Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kenny G/Michael Bolton

What would be MY answer to the question, "So, who do YOU think is the worst person in U.S. history?"


Commander Zaius said...

Seriously? I would have to pick the Rosenbergs for passing A-bomb secrets.

Oh yeah, I discovered that Right Wing asked Lefty bloggers who was the worst in US history and like the righties before them they added people who should have never been on that list.

20) The Rosenbergs (3) + Julius Rosenberg (3) (6 total votes)
20) Pat Robertson (6)
20) Oliver North (6)
20) William Randolph Hearst (6)
20) Aaron Burr (6)
20) Aldrich Ames (6)
18) George Lincoln Rockwell (7)
18) Robert McNamara (7)
14) Richard Mellon Scaife (8)
14) Lee Harvey Oswald (8)
14) Charles Coughlin (8)
14) Strom Thurmond (8)
13) Ronald Reagan (9)
12) George Wallace (10)
11) Andrew Jackson (12)
9) Jefferson Davis (13)
9) George W. Bush (13)
6) Benedict Arnold (14)
6) Henry Kissinger (14)
6) John Wilkes Booth (14)
3) Timothy McVeigh (16)
3) Nathan Bedford Forrest (16)
3) J. Edgar Hoover (16)
2) Richard Nixon (25)
1) Joseph McCarthy (26)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Sorry, double b, I couldn't resist. Just the hair alone on those 2 guys. LOL.....As for this list, Oswald - DEFINITELY. And Burr, too (the treason aspect). But what about William Tecumseh Sherman? Was not that individual responsible for numerous (unpunished) war crimes?

Vigilante said...

I'll vote for Geo W Bush and the horses he rode in on, including most especially all the people who voted for hime twice!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I have several Kenny G CDs. There is nothing wrong with his music. I don't have any Michael Bolton CDs, but I don't think his music is terrible, just not for me. Obviously neither Kenny G nor Michael Bolton is a serious response to the question you posed.

Rusty Shackleford said...

You only need one Kenny G cd...they all sound the same.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Vig, if we put Bush #2 on (and I'm not necessarily objecting to that, mind you), then we have to put McKinley on, too. He bamboozled us into TWO wars......Welcome back, btw.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

No wd, it was NOT a serious response. It was a joke! If I seriously had to pick the worst ever, I'd probably have to go with McVeigh (this, though he clearly has a lot of competition).

Commander Zaius said...

Well, if you want the top of my musical shit list it would be Barry Manilow.

Doc Häagen-Dazs said...

Ditto, ditto & ditto!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I hate to spoil the party dudes but how many of you have gotten laid thanks to the music of Ozzy or Led Zeppelin?

I happen to think Kenny and Michael are great Americans. As much as I enjoy Def Leppard and Black Sabbath, I'll take the booty any day of the week.