Monday, September 20, 2010

From Clare Boothe Luce and Margaret Chase THIS?

Anybody can make a gaffe (yes, folks, President Obama included). Me, for example - I've made a veritable shit-load of 'em. But, folks, I also have to say here that, yes, the lot of these far-right female Republicans have really been upping the tally lately - demonstrably! You've got Palin basically inventing words. You've got this O'Donnell chick using real words incorrectly. And then, of course, you've got Bachmann not even knowing rudimentary current events (proclaiming O'Donnell will in fact be Delaware's "next governor"). Add these three to Sharron Angle and her "second amendment remedies", her literally running like a deer from the press (and, yes, when I say, literally, I mean I actually saw her RUN from local reporters) and, yeah, there does seem to be a flat-out trend evolving here...............................................................................................And the thing is, folks, I actually DO want more women to get involved in Republican politics (ditto, Democratic). It would in fact be a good thing - in my estimation. But, paaaaleeeese! Can we at least get some articulate/lesser paranoid individuals (remember Bachmann and HER suggestion that Democratic members of Congress be investigated by the media for anti-Americanism?)? And, NO, they don't necessarily have to be moderates (though, yes, as moderate, I would personally prefer that), either - just not frigging caricatures..........................................................................................P.S. Just to be fair and balanced here, I should probably point out that there is also a fair share of Democratic wing-nuts and morons, too. The most obvious example would clearly have to be that Alvin Greene character from South Carolina. But, damn it, there's also Mr. Alan Grayson (wow, now there's a fellow who could really use an intervention) and people like that.....And, yet, right now, as we speak, I'd still have to say that this new Tea Partying gang of right-wing females rules - at least for now, anyway.


Rusty Shackleford said...

Know why Michelle says "living in the White House is hell?"

The narrow hallways.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Now that was funny.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

A little hippy, is she?

Rusty Shackleford said...

I'm telling you...if this O'Donnell chick wins in Deleware the liberal pundits are gonna be shitting BB's.

We know more about a woman running for senate in the smallest state in the union then we do about POTUS.The left is doing more digging into this girls past then they ever did when Obie was running for president.Amazing!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I don't care that this woman "dabbled" in witchcraft in high-school. I am concerned, however, that, as recently as 2006, she was going around saying that homosexuality is a choice. And what was that thing about mice being genetically engineered to have functioning human brains? THAT, Rusty, was very weird......I do agree with you that the Republicans are oft-times scrutinized more stringently by the media. I will in fact give you that one.

Rusty Shackleford said...

By no means do I think shes a good candidate.I just find the left wing media to be so damn hypocritical.Just once I'd like to see them dig into some libs past.

MSNBC thinks that idiot Grayson is credible,you know his elevator does'nt get to the top floor.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Grayson is a circus performer who, no, doesn't in any way seem right in the head. He's also proof-positive that the clownishness in Washington is fully bipartisan.

Rusty Shackleford said...

I see Jimmy Carter has again trotted himself out to the media...I'm sure the DNC is overjoyed at him being out there this close to an election.

Reminds me of a quote by his mother Miss Lillian....when asked why Jimmy went to Washington and Billy did'nt...she said "the smart one had to stay home and run the gas station."

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You are simply a brainwashed schill for you right wing puppet masters Rusty. Your devotion to jokes about Michelle Obama's butt and ridiculous assertions of a "leftwing media" expose you for the simple mind you are.

President Carter was a fiscallly responsible president. Unlike every republican since. The reality is most who call themselves republicans or conservatives are merely ignorant sheep who only seek out what they want to hear while ignoring facts and data.

You fit this description perfectly Rusty.

Vigilante said...

What's wrong with Grayson, again? Did I miss something...? (Sorry, wasn't payin' attention!)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

When it comes to Jimmy Carter, it seems as if there are 2 distinct/mutually exclusive groups - those that want to vilify and pile on the guy, and those who want to resurrect him. Count me, folks, as belonging to neither. This, in that, while, yes, he was clearly a mediocre (at best) President, I really don't have the desire to denigrate an 87 year-old man who basically did his best. Just leave him alone is probably the #1 option.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Grayson, Vig, I find him exceedingly shrill and partisan. And even though he isn't as off the charts stupid as Bachmann, etc., I really don't think that the elevator is working all that well there, either.

