Sunday, October 20, 2024

On the 1957 Classic Film, "Edge of the City", Featuring Sidney Poitier and John Cassavetes and Directed by Martin Ritt


 This was groundbreaking movie in that it featured not just an interracial friendship between two men but also a relationship in which the black man lived a meaningful and normal life and eventually became a mentor to his white friend who clearly didn't. Granted, the ending was a real gut-punch but with such a powerful script and performances that were amazing (not just from the two leads but also from a supporting cast that included Jack Warden, Kathleen Maguire, and Ruby Dee), perhaps that's what they wanted us to feel, who knows. 

The Difference Between Me and this Individual?


 There are clearly many differences (her seemingly making a mad rush to the most extreme position on pretty much every issue under the sun and me not doing that, for one) but if I had to pick just one it would likely be the fact that she wants to silence me (not me personally but hopefully you get the point) and I want her to keep talking......and talking......and talking. Pretty fundamental, wouldn't you say?

On the Painfully Unprepared Time Walz Being Asked if the American Public Can Trust Him and the Dude Responding with, "I Think so"

Well, he did confess to being a knucklehead so at least we can trust him on that point, I guess.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

On Whether Those Lunatic Teachers Who Upload TikTok Videos Are In Any Sense Representative of the Profession as it Currently Is

Sounds like a trite question but have you ever viewed some of this shit? It's off the effing charts (predominantly fetishistic sex nonsense and racial grievance mongering) and when you pair it with the rantings of that low-information and disgusting union shit, Randi Weingarten, I sure as shit wouldn't mind an answer.

On Melinda Gates Being Worth Approximately $11 Million (Probably More but I'll Be Conservative Here)

So somewhere around $10,990,000,000 more than she's be worth had she never married her even weirder ex-husband, what's his name, in other words. Interesting (for the lack of a better word).

Thursday, October 17, 2024

On the Fact that Even Though Glenn Ford Was Married to Eleanor Powell and Made Five Movies with Rita Hayworth, His Biggest Woodie Had HAD to Have Occurred When He Filmed "A Time for Killing" In 1966 with Inger Stevens, that Hot She Was

And as you already know, I always bring the receipts.

On the Claim from that Dullard Host of "Call Her Daddy" that Most Men Don't Know Where Tampons Go

While I've never done a formal survey on this ludicrous question, I'm pretty certain that a) 99% of dudes with an IQ over 70 (so one standard deviation below normal, in other words) could answer it correctly and b) only a dimwit would ever pose it. For example.

On the Horrifying Possibility of Having Hillary "the Gnome" Clinton as the U.S.A.'s "Misinformation Czar" (She's Obviously Pitching for it On Crappy Corporate News Programs)

  And please keep in mind that this cretin is herself one of the most vile prevaricators and spewers of foolishness from the past century plus, a woman who a) dished out a boatload of cash to some dumb as dirt British spy who in turn went overseas and coordinated with two Russian disinformation agents to concoct a bunch of bullshit about Trump and b) knew that the whole thing was fabricated and still told anybody who could stand her presence for more than five minutes that it was legit. The woman is a psychopath and if she is somehow able to shoe herself into this makeshift job, watch out, 'cause she will censor you, I guarantee.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

On the Head Honcho of the Longshoremen’s Association Currently Making $728,000 a Year (Add In Another $173,000 for Being President Emeritus of a Local Union Branch), Driving Around In a Bentley, Living In a $1.7 Million Dwelling Nestled On a 10 Acre Lot, and Recently Selling Off His 76 Foot Yacht (Must Have Had a Cash-Flow Problem, the Poor Bastard)

 But other than that just a regular Joe, I've been told.

On Low-IQ Whitmer Recently Crapping Out an Insulting and Putrid Video In Which She Appears to Be Ridiculing the Catholic Mass

 I'm not a big fan of organized religions in that I find a lot of them either silly or dangerous (guess which), but being that I'm not an an immature slant like Whitmer I don't go around needlessly shitting on them, antagonizing them, etc.. Now, if they happen to come after me, that's different, I will defend myself but save for that, live and let live, I say.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

On Trump Appearing On the Theo Von Podcast and Saying that if Elected He Would Strongly Consider Declassifying Epstein's "Little Black Book"

Yet another inducement for the (bullet-sweating) ramrods to destroy the guy (as if they really needed one).

On the Harris Campaign Believing that it Was a Good Idea to Put Their Already Beleaguered Candidate On Some Embarrassingly Stupid Sex Podcast

Yes, Mr. Trump made some shitty hires, too (with John Bolton of course being the pinnacle of that), but this one is in a class by itself. If I was advising Harris I'd tell her to do a little housecleaning before it's too late in that a few more boneheaded moves like this will get her toasted (total devil's advocacy here as I obviously don't care for the chick).

Monday, October 14, 2024

On Citizens In North Carolina Suffering While Harris Goes Fund-Raising, Mayorkas Hits Up High-End Clothing Stores, and Biden Goes Sunning Himself Again

Of course if you listen to the corporate news this same regiment is doing a bang-up job.......In the eye of the beholder, I guess.

On Tim Walz Signing a New Bill Allocating $52,000,000 to Deliver Broadband Access to 7,500 Houses In Minnesota

Crunched the numbers and that figures out to a shade under 7 Gs per dwelling. Hmm, he probably should have contacted Elon first, huh?

Sunday, October 13, 2024

One of the Funniest Scenes In Television History


On Obama Brow-Beating Black Men In a Pathetic and Rancid Attempt to Have Them Fully Embrace the Insufferable Cackler - Quick Addendum

 And of course it never dawns on Obama that maybe these black fellas' aren't so much concerned about Harris's skin color or her gonads but rather her utter failure on the border, radical views on abortion, trans craziness, advocacy for censorship, the crap economy under Biden and Kamala, etc.. I mean, it isn't as if this chick has a stellar resume or anything.

On Obama Brow-Beating Black Men In a Pathetic and Rancid Attempt to Have Them Fully Embrace the Insufferable Cackler

 Kind of sounds like Barack's being racist here, doesn't it, demanding that black people think and act in a prescribed way that conveniently furthers his, Obama's, own political agenda? Kind of appears that way to me.

Friday, October 11, 2024

On the Harris Campaign Recently Crapping Out the Obligatory "Wealthy People Don't Pay Their Fair-Share" Ad

  I am getting so damned tired of having to bat down this hackneyed piece of  bullshit/propaganda.......but apparently I have to do it again. Here the stats from 2021 (most recent year available). The top 1% wage-earners pay 45.8% of all income taxes and have an effective tax rate of 25.9% (far higher than the firefighters and teachers that Harris constantly dredges up). The top 50% pay 97.7% of all income taxes, meaning that the bottom 50% pay only 2.3% (fair share). 
  And, yes, there are other taxes that people have to pay but even there the rich pay a much higher percentage of the total of those in that they buy more stuff (sales tax), have way more property (property tax), leave more scratch to the government when they die (estate tax), and pay the highest amount for social security (a system that I've consistently argued should be means-tested but for some weird reason the left seems to be against that).
   Look, I'm not saying that the rich shouldn't pay more (I'm largely agnostic - though, yes, there is a law of diminishing returns as rich people will clearly alter their behavior in response to draconian tax rates) but can we at least be honest about this stuff and not insult the people who are largely already banking this enterprise? 


On the Biden Administration's Response to Hurricane Helene Being Just as Crappy and Likely Worse as the Bush Team's Response to Hurricane Katrina and Yet the Media and Political Establishment Have Dished Out Very Little In the Way of Criticism so Far (and, No, I'm Not Holding My Breath)

If you needed any additional proof that these assholes don't give a damn about us, this should satisfy you. I hope.

On Obama Ramrod and Current CNN Spewer of Bullshit, David Axelrod, Suggesting that the Trump Supporting Hurricane Victims of Western Carolina Are Simply too Effing Stupid to Figure Out How to Vote Under These Difficult Circumstances but that the Enlightened Citizens of Navy Blue Ashville Will Be Resourceful and Figure the Thing Out Somehow

Yeah, I'm gonna go with, "Unimpressive Jerkoff Leftist Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud, Episode 6,437" - something like that.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

On Ann Savage's Performance In the 1945 Cult-Classic, "Detour"

Let's just put it this way, her last name sizes it up pretty well.

