Friday, December 11, 2009

Gambling With a Partial Deck

I have to admit it, folks. I'm finally starting to get Palin'd out. And, yes, this is from a fellow who actually kind of felt sorry for her (not to mention, thought that she was HOT!). I felt sorry for her 1) because I had always blamed, HELLO!, John McCain for picking her (selecting a seemingly nice young woman for a position she clearly wasn't ready for). Obviously, she could have said no but, really, how many people amongst us have that firm a grasp on his/her limitations? Not many, from what I can tell...............................................................................................I also felt sorry for her 2) because of the abuse that she had to endure - abuse from the blogs, abuse from David Letterman, abuse from Keith Olbermann (hell, by the time that Olbermann was done with her, David Letterman was a victim of Sarah Palin!!!), etc.. And the fact that they had brought her family into it, too. It was actually kind of disgusting..........................................................................................But now, NOW, I really and truly think that, yes, it's gotten to a point where the woman is starting to deserve some of the ridicule. I mean, just the hyperbolic nature of her comments (on health care and global warming, in particular), the endless vitriol of her blogs and tweets (man, do I ever hate that word/concept) - she's got to be up to something here; trying to push the envelope, putting on public display her own brand of extremism, whatever..........................................................................................And now we've got this frigging book of hers. While it isn't entirely devoted to "getting back" at people (McCain staffers, in particular), it certainly does have a pettiness element in it. And the fact that she didn't even write the book. That isn't at all helpful (as in it reinforces her critics' belief that she lacks intelligence), either................................................................................................P.S. If in fact she really wanted to "write" a book, wouldn't it have been a much better idea to write a substantive one? I mean, think about it - what does this woman need more than anything? She needs some cred, right? Now, if she doesn't have the ability to write one - that would obviously be a different story............................................................................................Oh, and to my conservative friends, I actually DO think that this woman has ability/a future. I could see her, for instance, as a deputy secretary in the energy department - with some definite room to grow. This, as opposed to a candidate for the Presidency, I'm saying. Maybe later. Not now.


Kentucky Rain said...

Will I am sorry to say I have never felt sorry for her. I think she is a liar and a manipulator, not to mention a fanatic Jesus Jumper. She can, in point of fact, thank John McCain for making her a multi-millionaire. I just wish she would go away, then again I do enjoy posting Palin-News!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'll admit it, Mike. I may have been swayed somewhat by her charm and good looks (conveniently overlooking her lack of belief in evolution, etc.). And I always feel bad for people who end up in situations over their head. But, even with all of the rope that I ended up giving her, it wasn't enough. She's officially alienated me.

Commander Zaius said...

The press can, when it smells blood, go after a person with a fanatical glee. On the other hand Palin has done her level best to stay in the light and just about every other word out of her mouth has shown she has no true grasp of issues and events beyond a tabloid level.

Her famous words "drill, baby drill" with her believing our energy issues could be solved by allowing open drilling off American shores is naive to the extreme. For my own reasons I'm strongly against drilling off shore but I have yet to see a report, not tainted with right-wing think tank or big oil propaganda, that there is actually enough oil to supply the country for a significant period.

Then again it was pointed out when this was a campaign issue that there is no law that would require the oil companies to sell the oil from such sources in the United States.

I know the tree hugger mentality of wind and solar being the solution will not work, in fact I am strongly pro-nuclear and wish like hell we would ramp up the fusion research.

For those reasons and many more I am strongly opposed to Sarah Palin holding any office above assistant county dog catcher. Although I must admit part of me wants her to be ran and get the nomination for no other reason that forcing her out into the open where she will have to make "clear" statements. winks and "you bethcas" will only get her so far.

On the other hand if she does get elected America will deserve everything she brings.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Just to be clear, double b, I never really considered voting for her (her fundamentalism combined with McCain's depravity on fireign policy made that a nonstarter). I just felt bad for her in that people like Olbermann seemed to be going over the top with the vitriol. But, like you said, she eventually became her own worst enemy with her comments, overexposure, etc.. Like with any gambler, she just didn't know when to fold.