Friday, May 6, 2011

A Touch of Genius

My favorite scene from "Touch of Evil" comes pretty much near the ending. It happens when that Orson Welles corrupt cop character approaches his former flame (deliciously played by Marlene Dietrich), herself with a somewhat shady past, and asks her (messing up the cards that she was already reading), "Read my future", and she responds tersely, "You haven't got one." It's a mega/powerful scene and, while, yes, it more or less gives away the ending, you still damn need to watch see just exactly HOW it concludes.........................................................................................I know that I'm probably in the minority on this but, in my opinion, this movie, "Touch of Evil", is Orson Welles' true masterpiece, not "Citizen Kane". And, PLUS, I have never seen Janet Leigh look this incredible - EVER! That, me-buckos, in and of itself......


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Citizen Kane was vastly over rated. It's one of those movies we're told to like because we're supposed to like it. I thought it was too long and bored hell out of me. Fuck you Rosebud. And I don't care who or what it was.

It's like a Picasso. Most of the time I look at it and ask myself what the hell is that? No deep thoughts or emotions are stirred. Other than a chuckle at the kooks and phonies that think a few scribbles or that big metal bug in Chicago are profound works. A big metal bug Will. I prefer your philosophy of admiring hot chicks from across the millenia. That's art.

Commander Zaius said...

I agree with Truth, Citizen Kane is overrated. The critics liked it and wham, its a masterpiece but for me its far too abstract.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The American Film Institute voted "Citizen Kane" the greatest movie of all time, ranking it ahead of such other films as "Casablanca", "Lawrence of Arabia", "On the Waterfront", "The Godfather", "Gone With the Wind", "The Graduate", and "The Bridge on the River Kwai". Dare I say that it's quite unanimous - our disagreement?............As for Mr. Picasso, I must confess an affinity for him (along with Matisse and Rouault). A weakness for asymmetrical shit, let's call it.