Friday, May 20, 2011

This, From a Prospective (Presidential) Candidate

"You (President Obama) are a REMARKABLE leader.......I have enormous regard for your experience, sense of history, and brilliant analysis of world events."....Jon Huntsman, former Utah Governor, Ambassador to China, and possible Republican Presidential candidate.......O.K. At least we know now who ISN'T getting the nomination. LOL


Rusty Shackleford said...

The difference between brown noser and ass kisser......depth perception.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Just gonna go ahead and make a wild guess that the fast majority of poster here are anti Israel,that is the liberal position after all.
It was really great to see a world leader like Bibi Netanyahu more or less tell Obama to take his proposed return to 1967 borders idea and stick it up his ass.Plus,Bibi had balls so big he told him to his face.Obama sat there like a little kid getting scolded.Priceless.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The Liberal postion is not anti-Israel. That's a flat out lie and anyone who isn't a dumbass knows it.

dmarks said...

The hard-left position (Chomsky, etc) is antisemitic, as is the kook left position (the Green Party, which ran a sort of neo-Nazi for President the last time). But closer to the center, the mainstream leftists/liberals, of which Obama is one, are not really anti-Israel.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Sooooooo WD,you being a liberal fully support Israel and you are fully in agreement with Americas continue support of Israel including supplying weapons and financial aid?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I fully support a two state solution where both sides make concessions. In regards to military and financial aid for Israel... I think we need to re-evaluate all foreign aid. Also, I'm generally opposed to Military aid, which is primarily a subsidy to our defense industry, although I believe Israel is a unique situation.

Sue said...

Rusty you really are showing your smarts aren't you!? What President Obama said is the same thing Clinton and GW Bush said. What Netanyahu said to and about President Obama was a disgrace and will come back and bite him in his hairy balls!! Obama sat there silent because he is a MAN, he knows what comes next for the Bibster...

Rusty Shackleford said...

Sue,once again you let your adoration of Obie lead you astray.
No American president,including Clinton and W have ever suggested Israel return to the 1967 borders....none,not even the useful idiot Carter.
You see can have your own opinions bur not your own facts.
Again...Obie sat there like a little school boy by getting chastised
by an adult who obviously knows more about the situation at hand.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Obama remained silent while Bibi slapped him around because he did'nt have anything written on the teleprompter.

Rusty Shackleford said...

And Sue,a question for you.How on earth do you know Bibi has hairy balls? Is there something you're not telling? Are you some sort of expert on such things?

Mordechai said...

Rusty LIES again;

President Obama didn't only say "return to 1967 borders"

What he actually said (the non MSM edited so it is pro right wing talking points version):

"So while the core issues of the conflict must be negotiated, the basis of those negotiations is clear: a viable Palestine, a secure Israel. The United States believes that negotiations should result in two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine. We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states. The Palestinian people must have the right to govern themselves, and reach their full potential, in a sovereign and contiguous state."

You, as usual, left out the non right wing talking points parts rusty.

Gonna crawl back under that rock again?

Rusty Shackleford said...

"We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines." Are you really that stupid trying to re-write yesterdays history? Did you hear Netanyahu today? Perhaps you were the only person on earth who did'nt hear exactly what Obie read off the teleprompter. never cease to're actually too stupid to insult.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

What Obama said today wasn't controversial. It has long been known that any workable solution would probably have to be based on the '67 borders (with, as Mr. Obama said, land swaps). The 2000 Clinton/Barak plan (which Mr. Arafat loathsomely rejected) was in fact a variation on essentially what Obama said.......It's also important to note that Mr. Obama essentially gave the Israelis an "out". If Hamas starts to screw around again, Israel is free to walk away (they'd be free to do so anyway).......The only real controversial part to this whole thing is that Mr. Obama made the statement publicly. Other than that......

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Rusty: you have no knowlege of negotiation tactics. Obama was brilliant to bring this up. The onus is now on the Palestinians to come to the table and actually negotiate. They always ran because the reality is that peace is not in the interests of Palestinian leadership. Or Syria's and Iran's. Hate focused on Israel and America keeps the angry, unemployed young men from rebeling against their leadership. At least it has until recently with the Arab Spring protests.

In the end though, unless Jesus is returning tomorrow to fix this morass, it won't be ending.

I posted on this at Democracy Central. I suggest everyone visit Whirling Dervish's outstanding blog, Sleeping With the Devil, before coming to DC though.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Truth.....I'd be willing to make a sizable wager that I indeed have quite a bit negotiating experience.
The fact is Obie shit in his mess kit.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Russ, I'm a pretty strong supporter of Israel and I don't think that Obama did too badly here. Yeah, maybe he should have done a little bit more of this private and all. But, come on, we know what's going to happen here. Hamas is going to start blowing shit up and the whole thing is going to fall apart. JUST LIKE IT ALWAYS DOES.

Rusty Shackleford said...

The point is Will,he should have never even mentioned the 1967 borders,that was foolish.All that will do is enbolden Hamas.Just stop and think how serious a subject that is if it caused Netanyahu to publically denounce the suggestion,to the mans face,in his house,with the world watching.I'd guess Bibi will get a hero's welcome upon his return to Israel and it may very well cost Obama a few votes in NYC and South Florida.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You might be right. Sometimes it is better to do the negotiations away from the camera.

Rusty Shackleford said...

There were some reports that Obama disreguarded his State Dept.with his comments about Israel,including Hillary.A couple news sites reported that Netanyahu was beside himself during a meeting with Hillary and had to be calmed down prior to his public appearance with Obama.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You obviously were a one track, failure to see the big picture negotiator Rusty.

What Obama did had a purpose far from a mideast peace. He first of all put the ball squarely in the court of Palestine (I use Palestine as a catch all for t's leadership of mostly thugs. He held out the promise of giving them what they want to bring them to the table. When it falls apart because Palestine will see that it does Obama looks like the great comprisor and Palestine is exposed to the world for the fraud it is.

Obama is off the hook to come to Palestine's aid because he can honestly say he tried and the world can say nothing about it.

When bombs come from Giza into Israel and Israel strikes back our hands will be clean because we tried.

The fact is no matter what Obama does you won't like it and find and reason to beat on it Rusty.

dmarks said...

Anon was kind of dumb to bring up "talking points" when the rest of those discussing this were sticking to real issues.