Sunday, August 31, 2014

On Fox News's John Bolton Calling President Obama "Ideologically Rigid"

While I tend to agree with the statement, the fact that it came from the mouth of some neoconservative asshole - let's just say that it didn't sit too well with me.


Jerry Critter said...

Certainly a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Les Carpenter said...

Bolton saying this has me LMAO!!!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Fox has made some decent hires over the past 2,3 years. This obviously is NOT one of them.

dmarks said...

Speaking of rigid, that buffoon 'stache of his could be used as a Bat-a-rang.

Hint: Don't go through life intentionally looking like some sort of clown. Unless your name is Emmet Kelly or Larry Harmon.