is on life-support. 

On Polk, Lincoln, McKinley, TR, Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Bush 1, and Bush 2

I'll take, "Presidents Who Shamelessly, Mindlessly, and Deviously Plunged the Country Into Stupid and Unnecessary Wars that Could Have Easily Been Averted", for a thousand, Alex.......................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, hopefully I won't have to add Trump to the list.

On the Fact that Even Though it's Been Discredited Every Which Way Conceivable, the New York Times and Leftist Dolts Like Bob Beckel Continue to Parrot the Bald-Faced Lie that the Batista Government Slaughtered 20,000 Cubans

Yeah, this one's a massive whopper. a) The Magazine that had published the original story ("Bohemia") just several months later had to admit that the total deaths ON BOTH SIDES of the war was less than 900 and b) the guy who had originally reported on the 20,000 figure ultimately confessed that he had simply made the number up. I mean, I understand that the leftist media loves to beat up on people who they consider to be "right-wing" dictators (and Batista wasn't even a right-winger) and all but this particular claim is is so ludicrous that we really need to put an end to it immediately. 20,000 murders, my ass.........................................................................................................P.S. My source for this is Venezuelan journalist, Oscar Yanes, who, after Mr. Quevedo (who ultimately blew his brains out in a fit of guilt) had to flee from Cuba, stated taking an interest in his saga.      

On the Fact that Slade Leeds Has Never Once Even Pondered that He Himself Could Leave the Fray

Yeah, he is just way too dumb, entitled, and busy trying to strike pay-dirt over a word here and there (a strategy in which he always misses the more significant points) to even contemplate an alternative possibility, and so why do we even try? I certainly know that I'm done.

On the Fact that Whenever White Liberals Say, "Jump", Black Liberals Generally Ask, "How High?"

Hopefully the spell will eventually be broken but after 50 years (LBJ's goal was 200), no, I'm not exactly holding my breath.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

On the Fact that the Left Has Deftly and Consistently Been Able to Bury IT'S Racism (the Notion that Black Folks Can't Succeed Without Preferential Policies, that They're Just too Feeble-Minded to Secure a Photo-ID, etc.) Beneath a Flimsy Veneer of Altruism and a Thicker One of Condescension

I think that it's time for black folks to rediscover Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, and John F. Kennedy (people who emphasized self-help and who weren't patronizing) and to reject the Marc LaMont Hills, Al Sharptons, Jamal Bryants, and Jesse Jacksons of the world.......or to at least give it a try. To steal a phrase from Trump, what have they got to lose?

On the Fact that I Finally Figured Out My Gender; "Addicted to Lipstick Lesbian Casually-Attired Straight Fella' Who Doesn't Despise Guys"

Are you listening, Facebook peeps, New York City, Etc?......You had better......

On the Fact that the Mediocre and Grating Leftist Journalist/Pundit, Ana Marie Cox, Recently Claimed that Women and Minorities Were Saving the Country (by Not Voting for Trump, I Guess)

So putting in a chick who's repeatedly threatened the Syrians and the Russians with a no-fly zone (an act that could quite literally precipitate WW3), who apparently had no qualms about emailing sensitive State Department information on a private server, and who's taken part in the destruction and/or destabilization of numerous nations (Libya, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen) is considered saving the country now. Wow, huh?

On the Fact that (According to the Washington Post's Database) of the 772 People Shot by Cops so Far this Year (as of Mid-October), Only 188 Have Been Black and of this Group Only 16 Have Been Unarmed (and Most of Them Were Either Attacking the Cop, Resisting Arrest, or Going for the Weapon)

  Great speech; a young Thomas Sowell/Walter Williams.