Thursday, December 19, 2024

On Alleged Insurrectionists Building a Scaffold In Front of the Capitol Prior to January 6th and the Capitol Police Not Doing an Damned Thing to Stop Them

  I'm not gonna' go as far as to call it a "Fedsurrection" (too gimmicky and why give the statists and media shits fodder to mock you?) but a lot of things did fall magically into place, ALL OF IT to their advantage (the pipe-bomber getting away, a January 6th committee that was a pure abomination, the police welcoming people into the Capitol, Andrew Weissmann joining the Mueller probe, Pelosi's kid showing up with a camera, Congress sitting on thousands of hours of video, confidential human sources being at the protest AND in the Capitol, etc.). Of course there's probably a shitload more and, yeah, based upon the behavior of devious slants like Schiff G-rated it likely isn't.

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