Saturday, November 30, 2024

On the Corporate Press's Bald-Faced Unwillingness to Reassess the Venal Way that They've Treated Mr. Trump (a Deeply Flawed Man for Certain but to Lose One's Shit Every Effing Day as MSLSD Ramrods Did When the Guy Was Over In North Korea Trying to Make Peace with Kim Jung Un, Come On) for the Better Part of the Last Decade

  I'm still trying figure this shit out. Yes, Mr. Trump is a different type of animal but he was also a President who helped to broker peace in the Middle East, signed criminal justice reform, increased aid to black colleges, and was the first President since Jimmy Carter to not start a new war (compare this to Bush and Obama who literally smashed nation-states). All that I think of is that they're either frightened to death that the fellow will a) end their corrupt little system of government/corporate footsy or b) declassify some severely damaging info on the power elite that will at the very least embarrass them. Possibly there's a third reason............but I doubt it.

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