On My Sincere Hope that There Will Eventually Be an Investigation Into the Whole Sidelining of Biden In Favor of Harris Scenario (the Harsh Fact that it Wreaks of Hardcore Extortion)

 And to all of the people out there who refuse to believe that Obama, Pelosi, etc. aren't capable of such gangsteresque Machiavellian tactics, I simply ask you to step back and examine it fresh, ya' just might change your mind. I did. 

On Mayor Adams Understandably Going Ballistic by the Massive Numbers of Illegal Aliens Flooding Into New York City and Apparently Complaining too Loudly as the Dude Recently Got Indicted by the Garland Justice Department

  I don't know too much about the charges being leveled at the Mayor. Maybe he is guilty but being that this administration has turned political payback into a cottage industry, I strongly suspect that had he not popped off so vociferously he'd probably be unindicted today. Occam's Razor, in other words.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

On Al Sharpton and Others On MSLSD Objecting Vociferously to a Hand-Count (of the Ballots) In Georgia

Why would anyone take a ridiculous stance like this (other than it fucks up their opportunities to cheat). I mean, it's not like there won't be monitors present from both parties overseeing the process. Plus it wreaks of desperation and you never want that.

On Obama Showing Up On the Telly Trying to Drum Up Money for His Puppet......err, I Mean, Protege

There was a lot to not like about George W. Bush (moronic wars, huge deficits, torture) but at least the bloke possessed enough sense, decency, and dignity to get off the effing stage. Obama, uh, yeah, not so much.

Monday, October 7, 2024

On Trump Apparently Not Having Any Political IOUs

I said, apparently, because you can never be sure about this stuff but, I ask you, would a person with a shitload of political obligations be a) getting hammered by virtually every establishment shill out there and b (and more importantly)) fighting back with impunity? Seems unlikely (extortion rarely being executed in public), doesn't it?

On Connecticut's Miscreant Senator, Chris Murphy, Insinuating that Israel Is Managing its War with Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. In a Manner that's Conducive to Getting Trump Elected

 I'm from Connecticut and so I'm used to this asshole saying dumb shit but this I find particularly weird. I mean, you've got Israel fighting a war on at least six fronts and this effing clown is so paranoiac that he actually perceives that even this existential war centers around U.S. domestic politics (failing to gather that just one dumb-fuck move by Netanyahu could signal the downfall of his country). Of course what's even more nuts is that ole Chris is up for re-election this year and will likely win by 15 to 20 points. Like I said, from Connecticut.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

On My Suspicion that a Large Percentage of Mr. Trump's Supporters Aren't "MAGA", Worshipers of the Guy, etc. but Rather People Who Simply See the Dude as an Acceptable Option to the Psychotic, Knuckle-Dragging Leftism that Has Unfortunately Taken Control of the Democratic Party (with Kamala Harris Being a Perrrrrfect Example of this)

 So to all of the leftist jerkoffs out there who have turned vilifying Trump supporters into a cottage industry, you just might want to narrow your vitriol a little in that a small but significant percentage of them might be persuadable. Yeah, you might have to ditch some of the crazier shit (the green new deal, open borders, price controls, gun confiscation, etc.). If you want to win (without cheating), I'm saying.

On the Left's Response to the Two Assassination Attempts On Trump Being Alarmingly Abnormal (Even by Their Microscopic Standards)

And why would any sane person even consider accepting the establishment's bullshit about this guy (the crazed claim that he isn't simply a deeply flawed person who's horrible with women but rather a uniquely evil monster worthy of being "extinguished", "eliminated", etc.)? I mean, it's not as if the shits have been a shining light of rectitude and truthfulness up to this point.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

On the Fact that if I Was Running for Office and the Two Cheneys Endorsed Me I Would Promptly Direct Them to Go Pound Sand Hard but Because Harris is too Effing Stupid to Fathom the Ramifications She's Instead Acting Damn Near Giddy About it

 The term,"axis of evil" (like many others), has probably outlived its utility but, I ask you, how else would you label it when some of the most disgusting neocons in the country (Bill Kristol and David From are also on the Kamala train) team up with some of the most fascistic socialist slants in the country? I certainly couldn't muster a better one. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

On the Fact that Nothing Screams Out, Democracy, Quite Like the Nomination of Some Dumb Cringemeister Who Didn't Get a Single Vote to Be Your Brand New Standard-Bearer

 This is one of the most flagrant examples of rank hypocrisy in my entire life and not a single mainstream media hooligan has pointed it out or even asked for an explanation. Apparently they don't see it as a "threat to Democracy (their version of it anyway)".

Thursday, October 3, 2024

On ICE Releasing Data that Shows 13,000 CONVICTED Killers and Nearly 16,000 CONVICTED Rapists Currently Among the Illegal Alien Population

   I'm gonna' try and be fair here (why?, because I'm not a brain-disordered partisan leftist stooge, that's why). Yes, a significant number of them likely came in during the Biden years (extrapolating from the overall crossings) but certainly not all of them and for the Republicans to infer that they've all come in on Biden's watch is very unfair (not that the Dems deserve fairness, mind you). Plus a certain number of these scumbags may already be in prison (on the taxpayer's dime, of course) and so at least they're not walking around causing trouble.
   None of this of course is to give Biden a pass on this issue. The dude's been horrible on immigration. And even though we need to fight fire with fire in order to get elected these days, we can do it without getting shit wrong and instead by focusing on the plethora of other screw-ups that are 100% legitimate (the border in general, inflation, the deficit, the Ukraine fiasco, etc.).

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

On the Fact that Winning an Election Largely On the Vote of Couch Potatoes and Ignoramuses Isn't Necessarily the Greatest "Dub" that One Could Achieve, I'm Just Saying

Though, yes, it is a ticket to power so definitely an A+ for that.

On Adam Schiff Sweating Bullets Over Deep-Fakes Again

The asshole is so effing creepy that the temptation here is to see this as some sort of preemptive argument just in case a bevy of embarrassing visuals come out (especially since this wasn't his first warning). We'll see, I guess.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Monday, September 30, 2024

On When this Venal Propagandist Will Apologize for Pooping Out Massive Quantities of Easily Deconstructed Malarkey About COVID, Trump/Russia Collusion, and the Vaccine


   Possibly at gunpoint but short of that, never seems about right to me.

Vote for Kamala if You Want -

   a) a national gun registry available for public viewing ("Jim has a gun, Stanley doesn't, let's rob Stanley"), b) the highest corporate tax rate among the OECD, c) more woke foolishness (critical race theory, trans insanity, etc.), d) late term abortions (a practice that even a lot of pro-choice people recoil at), e) wide open borders and amnesty for illegals, f) an end to the electoral college, g) an end to the filibuster, h) slavery reparations, i) price controls (an approach that has a 5,000 year track record of failure), j) criminals voting, even rapists and murderers, k) student loan forgiveness for upper-middle-class kids, l) more tech censorship, m) court-packing, n) a tax on unrealized capital gains (one of the most idiotic and destructive proposals in our country's history), o) more coddling of criminals (including rioters), p) forced vaccinations, q) multi-trillion dollar deficits, r) police forces defunded ("we need to have that conversation", as she says), s) the Green New Deal, a policy that if implemented would result in the death of millions (you can't run a modern advanced society on just solar panels and wind turbines and if you're too moronic to know that you probably shouldn't be President), and t) additional bankrolling of that disgusting war between Russia and Ukraine.........................And if you DON'T want this garbage, a big decision awaits you, oh yeah.    

On a Snap Poll from UnHerd Showing that One-Third of Democrats Wish that Trump Had Been Killed and that Another One-Third (Likely Some Overlap) Believe that Team Trump Staged the Event -

Oh well, at least they don't believe in Q (too preoccupied with other bullshit, I guess).

Sunday, September 29, 2024

On Whether Trans Women Should Be Allowed to Use the Ladies Room

 Depends. If the individual looks and acts like a female (even if they can't "pass" consistently) then, sure, why not but if we're talking here about some fetishistic cross-dresser whose presence is more than likely going to creep the other people out (especially young girls), sorry but I'm going to have to vote thumbs down in that instance. You know, to respect the rights of others.