Oso said...

give us some links to this left wing media you keep mentioning. We sure as hell need some left wing media since the right and center-right dominate the airwaves.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Duh could try MSNBC,NBC,CBS,NPR....I think any of them will be exactly what you're looking for.

Doc Häagen-Dazs said...

I find Grayson objective. I find Hart irrelevant.

Vigilante said...


Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hey!!! LOL

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Alan Grayson is, IMO, one of the heroes of the House. He is an extremely intelligent man - just read his Wikipedia bio. He fights for the American people. Does he need an "intervention" for that reason Will? Not right in the head? Perhaps that is how someone of high intelligence is perceived by someone of a lesser intelligence?

Doc Häagen-Dazs said...

Now, that's a smart dog!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm sure that his "bio" is impressive. But you know who else's bio is impressive? Ann Coulter's (Cornell and University of Michigan Law) is impressive. And so is Laura Ingraham's (Dartmouth and University of Virginia Law). I don't find them particularly off the charts brilliant, either......I think it's pretty obvious what's going on here. You fellows just don't like or trust anybody who isn't a down the line liberal (oh, excuse me, progressive LOL). You gotta buy it all or you can't buy any of it. Sorry, fellows, but it just doesn't work that way. Well, not outside the blogosphere it doesn't anyway.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm sure that the bureaucrats in England would prefer it if the people would "die quickly", too.

Vigilante said...

What Doc Häagen-Dazs said (the 1st time)...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Yet another my-way-or-the-highway sentiment from a my-way-or-the-highway liberal. This and, yet, me-bucko, they never do get stale, now do they?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Liberals get their way? Is that your idea of moderate humor Will? I'm certainly not laughing. I rate your "joke" only slightly more humorous than Rusty's... which isn't saying much... But I don't go in for racist humor.

Doc Häagen-Dazs said...

I'm not mentioning any names here, Derv, but I will say there are a lot of people who are sort of smart. But because they are also sort of chicken, they hesitate to act on well-founded convictions. Thus, they resort to taking positions CONTRA both "sides". They call that their 'comfort zone'.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I didn't say that either side "get's their way", only that certain partisan individuals want you to agree with them 100% of the time, and, if you don't, then you're suddenly a "part of the problem" to them.......I call this blog, "Contra O'Reilly", because I, unlike Mr. O'Reilly, actually DO try and be a fair and balanced broker.

Doc Häagen-Dazs said...

Aye, that's the problem, Hart! Your self image is that of a broker, not a blogger. (thanks for clearing that up!) You're brokering, not blogging. You are the spitting image of Barack Obama, who is also brokering!

If you were an umpire, exactly half of all pitches would be strikes.

And, if you were a judge, you would take no prisoners! Every defendant would be placed on probation, no matter what the guilt or offense!

You are good at what you do, Broker!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I don't keep a tally of my pitches, Doc. I just try to be really consistent in my standards of indignation. Olbermann (for example) hammers Fox (justifiably so, in many instances) for basically campaigning for Republicans. And the he, Mr. Olbermann, basically does the same thing for Democrats. It's pure hypocrisy, dude.

Doc Häagen-Dazs said...

If you say so, Broker!

Vigilante said...

LOL, Doc!

Pink Liberty said...

As long as we're complaining about Republican women; thankfully the crazy failed CEO chauvinist Fiorina is trailing in the polls in CA. Her first ad was a remarkable attack on Boxer reasonably asking to be called Senator instead of Ma-am!--I really believe it will cost her the election! Thankfully

Doc Häagen-Dazs said...

Hopefully, but not certainly, Pinks. I've read that the well-heeled Koch Bros are about to give Fiorina some of their gazillions.