Saturday, September 11, 2010

Channelling Howard

"(softly and reflectively) I hope John Tate never fights again.....(loudly and far more decisively) THE MAN WHOSE HUMAN DIGNITY HAS BEEN STRIPPED BY BOXING PROMOTERS, THE WBA, THE WBC - RUMP ORGANIZATIONS!....(quietly and reflectively again) I hope John Tate never fights again.".....LOL My God, why do I even remember stuff like this?


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Who doesn't remember Big John Tate?

I think it was him who Mike Weaver delivered one of the hardest punches to the jaw froma clinch I ever saw. I thought it killed the guy.

More importantly though Will, I'm an ayatollah now.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

It WAS Weaver. And it was in the 15th round. All that Tate had to do was survive and he'd walk away with a victory. He walked into a right uppercut instead......LOL Truthmeni

Commander Zaius said...

Sorry, I guess that was before my time.

Rusty Shackleford said...

The worst was watching an old and out of shape Reberto Duran climb in the ring.

I remember when he was the baddest man on the planet.

In fact National Lampoon once did an article on how to die raw Carlo Gambino's wifes pussy.....and piss on Reberto Durans shoes.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Double b, you do Remember Howard Cosell, though, right? "Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!".....Rusty, Duran started his career 73-1 (the only loss, a decision loss to DeJesus, which he went on to avenge twice via the knockout). But like you said, he kept going up and up in weight, and even though he still had some good moments (wins over Davey Moore and Iran Barkley), he clearly wasn't the same.

Oso said...

Roberto looks pretty bad these days. I remember a fight years ago, might have been Ray Lampkin (?) when Duran pounded the opponent's biceps till he couldn't lift his arms to pick off head shots.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I think that Duran was probably the best fighter of the 70s (more consistent than Ali that decade). To channel Mr. Cosell yet again, "Inch for inch and pound for pound!!"