On the Florida State Football Team Wallowing at 1-4

I'm not a big believer in karma but the Seminoles struggling like this after two years of complaining about being in the ACC and trying to get out of it now reeling with an 0-3 mark in conference play seems to meet the definition, wouldn't you say?

On Leftist Simpletons Using Their Stock Slur, "Antivaxxer", to Denounce Everybody from Individuals Opposed to All Vaccines to Those Who Aren't Opposed to Any and Only Prefer that the Covid Vaccine Not Be Mandated

  The imprecision and misuse of language that these a-holes have been foisting on us for the past several decades is now so mind-boggling that even the most dystopian of writers couldn't have conjured it. And the fact that so many seemingly intelligent individuals have signed on to the craziness is even more maddening. Literally.

Friday, September 27, 2024

On Kamala Harris Proclaiming that She Owns a Gun

Gotta' wonder, did she purchase it before or after she supported an out and out handgun ban in San Francisco back in 2006 (if she actually owns a weapon and isn't simply trying to walk back her prior radical gun stances to get elected, you never know with her). Would be good to know, wouldn't it?

On the Fact that When Beavis and Butthead Claimed, "Other Kids Did it", Might They Have Been Referring to These Two Effing Fascist Asshats?

Let me just say, rumor has it, and leave it there.

On My Overwhelming Suspicion that the Entrenched Political Class and Their Shills In the Corporate Whore Media Aren't so Much Petrified by Trump's Policies (Which Are Essentially Center Right Proposals) but Rather by His Knowledge Pertaining to Where the Bodies Are Buried and Whose Closets Have the Most Skeletons

I don't know if Trump is going to "drain the swamp" (he fell a bit short the last time, to be honest) but based upon how these establishment lunatics are acting, the dude just might and at this juncture I'll take that.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Worse than Eddie Haskell?

Eddie gets most of the ink for being the GOAT when it comes to Sit-Com instigators (smarmy as could be, too) but Beaver's pal, Gilbert, he was just pure evil (in a cute sort of way, of course). And, unlike Eddie, he didn't try to hide it or charm his way out of messes (no, "you're looking very lovely today, Mrs. Cleaver", nonsense with this hombre). Too busy concocting his next dastardly move, I guess.............So, what do you say, can we at least give him an honorable mention?

On the Fact that Elon Musk, RFK Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard Have Endorsed Trump While Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, and Crybaby Adam Kinzinger Have Endorsed Harris

Yeah, I'm gonna' go, advantage Trump, on this one. OBVIOUSLY. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

On that Grease-Ball Governor of California Recently Signing a Law that Made it Illegal to Use AI-Generated Satirical Memes for Political Purposes

And the Fact that it happened right after a content creator named Chris Kohls made sport of Kamala Harris by sharing one of the most hilarious political spoofs in recent memory is just a coincidence we're supposed to believe. Yeah, sure.............Here's the video in question, try not to wet yourself -

On Kamala Harris Once Saying that the Government Should Be Able to Enter a Person's Home to Make Sure that They're Being Responsible with Their Guns -

  Wow, so not only does this fascist thug crap on the first and second amendments, she apparently has little to no respect for the fourth, too.......Oh well, at least she doesn't do mean tweets. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

On a Recent Poll Showing that 48% of the Public Believes that the Government Lies All or Most of the Time While Another 40% Believe that They Lie Some of the Time - Quick Addendum

 And to underscore the point even more, only 6% stated that the government rarely lies while an even paltrier 1% proclaimed that they never lie (probably the same people who think that men and women can reverse their gender). 

On a Recent Poll Showing that 48% of the Public Believes that the Government Lies All or Most of the Time While Another 40% Believe that They Lie Some of the Time

And like a lot of you, I'm in the 48% group, solidly (more so now than ever).

On the Fact that In the Surface-Thinking and Degenerative Mind of Reprobate, Kamala Harris, Freedom Equals the Freedom to Shred Asunder Viable Fetuses......and Precious Little Else (the First and Second Amendments She Especially Shits Upon)

And I know this because I actually heard one of her speeches in which she put forth the term, freedom,............only to immediately link it up to the destruction of fetuses.......Kind of like click-bait, huh?

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Death Penalty for Child Rape?

I'm generally not a proponent of the death penalty (for several reasons but mainly from fear that an innocent person could be executed) but if you can give me an open and shut case, who knows, I just might swallow that whistle.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

On Leftist Imbeciles Like Kamala and Her Dipwad Running-Mate, the Tampon A-Hole, Constantly Trying to Tie Their Adversary, Mr. Trump, to Something Called, Project 2025, a Piece of Paper that Trump Has a) Repeatedly Denied an Involvement with and b) Even Taken a Few Shots at

  And Project 2025 isn't even an extreme proposal. It comes from the Heritage Foundation, a respected conservative think-tank, and the contents are essentially boilerplate. Yeah, it might seem radical to the modern-day leftist thug whose own viewpoints have become cartoonishly extreme and have shifted the ground beneath us to a level where anything to the right of Mrs. Clinton is labeled far right these days......but to the rest of us, no, not so much.

Friday, September 20, 2024

On Kamala Harris Finally Being Asked (by Someone from the Black Journalist Association, No Less) About the January 6th Pipe-Bomb Incident In Which She Could Have Been Killed or Seriously Hurt

 You'd have thought that the old gal would have been eager to go on and on about it (a chance to demonize Trump supporters and play the victim YET AGAIN) but she didn't. She gave a cursory answer and pivoted away from the topic. Hmm, could it possibly be that she already knows who planted the devices (one at the DNC, one at the RNC) and so the less said, the better? That's where my money rides.

On Kamala Harris Having Answered Multiple Questions Now with the Same Exact, "I Grew Up a Middle Class Kid", Spiel

 I suspect that it's simply a stalling strategy to give her enough time to come up with something more original and half-way smart. Sadly, it doesn't seem to be working.

On Trump Getting Raped by Some Goon and the Leftists Blaming Him Because He Was Reckless Enough to Prance Around In a Mini-Skirt

Blaming the victim is back in vogue, it appears.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

On Trump Supporters Correctly Referring to the U.S.A. as a, Constitutional Republic, and the Low-IQ Shills at CNN and Elsewhere Accusing Them of Espousing Right-Wing Talking-Points and Misinformation (You Know, the Usual Leftist Bromides)

 They're really reaching at this point OBVIOUSLY. Of course when you have an audience as doltish, information bereft, and easily led as they do you apparently can get away with such monumental deceptions......and so why not, they must figure.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

On the Media Constantly Asserting that There Aren't Any Credible Reports that the Haitian Migrants Are Killing Dogs, Cats, Geese, and Ducks and Ultimately Eating Them

So there have been reports, just not "credible" ones (as deemed of course by rank politicians and media shits).......Man, are these cork-soakers slippery, huh?

On the Washington Compost's Philip Bump (a Piece of Garbage of the Highest Magnitude but I Digress) Actually Crapping Out a Column with this as it's Title (In the Wake of Trump Nearly Getting Whacked Again)

"Another Chance for Trump to Frame Democrats as Dangerous Has Emerged" - The guy's a total puke but I do give him SOME credit in that at least he cites a specific Republican pouncing (granted, it was one who nearly got plugged again but in the spirit of......) and not the same old "Republicans pounce!!".......Kinda' refreshing, wasn't it?

Sunday, September 15, 2024

On the Fact that When Trump Tossed Out the Term, "Bloodbath", He Was Obviously Speaking Metaphorically In that He Was Referencing the Loss of Jobs In the Auto Sector and Not Street Violence (a la Antifa Slants)

And Kamala knows this (or one would think, her full-bore idiocy being a huge confounding factor OBVIOUSLY) but because she so desperately craves power and the spotlight and has absolutely no fear of the corporate media this is what we get from the chick NONSTOP.

