Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Complete and Unabridged List of People Who Are Ticked That Osama bin Laden Got Plugged

Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Noam Chomsky, wd, radical Islam.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I;m glad he's dead Will. And considering I'm a Facebook Friend of yours that should amount for more than the list of people who just happen to be misguided on this.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

As is usual, you're one of the good guys, Truth.

Commander Zaius said...

While I tend to leave disgruntled farts long exiled to the outer and lonely reaches of cable television alone I hear Olbermann is upset as well.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Mr. Olbermann's affinity for President Obama seems to have finally run its course (ironically, just as I'm starting to like the President - hmm).

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Is this also a list of people who are rooting for al-Qaeda to win the war on terror? That is what you are implying, is it not?

The comment I made in response to your previous post was, "I'm NOT saying I believe Michael Moore is absolutely correct in what he said, but he makes some very good points".

So, my saying MM wasn't correct means... I'm in 100 percent agreement with him?! Obviously you read my comment but interpreted it the way you wanted.

You trust proven liars like Rick Berman and Peter Schweizer and I'm the "knee-jerk reactionary partisan"?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

No, it is NOT what I'm implying. Don't be an idiot. O.K., you're not in 100% agreement with Mr. Moore but you DID say that "now we'll never know for sure if bin Laden was actually behind 9/11." That sounds to me like you'd have preferred he be captured alive.......How is it proven that Peter Schweizer is a liar, because there were a few pieces of exculpatory evidence pertaining to Pelosi that he didn't know about? I hate to tell you, but it's Mr. Moore who's the "proven liar". That idiot said twice that he NEVER owned any stock. And he did!!......Oh, and, yeah, God bless Mr. Obama for having the guts to scrub the planet clean of that miscreant.

Marcus said...

A little perspective...there may have been some preference to capturing Bin Laden alive.
1) No Martyrdom.
2) No Conspiracy theories...we need a break from the birther like idiocy.
3) Take the opportunity to "rub it in their faces." With bin Laden locked in solitary while awaiting trail would humiliate and marginilize would rob them of their "boogey man" status.
4) Have a would show the world that we say who we are...even its a military tribunal.
5) Let victim family members draw lots to man the firing squad...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Number 5 rocks. Totally.