Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Miscellaneous 70

1) Nobody can put lipstick on a pig like Dick Morris. But I'm telling you here, his most recent little ditty was boffo, EVEN FOR HIM. The guy, right, he goes on "Hannity" last week and, get this - he refers to the current and prospective field of Republican Presidential candidates as an "extremely strong field". Better than even that, he refers to Michele Bachman as "savvy and intelligent"....Is it any wonder, folks, that Fox is the only outlet that gives this douche-bag the time of day?............2) I have absolutely no problem, whatsoever, in giving Mr. Obama credit for this bin Laden kill - NONE (I mean, he was the commander in chief, right?). I am not, however, willing to put him on a par with Truman, JFK, and Ike. It is way too early and he still has to clean up the mess that he a) started in Libya and b) continued in Afghanistan. Maybe if he accomplishes that, I might reconsider.............3) I have very mixed feelings as to whether or not we should release these pictures of a dead bin Laden. On the one hand, releasing them could provide the families with a sense of closure and/or satisfaction. It could also potentially assuage at least some of the conspiracy theories that are bound to come down the pike (Osama and Elvis together type sightings). On the other hand, the releasing of these photos could inflame certain elements of the Arab world that presently DON'T hate us - a segment, folks, that Mr. Hannity evidently doesn't think is very large/worthwhile.............4) The Bulls' Derrick Rose was the obvious choice for MVP this year. He was the best player on the best team (at least record-wise). But, folks, to say that this was a boffo MVP in a boffo year of MVP candidates would clearly be a stretch. Previous winners such as Steve Nash and Tim Duncan are seemingly on a downward trend. And, others, such as Dirk Nowitzki and LeBron James, didn't even remotely approach their banner play. But, hey, congratulations, I guess. It's certainly one more MVP than I'll ever get.


Commander Zaius said...

I have absolutely no problem, whatsoever, in giving Mr. Obama credit for this bin Laden kill - NONE (I mean, he was the commander in chief, right?). I am not, however, willing to put him on a par with Truman, JFK, and Ike.

My fellow liberals need to get a grip, yeah Obama deserves the credit for being Commander-in-chief when Bin Laden was finally killed, but Bush the Elder won a war but was still kicked out of office in 1992 because of the economy.

Anonymous said...


Just imagine Dick Morris in a sleazy hotel room butt naked except for a pair of leather chaps on his hands and knees while he is begging a hooker to punish him...

Then just turn the channel....its the only way to deal with a chance encounter with Dick Morris...

Rusty Shackleford said...

OBL is dead and rotting in hell.Showing the pictures is'nt going to change anyones mind.Our leftwing friends had absolutly no problem and were chafing at the bit to show each and every picture from Abu Ghraib.
I defer to Sec.Gates who feels releasing the picture would endanger our troops.
I'm getting a kick out of how MSNBC is now trying to paint Obama as a terror warrior.Yes he did give the go ahead for the mission and he should be commended for that,but to say the right can never again say the dems are weak on defense....come on man.Every member of Code Pink is a dem as are all the MoveOn folks.
It was reported OBL was living in that compound for five years,I'm kind of surprized this crew did'nt wait until about Aug. of 2112 to pop him.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

That's a perfect analogy, double b. And, yes, if the unemployment rate doesn't go under 8% by election day, the only thing that could save Mr. Obama would be a crap candidate like Palin, Bachman, Trump, etc........It never ceases to amaze me, Tao, guys like Morris, Gingrich, Edwards, etc. end up doing such shameful things and they NEVER, EVER seem to feel or show any of that shame. It's disgusting. Just like the way that Morris moves his mouth like Clutch Cargo.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I respect and trust Gates' judgment, too, Russ (one of the very few decent and honorable men in Washington, I think).......As for Fox and MSNBC, they're obviously both playing up their respective narratives. Yes, people on the latter network are acting like Obama is JFK reincarnate. But on Fox you've also got guys like Hannity hemming and hawing about the "40 minute funeral" (I guess that he wanted the body simply thrown in the dumpster). We should all probably just watch Anderson Cooper, huh?

Les Carpenter said...

Gates may be the best judge on the picture thingy. But not yet convinced.

Morris I like sometimes. Trying to think of when!

Yup, if the unemployment rate is above 8% in 2012 President Hopium may be cooked.

Remember... 'It's the economy stupid!'

As for Bachmann, I'd have dinner with her, and...

As to the 2012 republican ticket... Paul/Johnson

Of to the races!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Bush had eight years to get Bin Laden. He was warned by Clinton about him. Clinton had years. Took a little over two years for Bin Laden to get his reward from the Obama Administration. Pirates killed. Obama's not afraid to pull the trigger. Neither were Truman, Kennedy or Roosevelt. Or Woodrow Wilson. Dems are tough. Republicans are pansies.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Beach Bum: My fellow liberals need to get a grip

Huh? Are Liberals saying Obama has the 2012 election wrapped up because he succeeded where GWB failed? If so I didn't get that memo.

Rusty: Every member of Code Pink is a dem as are all the MoveOn folks.

So, "strong on national defense" means willing to lie to start an illegal war? I support Code Pink and MoveOn. Republicans should NOT be trusted on national defense. bush's wars made the threat posed by terrorism WORSE.

Torture also made us less safe, and Pawlenty defended it in the recent Republican debate!

Will... if the unemployment rate doesn't go under 8% by election day, the only thing that could save Mr. Obama would be a crap candidate.

So, you're predicting that Obama is going to lose in 2012?

Rusty Shackleford said...

Unemployment is back up to 9%,gas is heading towards five bucks a gallon and the housing market is still a disaster.
I wonder if MSNBC will mention either this coming week?Or will they fill all their air time with thrilling stories how Obie actually led the SEAL teams into OBL's compound and shot the terrorist himself.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Rusty: Unemployment is back up to 9%,gas is heading towards five bucks a gallon and the housing market is still a disaster.

It's a disaster, I agree... and it's all the consequence of Reagonomics. Republicans should be cheering. Obviously they LOVE the crapy economic situation, seeing as the House just voted for more of it (with Paul Ryan's bill).

Rusty Shackleford said...

I forgot to mention the staggering debt load and the continued borrowing from China.Does'nt bode well for Obie.Unfortunately,as of now the Republican candidates are pretty damn weak.All that might change if Daniels,Christie or Rubio get involved.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm predicting that IF the unemployment rate stays over 8% AND the Republicans field a somewhat palatable candidate (a Daniels or a Huntsman, say), then, yeah, Mr. Obama could in fact be a one-term President. Gerry Ford, Jimmy Carter, Bush 1 - it's entirely possible.