On that Idiot Female Debate "Moderator" Accusing Trump of "Killing" Roe vs Wade

The average fair-minded person who doesn't moonlight as a partisan slopehead would probably use the (correct) term, "overturning", but because we're dealing with a partisan lackey who possesses precious little in terms of fairness and decency, out comes the incendiary lingo. So, so predictable, these schmucks.

Friday, September 13, 2024

On Kamala Harris Asserting that Her Moronic and Amoral Tax On Unrealized Capital Gains Would Only Apply to the "Super Rich"

 To the folks out there who don't know their history (and their are legions of you out there roaming the country, I'm sure), this is exactly what the government said about the income tax in 1913 (and one later we ended up in an idiotic land war in Europe - just a coincidence, I'm sure) and how did that work out?

On Trump Never Once Saying that He Would Enact a Nationwide Abortion Ban and in Fact Saying that He Wouldn't Even Propose One and Harris Lying In Every One of Her Low-IQ Speeches that He Would

And I guarantee, Nostradamus she isn't. Not even close.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

On the Fact that the Slimeballs at Media Matters Are Still Pushing the Stupid Lie that Trump Labeled the Charlottesville Neo-Nazis, "Fine People"

Yeah, I guess that, THEY SHOULD BE CONDEMNED TOTALLY, simply wasn't clear enough for the slants. Oh well, next time maybe.

On Kamala Harris Asserting that There Aren't Any U.S. Troops Currently In Combat Regions

 Well, being that three soldiers got gun-downed in Syria this year (guarding a poorly defended outpost) and seven others injured in Iraq during an ISIS raid, I'm probably going to have to go, "Mostly (as in 99%) False" on this one.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Trump's Legitimate Beefs About the 2020 Election

 1) State governments issuing millions of mail-in ballots with a questionable chain of custody. 2) Ballot harvesting in which partisan ramrods would go around assisting low-information people to vote for guess who. 3) Trump getting banned from various social media outfits leading up to the election. 4) Social media shills censoring and/or de-ranking the Hunter Biden laptop story. 5) The 50-plus former intelligence officials implying (AKA, lying through their teeth) that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation". 6) The corporate whore media framing every fucking story in a way that made Trump look like dog-shit and Biden a savior. 7) Google's algorithms burying good news about Trump and crappy news about Biden......and vice versa. 8) Tara Reid's rape accusations against Biden receiving zero coverage while the crazy lady's claims against Trump were receiving both credence and primo coverage. And 9) unsavory individuals showing up at drop-boxes at 3:57 in the morning, cautiously looking over their shoulder, putting gloves on so as to not leave fingerprints, and then taking pics of the drop box to prove their appearance there.......There of course could be more but this is a sufficient start, I think.

On the Fact that Kamala Harris Washes Her Collard Greens In a Large Bathtub and Still Thinks that Tupac Is the Greatest Living Rapper

Stupid and divorced from reality, exactly what we're looking for in the next President............if we want the country to shit the bed.

Monday, September 9, 2024

On Whether President Obama Should Have Immunity for His Having Ordered the Extra-Judicial Slayings of Four American Citizens

Well, according to the leftists and their tortured logic, no (the stipulation of course being that logic gets tossed to the wind when one of their brethren is doing the naughty shit).

Sunday, September 8, 2024

On the Fact that (According to the National Humanities Center), Yes, Native-American Women Often Did Go On Hunting Trips with the Men but Their Main Purpose Wasn't to Help with the Kill but Rather to Carry Supplies and Act as General Beasts of Burden

I'm pointing this out to stick a fork in this woke delusion that Native-American tribes were somehow matriarchal and to show instead how they often used women essentially as slave labor.......An escape from fantasyland, in other words.

Friday, September 6, 2024

On the Fact that the Administrative State Lied About Trump-Russia Collusion In 2016 and the Hunter Biden Laptop Being Russian Disinformation In 2020 and so When this Tyrannical Buffoon Comes Out and Feeds Us a Third Dosage of Russian Gobbledygook We Should Give it Credence............Why Exactly?


  And couldn't they have at least come up with a different country this time and not the nation that a) Mrs. Clinton approved of selling a shitload of weapons-grade uranium to and b) Obama stated to one of its key diplomats that he'd have a ton more flexibility after the election (in 2012)? Too much to ask?

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Low IQ Scarborough On the Hunter Biden Lapto

 "History will expose you all as idiots and useful tools for the Russians (an idiot and a tool calling his intellectual betters, idiots and tools, wow, how 'bout that?)." Of course the question is, did Scarborough know about the laptop having already been authenticated by late 2019 (which would have made him a liar) or was he in the dark on that and was too effing stupid to recognize the rank absurdity of the claim? Me, I'm persuadable in either direction. I mean, we're talking Scarborough here, right?

Monday, September 2, 2024

On the DNC Folks Moving Biden's Speech to the Graveyard Shift so that They Could Feature this Stupid Frigging Buffoon In Prime Time

This is how the Democrats use people. They take advantage of you for as long as possible and when you can no longer service them you're toast. I almost feel sorry for the poor slob. Almost.

On Kamala Harris Lying About Once Having Worked at McDonald's

 Attempting to ratchet up her working class bona fides, I'm assuming. But, come on, if you're gonna' lie like that, maybe push for something a little more original. Like, I don't know, working at a carnival midway, being a fire-eater at the circus, detailing expensive German autos, that type of shit. Of course if you've gone through your entire life not displaying so much as a whiff of originality then, yeah, McDonald's is probably your ceiling.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

On Karen Black's Performance in "The Day of the Locust"


Dangerously gorgeous (it's in her eyes, always the eyes) probably sums it up. It's often been said that Black was type-cast as the unstable femme fatale and to a large extent it's true. But, honestly, did anyone do it better? 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Democratic Party, a Threat to Democracy?

Well, being that they're implementing lawfare to annihilate their principal opponent, using the corporate whore media to bludgeon the guy nonstop with mostly total bullshit while propping up their candidate with additional gaslighting, registering illegal aliens to vote, and rapidly gearing up for yet another mass censorship campaign, they're at the bare minimum, a threat to democracy adjacent (to use their moronic lingo).

To Skip Hall, Mayor of Surprise, Arizona (Pertaining to His Treatment of a Woman Who Simply Had the Cajones to Criticize His Regime)

 What an absolute piece of trash you are, arresting that woman for exercising her Constitutional right to criticize you and the rest of your tyrannical regime. You should be ashamed of yourself and in a just world you'd be the one getting arrested for violating the Bill of Rights and for having some goon accost that woman for little more than wrong think. Hopefully the inhabitants of your town have taken note of this vile atrocity and vote your ass out in the next election as you should not be in a position of power there or anywhere else. Good day.

Friday, August 30, 2024

On Kamala Harris Flip-Flopping On Fracking, the Border Wall, and Whether to Tax Tips and Then Telling Dana Bash (Who Didn't Do a Shitty Job Actually, Give Her a C) that Her Values Haven't Changed

And I guess that one of those "values" is, disingenuously changing one's view-points simply to win a damned election and then appearing on a corporate news network where the blow-back from personnel will probably be modest at best.............Can't wait to hear the rest of 'em.

On the Fact that Kamala Harris Deep-Sixed Her First Presidential Run In December 2019 While She Was Still Hovering Around 0%

And now she's the Democratic nominee for 2024 without so much as a single vote. Talk about failing up.

On the Fact that (According to Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Through a FOIA Request) There Are 583 Illegal Aliens (AKA, Foreign Nationals for You Snowflakes) On the Voter Rolls In Washington D.C. and Apparently 113 of Them Voted In that Area's Democratic Primary

Granted, these aren't huge numbers but if you extrapolate to include the whole country and then realize that these schmucks still have two more months to exponentially increase the numbers, still a bit unnerving, I'd say (plus it's against the law, don't forget that).

Thursday, August 29, 2024

On the Fact that if You Start a War by Slaughtering the Other Side's Civilians and Then Do Everything Humanly Possible to Make Certain that Your Own Civilians Are Liquidated en Masse, the Moral High-Ground Probably Isn't with You , I'm Just Sayin'

I so want to be even-handed with this whole Middle-East craziness but when you're viewing one side that has genocide as its stated/primary goal, LITERALLY, had numerous opportunities to have their own nation-state, and started the current war by going on one of the most egregious murder-sprees in multiple centuries, oh yeah, it's hard. Real hard.

On Biden (During His DNC Address) Saying that the Troglodytic and Anti-Semitic Agitators Outside the Event Had, "a Point"

So, fine people, in other words. Interesting (and ironic, obviously).

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

On the Number One Priority of the Department of Homeland Security's IT Strategy Program Now Being to "Build a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Workplace"

Maybe dump this shit down to number 3 (yanking it upward by the root and stomping on it would be more to my liking but I'm feeling magnanimous lately and therefore willing to work with the slants) in that ensuring our freedom of speech and protecting privacy online seem to be a trifle more critical to the survival of our country. My opinion.

On Whether Pelosi, Harris, and Obama Were Guilty of Extortion When They Threatened Biden with the 25th Amendment if He Didn't Get Out of the 2024 Presidential Contest

 Well being that the legal definition of extortion is, "obtaining, or attempting to obtain, property or other valuable items from someone else or causing, or trying to cause, someone else to perform an official act", quite possibly, wouldn't you say (though, yes, since it's a cadre of fascistic Democrats pulling this shit, the odds of prosecution are likely in the neighborhood of less than zero)?

Monday, August 26, 2024

On the Main Problem with Giving the "Voiceless" a Voice Being that They Never Know When to Shut the Fuck Up

Or as I prefer to call it, yet another perfect example of the left not possessing an emergency brake. EVER!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

On Joy Reid Going to Harvard (via Affirmative Action) and Majoring In "Film Studies"

  So Harvard screwed over a much more qualified Asian or Jewish student who probably would have majored in engineering or chemistry so that this bozo could weasel into a career where she can racial grievance-monger every effing day......and get compensated for it. Hot damn, is this a great country or what?  

On Tim Walz Telling Republicans, "Mind Your Own Damned Business" (Probably About Abortion, What Else with These Lunatic Dems)

This, from a low-IQ fascistic douche-bag who started a "snitch line" during his idiotic COVID mandates. Can you say, do as I say, on steroids?

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

On Kamala Harris Saying During the 2020 Protests (AKA, Violent Riots) that "They're Not Going to Let Up and They Should Not"

  The chick probably should have been more specific. Yeah, she has some plausible deniability and could have stated that she was only talking about the protests and not the destruction, the two dozen murders, etc.. Granted, it would have been a lie (I'm assuming) but at least it would have made her look a lot less like a psychopath and more like a stately person. Of course when you have a media that rarely presses the Democrats ON ANYTHING, the downside of talking shit is what exactly?

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Biden's Most Putrid Lie?

  For me it was when he accused the trucker involved in the tragic traffic death of his first wife and infant daughter of being hammered when he wasn't and not even culpable for the accident. Luckily for Joe he didn't get sued in that this was hardcore, unadulterated libel. The trucker probably thought that Joe had suffered enough and showed some compassion. Decency, too.

On Maple Grove, the Hudson Valley's Forgotten Mansion

  It was kinda' just sitting there (right next to a condo complex, no less).Thankfully a group of folks have joined together and formed the Maple Grove Restoration Project (still looks decent from the outside but the interior could definitely use some TLC), the goal of course being to renew interest in this stunning piece of architecture (vintage Italianate). Yeah, it'll probably remain overshadowed by Locust Grove, the Vanderbilt Mansion, the Roosevelt Mansion, the Mills Mansion, the Wilderstein, Montgomery Place, and the Clermont but the potential seems quite clear to the point of people at least wanting to checking it out.

On the Fact that if Price Controls Didn't Work for Diocletian (a Person of Standing and Not a Dolt) In the Early 4th Century, the Odds of Them Working for the Ignorant and Inept Kamala Harris Are......What Exactly (They Also Didn't Work for Hoover and Nixon but I Was Striving for a More Distinct Contrast)?

  And it's such a stupid idea that even the New York Times (or Maybe it Was the Washington Post, Can't Remember) and CNN schmucks have been blasting Ms. Harris. I mean, yeah, they're still gonna' try and get her elected if it means keeping Trump out of office and shaming her away from socialism certainly helps in getting that done. As to whether Harris gets that message and modifies her views, couldn't tell ya', can't get inside her head. Thank God.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

On Recent Analysis Showing that 47.7% of the Rapes In Sweden from 2000 to 2015 Were Perpetrated by Men Born Outside of Sweden and Another 11.5% Had at Least One Parent Born Abroad -

Yes, the population of foreign-born Swedes has risen but even at 20% it's still an over-representation of 2.4 to 1 (and since the data goes back to 2000 when the number was much lower than 20%, 2.4 probably doesn't fully underscore the seriousness). Pretty darned alarming. Unfortunately the researchers of this paper are now facing possible criminal charges as they apparently got the "wrong" (AKA, narrative busting) result. Simply not race-fetishistic enough, I guess.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

On Our Venal Attorney General, Merrick Garland, Penning an Op-Ed In the Washington Compost (a Reputable Outlet NOT!) with a Title that Reads, "Unfounded Attacks (i.e., Legitimate Criticism) On the Justice Department Must End"

The stones on this asshole, believing that he can somehow halt any and all criticism of his foaming at the mouth bullshit. And by edict, no less. Well, I've got news for this mo-fo. You work for us, dip-wad, and I will take you to task as often as I please, vociferously. Do you understand me? I sure hope so 'cause I do not wish to go down this road every couple days. OK? Now go to work.  

On Kamala Harris's Economic Plan Including Price Controls (an Approach that's Been Tried for Nearly 5,000 Years with a 0% Success Rate) and an Additional $1.7 Trillion In Giveaways Over the Next Decade (and Paid for Through, Yep, You Got it, Higher Taxes On the Wealthy) -

How many different ways does this bozo have to disqualify herself before the Dems come to their senses and pull the plug? We have to be getting close, no? 

On the Fact that When Trump Came Out In Favor of No Longer Taxing Tips CBS News Stressed that it Could Short-Change the Treasury $250,000,000,000 Over the Next 10 Years but Now that Harris Is Pushing the Proposal the Shits at CBS News Call it a "New Proposal" (Even Though Trump Came Up with the Idea Weeks Ago) Totally Unworthy of Shade

 Yeah, the establishment slants have certainly landed bigger haymakers but neither have they fully abandoned the "death by a thousand cuts" strategy. Garbage like this, for example.

Friday, August 16, 2024

On this British Asshole (London Police Chief, Mark Rowley) Threatening Not Just the English Population with Arrest if They Ever Posted Something Untoward On Social Media but the U.S. Population as Well

 He's a moron but if he ever did try something this preposterous I would advise him to stay away from places like Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas, and Florida, 'cause I'm tellin' ya' now, if some fat bobby ever shows up there and attempts to arrest some of those good old boys, end well it likely won't.

On Former Funny Man, Stephen Colbert, Interviewing Some CNN Lightweight Lackey (at Trump's Expense, of Course), Referring to the Pitiful Network as "Objective", and His Liberal Audience Laughing at Him to the Point of Embarrassment

They (media shits, big tech, establishment stooges, etc.) are doing everything humanly possible to make certain that Trump loses this go-'round and because the task is Herculean (due to Harris and Walz being dog-shit) dialing back the crazy clearly isn't an option; this, a prototypical example.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

White Settler Colonialist (Mehereta Baruch-Ron, Former Deputy Mayor of Tel Aviv and a One Time Knesset Candidate)?


  She's an Ethiopian Jew, and just like the Jews from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle-East she came to Israel to escape persecution. And she's obviously not white, so totally wrong on both counts, these leftists slants. As for a course-correction, you're gonna' have to bark up a different tree for that 'cause they ain't doing one, no-siree Bob.

On Walz Once Saying (Tongue In Cheek, Hopefully) that He Wanted to Give Illegal Aliens Ladders to Get Past Trump's Border-Wall

  Aiding and abetting criminal behavior, in other words. What a guy, huh? Of course it would have helped if he had specified, "except for fentanyl dealers, child traffickers, MS-13 bangers, rapists, and other forms of human scum", but he didn't and therefore a smidge more egg on his face.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

On this Effing Stooge Wanting the Government to Collude and Coordinate with Big Tech Companies to Identify and Censor Misinformation (as Determined by Schmucks Like Him, I'm Assuming) and Speech that Is Hateful (a Malleable Term and, Unless Accompanied by a Threat, Constitutionally Protected Speech)

The nutcase has said and done a great many troubling things but if this statement in particular doesn't convince you that the media spin of him (being some sort of moderate) is total bullshit, then you've probably found your man. Happy voting.

On the Fact that if Thebes, Carthage, Tenochtitlan, and Constantinople Can Fall What Chance Does a Crumbling, Superficial, Flaccid, and Increasingly Idiotic Society Like Ours Have of Not Falling?

Well, being that we're spiraling quite badly already (unimaginable levels of debt, identity politics on steroids, an education system that promulgates self-hatred, withering attacks on free speech, a sidelining of meritocracy, our government incessantly colluding with major corporations, a hugely corrupt media etc.), doesn't look good, does it?  

Monday, August 12, 2024

On What at Least Some Minnesotans are Saying About Governor Walz

Wow, now this is some hardcore savagery (and probably deserved, as well) -

On this Walz Ingrate Recently Analogizing Socialism with Being a Good Neighbor

  Well, being that neighborliness by definition is a voluntary concept while socialism functions almost entirely via coercion, I'll be kind here and simply suggest that the statist fellow is confused. Big time.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

On Leftist Shit-Posting Venues Like the Washington Post and Wikipedia Actually Doing a "Republicans Pounce" Post On How Conservatives Have Started Pointing Out the Left's Propensity to Use............"Republicans Pounce"

 What's next, a Republicans Pounce post on how conservatives are now pointing out how leftists are shitting out Republicans Pounce posts on how conservatives have been pointing out the leftists' propensity to use Republications Pounce? If everything holds, probably, huh?

Saturday, August 10, 2024

On the Democrats Going from the Party of Grover Cleveland, William Jennings Bryan, Al Smith, JFK, RFK, John Glenn, William Proxmire, Mayors Daley and Koch, Paul Tsongas, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Sam Nunn, Lee Hamilton, and Jim Webb to the Party of These Two Flaming Buffoons

   I get it that a lot of you don't care for Trump (trust me, he gets on my nerves, too, sometimes) but these two are so insanely radical that they make FDR seem like the titular head of the John Birch society. But don't just take my word for it. Examine their records and the positions that they've taken through the years (everything from allowing hooligans to torch major cities to mutilating mentally ill kids to giving illegal aliens drivers licenses to allowing nine month abortions) - with a critical eye (as opposed to the media jackoffs at CNN, MSLSD, etc. who will do anything humanly possible to paint these two rodeo clowns as middle of the road moderates) and if you're still a big fan of 'em after that, God bless, I did my best.

On Palestinians "Teaching" Kindergarteners that the Highest Calling In Life Is to Murder Jews (with Killing Homosexuals and Torturing Dogs and Cats Placing a Respectable Second and Third)

  Biden's two-state solution is a fairy-tale (the harsh fact that the Palestinian leadership has shat on the concept numerous times already) but even if a deal did materialize it would only be a phase one (the ultimate goal of course being one state with either no Jews or a tiny population of Jews living under dhimmi status). Now, if we could make an end to this indoctrination of children a condition of the deal, that would be promising but since that's likely a fairy-tale, too, we had best get used to the current violence cuz that ain't going anywhere any time soon.

Friday, August 9, 2024

On the Venal British Media Continuing to Identify Violent Islamic Criminals as, "Asian"

  Can you imagine what the British citizens from Malaysia, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan must be thinking when they hear this shit? I get it that they tend to be a mild-mannered people and all but they cannot be pleased. Understandably, no?  

On Lobotomizing People Being the Last Time that the Medical Profession Opted for Mutilation In Their Treatment of the Mentally Ill

Thought that we had moved on. Silly me, huh?

On Kamala Harris Picking a Maximalist Leftist Stooge to Be Her Running Mate (from a State that She Was Likely to Win Anyway, No Less)

She was apparently considering the moderate (by contemporary standards) Governor of Pennsylvania (a key swing state) but because Mr. Shapiro happens to be Jewish and Harris strongly wishes to keep her rapidly expanding anti-Semitic base intact, couldn't pull the trigger, I guess.......Of course if you're gonna' cheat anyway......

Thursday, August 8, 2024

On the Distinct Likelihood that the Millions of Hindus Who Were Slaughtered at the Behest of Islam from 8th to 18th Century (Roughly) Never Once Labeled These Homicidal Muslims, "Marginalized"

I normally wouldn't bring events like this up but if you're going to put white Europeans under the microscope and examine everything that they've ever done absent any semblance of historical context, you're going to get some blowback, ain't no way around it. 

On Anti-Semitism Historically Being a Tactic of the Fascist Prick

And it still is, apparently.

On When Kamala Became Aware that President Biden Was Semi-Vegetative and Couldn't Manage a Dunkin Donuts Franchise

 She's in a bit of a bind here. If she's known for years that the guy wasn't up for the job and was part of a cover-up to conceal this reality then she's simply too dishonest and sneaky to be President (even by Washington standards). If on the other hand she's been totally oblivious to this basic fact then she's probably too much of an effing moron for the job. If I was advising the chick I'd tell her to step down and make way for somebody who isn't such a huge dumpster-fire.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

On Egypt Having Constructed a Wall with Gaza that Makes Anything from Trump's Imagination Look Like a Off-White Picket Fence In the Maryland Suburbs

And being that these Palestinian shmoes have been causing shit pretty much everywhere that they've gone, we really can't blame the Egyptians, now can we? Ditto the Israelis.

On Kamala Harris's Husband, Doug Emhoff, Doing an Interview with Fellow Beta, Jonathan Capeheart, and Bemoaning the Rise of Male Toxicity In Our Society

 So behavior like knocking up your kids' babysitter, for example.......Yeah, that's pretty toxic alright.

On Congress Now Wanting to Institute Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices (the Primary Goal of Course Being to Deep-Six Conservative Justices a Little Long In the Tooth)............but Unsurprisingly Not for Themselves

And while I'm not a Constitutional expert, I'm pretty certain that there aren't any clauses in it stating that one branch of the government can unilaterally construct parameters regarding another. Yeah, possibly with a Constitutional Amendment (an extraordinarily difficult task......but I digress) but that ain't what these fascistic pricks are talking about, I'm strongly suspecting.  

Monday, August 5, 2024

On ChatGPT Sounding Much More Like ChatCNN to Me (I Engaged the Site Recently and it Actually Tried to Put Lipstick On the Hillary Paid for Steele Dossier and the Hunter Biden Laptop Being "Russian Disinformation" Pigs)

Not that we needed studies to grasp this obviousness but one did come out in England last year and, gee, what a shock, left-wing bias detected -

On the Democratic Establishment (Together with Segments of the Republican Establishment) and Numerous Media Shits Deciding to Label J.D. Vance, Weird

So the side with a top dog who goes around sniffing kids and a second in command who laughs inappropriately at the drop of a hat has decided on this strategy. Interesting (and by, interesting, I of course mean, ballsy beyond belief).

Sunday, August 4, 2024

On the Political Establishment and Corporate Whore Media Having Successfully Gaslit Large Swaths of the American Public Into Believing that Trump Is the Extremist and Not the Brain-Disordered Leftists Who They've Colluded with On a Regular Basis

  A few of their more nutty proposals - a) More tech censorship (and censorship in general), b) a gun registry THAT THEY PUBLISH, c) the Green New Deal, a policy that if put into effect would kill millions, d) a single payer healthcare system (with private insurance potentially phased out), e) raising the corporate tax rate to make it the highest rate in the OECD, f) post-birth abortions, g) nonstop identity politics (yes, because it worked so well in Nigeria, Yugoslavia, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Malaysia, etc.), h) wide open borders and amnesty for illegals, i) court-packing (a tactic that Roosevelt tried and was totally humiliated), j) statehood for Puerto Rico and Washington D.C., k) allowing 16 year-olds to vote, l) ending the Electoral College and replacing it with mob-rule, m) defunding the cops, n) ending the filibuster, o) slavery reparations, p) codifying mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, drop boxes, and other shady election practices, q) massive hikes in the minimum wage (add price controls, a dumb-fuck idea with a 5,000 year track record of failure, if Harris wins), r) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (a policy of constructing low-income housing in the suburbs in an effort to garner additional Democratic House seats), s) giving criminals the right to vote (even killers), t) student loan forgiveness, mostly for upper middle class kids, u) free pre-school and community college FOR EVERYONE, v) "gender affirming care" for young kids, w) a "ministry of truth" department led by none other than Scary Poppins, x) proxy wars with nuclear-armed countries, y) a wealth tax and a tax on unrealized capital gains (stealing, in other words), z) draconian gun laws that will ultimately result in the government possessing a monopoly on force. aa) making squatting legal, bb) a central bank digital currency (a fascistic policy that if implemented will destroy freedom and privacy as we know it), cc) allowing hoodlums to destroy major American cities, dd) free sex change operations for prison inmates and illegal migrants, and ee) not prosecuting criminals who pilfer under a G. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

On Nobody Ever Being as Bad-Ass as Maria McKee Was Back In the Day (the Late '80s to Mid '90s)

   It's just the nature of the way things work, I guess. 

On the Overwhelming Likelihood that the Retarded Chap Who Blasted Trump Had Registered as a Republican Simply to Vote Against Him In the Primary (the Hard Fact that He'd Recently Donated to Some Leftist Organization and Reportedly Slimed Trump to Other People)

 It was also an apparent strategy of the power-mad Democrats of Pennsylvania to pull this shit (crossing over party lines to beat Trump and since it was a closed primary one had no choice but to switch).......and with a simpleton like this it all makes fucking sense.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

On My Recent Encounter with ChatGPT In Which Asked it if it Was a Male AI, a Female AI, or a Nonbinary AI and Then Requested that it Give Me its Preferred Pronouns

 It of course proceeded to tell me that my question was a moot one in that AI isn't an anthropomorphic entity yada yada.......They're apparently still working on handling sarcasm (I had previously goofed on it by warning the poor thing that there was a Steele Dossier On ChatGPT similar to the ludicrous one that was conjured up on Trump and got a similarly clinical response to that one, too).

On the F.B.I. Putting Their Thumb On the Scale and Desperately Trying to Make the Guy who Blasted Trump Out to Be Some Sort of Right-Winger (Border Concerns, anti-Semitism - as if that's a Right-Wing Notion These Days) -

Yeah, he could be right wing, but if you listen to the head honcho over at Gab this same kid had an account on his platform where he was posting liberal boiler-plate nonsense. So I don't know, we'll just have to wait, I suppose.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

On the Split at the Tail-End of this Damn Near Rekking Me

     Not true actually, it did rek me!!!

Dumbest Moment In Human History?

  A solid case could be made, huh?............And to think, this guy used to be funny.

On Racial Grievance-Mongering Hall of Famer, Joy Reid, Spitting Out a "Biden" and Saying that Black People Who Don't Vote for The Cackling One Will Appear "Crazy, Lonely, and Weird"

  Actually the people who truly look crazy are the nimrods who incessantly play identity politics and shamelessly call anybody who disagrees with their comical (in the worst sense humanly possible), dystopian and heavily racialized world-view a, racist. MSLSD employees, pitch perfect examples!!

Monday, July 29, 2024

On the Media Repeatedly Labeling Harris the, "Border Czar", FOR YEARS and Now Due to the Border Situation Having Become a Catastrophe Under Biden Asserting that, "Well, She Really Wasn't the Border Czar"

They call it retconning (rewriting history, essentially) and the Democrats have rapidly become no less than virtuosos at it. Of course it helps when you have a media that never calls out your lies or disgusting tactics. Let's you act with impunity and man oh man, do they ever.

On Hoisting the Cringe Meter Up to 11

                                                And, yes, no one does it better.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

On the Fact that if Hamas Had the Gumption to Throw Fatah Off of Tall Buildings, it Wouldn't Do the Exact Same Thing to an Even Bigger Group of Useful Idiots (Queers for Palestine, for Instance) Why Exactly?

The correct answer of course is, they would (and with utter impunity, no less), but being that these Queers for Palestine schmoes are too effing indoctrinated and stupid to understand the cannibalistic ways of these movements all throughout history they carry on like pigs to the slaughter. Literally. Hopefully not.

On "Trump Wasn't Shot" Trutherism Galloping Roughshod All Throughout the Corporate Jackoff Media

  Yeah, they're suggesting that it may have been shrapnel or a glass fragment that pierced through Trump's ear (a brazen attempt to diminish the severity of the assassination attempt and the way that Trump responded to it). Oh well, at least these a-holes have conceded that there were shots fired. Better than nothing, right?

Saturday, July 27, 2024

On a Proposed Harris, Whitmer Ticket this Fall

 Under normal circumstances this would be a veritable smorgasbord of unparalleled hilarity but being that the vast majority of comedians these days are full-bore shills for moronic leftism, if it does materialize the golden opportunity will be squandered, I'm sure. 

On What MSLSD Is Paying Those Republican Grifters (Scarborough, Steele, Wallace, etc.) Who've Magically Been Shilling 100% for Democrats and 0% for Republicans

Not sure but my strong suspicion is that it's more than the minimum wage.......if you're catching my drift.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

On the Mental State of this Individual Right About Now


Do the words, suicide watch, ring a bell?

On Being Able to Figure Out a Person's Political Affiliation by Noticing Whether They Wear a Face Mask or Not

Not 100%, mind you, but close.

On the Biden Administration (Along with Various Media Shits) Claiming that They've Deported More Illegals than Trump (so that's a Good Thing Now - Confusing, huh?)

 Yeah, they're lying. What they're doing here is conflating removals (legitimate deportations) with returns (i.e., when a CPB agent nabs somebody sneaking in to the country and simply tells the perp, "adios amigo"- and this can happen multiple times with the same person, I shit you not).......and while, granted, it's better than nothing, was it not the Biden regime's policies of piss-poor border security together with massive amounts of free shit that created this crazy situation to begin with?......Just throwin' that out there. -

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

On the Fact that Bush and Obama Destroyed Countries While Trump Helped Broker the Abraham Accords, Made Peace Overtures to North Korea, and Was the First President Since Jimmy Carter to Not Start a New War

What's that, mean tweets? Damn, I forgot.

On a Recent Snap Poll Suggesting that One Third of Democrats Wish that Trump Had Been Killed by the Shooter and a Second Poll Showing that Roughly Another Third Think that the Trump Campaign Staged the Whole Assassination Attempt - Quick Addendum

  And, yes, there are some crazy Republicans out there, too (QAnon folks, for example), but they get talked about (and vilified) continuously on cable news and elsewhere. The crazy leftists, not so much (even the 40% of Democrats who think that cops kill over 1,000 unarmed black men a year when the actual stat is somewhere between 10 and 20) and, yeah, that's why I'm doing this.

On My Easy to Form Prediction that Any Criticism of Kamala Harris Moving Forward Will Be Met by Rank Charges of Misogyny and Racism, Not by an Acknowledgement of the Chick's Rancid Personality, Stupidity, Extremism, etc.

I'd love to put a hundred dollar bet on this but being that the odds-makers in Vegas have made it so that I'd only win a fraction of a cent, I'll likely not bother. 

On the 1960s and '70s Actress/Singer/Dancer, Carol Lawrence (Erstwhile Mrs. Robert Goulet)


Not all of the images of her are particularly flattering (I've never been a huge fan of the big-hair '70s............but I won't hold it against her) but as you can plainly see here there are more than a few dandies.

On a Recent Snap Poll Suggesting that One Third of Democrats Wish that Trump Had Been Killed by the Shooter and a Second Poll Showing that Roughly Another Third Think that the Trump Campaign Staged the Whole Assassination Attempt

Wow, so a significant chunk of registered Democrats in this country are either sociopaths, conspiratorial to a point that makes QAnon appear grounded, or both.......Kinda' sounds like a big basket of deplorables, doesn't it?

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

On Biden Recently Referring to Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, as, "the Black Man"

 Fellow's a longstanding bigot but in this instance the takeaway probably relates more to his dementia being farther off the charts than any of us had thought (yes, a lot of people struggle with names sometimes - me included - but these tend to be folks not in our immediate circle). That's how I took it anyway.


On Annie Potts, Back In the Day

She was............................not bad.

Monday, July 22, 2024

On Listening to Patty Larkin While Taking In Kristin Scott Thomas

                                                           Definitely had harder assignments. A lot of 'em.

On the Fact that (Circa 1808) Even Though Spain's King Joseph Was Busy Implementing Policies that Would Have Given the Spanish Peasants Greater Freedoms and a Much Less Feudal Society, They Revolted Against Him Anyway (Source - Michael Hechter's Stellar Book, "Alien Rule", from 2013)

The late 18th Century was an era of burgeoning nationalism and so the harsh fact that Joseph wasn't just a Frenchman but Napoleon's brother, too, probably didn't sit too well with that indigenous population (regardless that their situation had improved). 

On Biden Once Having Been Amazed that Barack Obama Was a "Clean Black Man"

Yes, it sounds bad but worry we shouldn't in that the corporate press has reassured us OVER AND OVER that Trump is the true racist and they would never lie. Supposedly. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

On How I Would Act if Hillary Clinton (a Person Who I've Reviled for Decades) Was Blasted and Nearly Killed

Hard to know how any of us would act in a given situation BUT I'm pretty effin' sure that I wouldn't be cracking jokes about it or depressed as hell that the bullet didn't crack her skull open. You know, that whole being a decent human being shtick.

Probably When I Found Out that the Russian Consulate In Miami Mentioned In the Damn Thing DIDN'T FUCKING EXIST!! -

 What would be my answer to the question, "So, when did you figure out that the Mrs. Clinton bought and paid for Steele dossier was as idiotic as it initially seemed?" 

On the Fine Art of Screaming at People Simply Because They Can't Conceptualize that Men and Women Are Interchangeable

Be honest here, if I had told you ten years ago that the institutional left would one day haul us this far from sanity you'd think that I was on drugs and yet here we are with most of you (you libs) being AOK with it. Who would have predicted......?

On the Left's Perilous Descent Into Abject Evil

The Milgram Experiment, Google it. It'll explain everything. 

On My Once Solid Belief that the Dems Couldn't Possibly Do Worse than Schmuckly Biden


    It's taken a bit of a hit, OBVIOUSLY.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

On the Vitriol that I'm Currently Witnessing On Social Media Sites

 It's one thing to not support Trump or even to detest the guy but to crack jokes about his near death (imagine the disgusting imagery had that bullet found its mark) while lamenting the fact that the shooter had missed is total psychopathy. And the fact that a lot of this shit is coming from people who I had long considered measured and decent makes this even more disheartening. Hopefully at least a few of them will step back and ask themselves, is this how I really want to be perceived by others? 

On the Democratic Establishment's Feverish Attempt to Deep-Six Biden

 An attack on democracy? An insurrection worse than Pearl Harbor? A coup? A desperate strategy to salvage the election? Or simply a good old-fashioned stab in the back? Please, talk amongst yourselves.

Friday, July 19, 2024

On the Fact that I Never Really Considered Julie Harris Sexy......Until I Watched "Harper" and Did a Bit of a Course Correction (Didn't Hurt that Her Character In the Film Was Rather Edgy)

And a great actress, too. Five Tony Awards, nothing to sneeze at.


On ABC News Crapping Out a Story with the Heading, "Trump Says He Was Shot at Rally In Possible Assassination Attempt"

  Yes, news reporters are generally stupid but they're not this stupid. They're aware that Trump got blasted but in order to keep their bullshit narrative going they have to describe it in a way that makes it seem as if the event was no big deal and that Trump is no where near resembling a heroic figure. But everyone's seen the video by now and so what are they accomplishing other than making themselves look like total effing dipwads? Not a whole hell of a lot from my perspective.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

On Some Sociopathic Cypher Named Jacqueline Marsaw (a Staffer of Congressman Benny Thompson, the Miscreant Who Recently Put Forth Legislation that Would Remove Secret Service Protection from Trump - Let that Sink In) Tweeting Out the Following -

"I don't condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time oops that wasn't me talking" - First off, if anybody needs lessons it's this asshole (regarding grammar and punctuation, obviously) but even if she did speak properly and intelligently, is this really the type of person that you want to collaborate with? Would be pretty tough, wouldn't it?

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

On ABC News's Dreadful Martha Maddatz Being More Triggered by Trump Figuratively and Instinctively Screaming Out, "Fight Fight Fight" After Nearly Getting His Head Blown Off than She Was by Trump............Nearly Getting His Head Blown Off

 If ever there was a time when the Trump-despising leftist normies could have re-calibrated and moderated their venom even a tad, it would have been something like this (the poor bastard nearly getting murdered), and the fact that they haven't even tried speaks libraries, wouldn't you say? 

On Close to Half the Country Needing to Be Informed that President Biden Was Suffering from Dementia as They Apparently Couldn't Figure it Out On Their Own

Yeah, that's almost as scary as Biden displaying the damned affliction. Thankfully I don't have to rank the two.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

On the Fact that We've Still Never Seen ABC News Hack, Martha Raddatz, and the Crypt-Keeper In the Same Room Together and I Find that Troubling

Can someone arrange this? I'm having serious trouble sleeping these days.

On the Secret Service Allowing Some Jerkwad with a Gun to Bear Crawl - In Plain Sight - On a Rooftop Which Had a Crystal-Clear View of Mr. Trump and from Which He Tried to Blow the Fellow's Brains Out

Still a lot that we need to know but as of now it sure as shit looks like a failure of colossal proportions. And, yes, let us hope that that's strictly what it was. Ya' catch my drift?

On Some Slugs Called, the Patriot Front Group


Police departments don't seem to have bunco squads any longer. Might I suggest that we resurrect a couple (the strong likelihood that at least a few of these dolts are phonies a la the Whitmer fiasco and the Confederate flag, a little obvious, no?)?

On Contemplating How Long that it Would Take the Leftist Political Establishment and Their Goons In the Corporate Press to Take Advantage of the Assassination Attempt On Trump by a) Spinning it In a Way that Makes it Seem as if Trump Brought the Tragedy On Himself (via His Rhetoric - Nothing On Their Rhetoric, Though, What a Surprise) and b) Arguing for the Ten-Millionth Time for "Common Sense Gun Control"

 ............with the ultimate answer of course being, not very. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

On the F.B.I. Citing Security Concerns as its Main Rationale for Turning Off the Security Cameras at Mar-a-Lago During Their Gestapo-Infused Raid of the Place

  It's totally nonsensical and so we either have a bunch of nimrods who know squat about security (there generally aren't enough agents to man every point of entry and so the security cameras and consoles make it so that one agent can observe multiple points of entry at once - maybe they didn't know that, which itself is frightening) or a large contingent of people who are trying to hide something (staging photos, for example). My suspicion is that it's probably both with the latter being the bigger contributor.

On 87 People Getting Shot In Chicago Over the Fourth of July Weekend with None of the Perpetrators Being White, a Cop, or a Legal Firearms Owner

 So, yeah, if your goal is to cut back on "gun violence", instead of disarming the law abiding citizens you keep the violent thugs in jail for the entire duration of their sentence? Granted, it wouldn't satisfy the parasitic psychopathic wet-dream of handing government the monopoly on force but it does address the rampant violence issue while maintaining our constitutional rights. A sane approach, in other words.  

Sunday, July 14, 2024

On the Fact that if You Constantly Call Someone Hitler and Then Demand that He Disavow White Supremacists a Couple Million Times, You're Probably Gonna' Break a Few Eggs, Ya' Understand?

The person who shot the former President is of course the one responsible, HOWEVER, after close to a decade of the institutional left (and, yes, I'm including the corporate whore media in this movement) shitting out rhetoric against Mr. Trump that is well beyond the norms of both fairness and decency, should we even be remotely surprised by this? 'Cause, honestly, I'm kinda' not.