Saturday, December 18, 2021

On the Fact that During the Heights of the AIDS Epidemic Dr. Fauci Continuously Pushed for the Failed Cancer Drug, AZT, and Discouraged and Prevented Inexpensive Treatments Like Bactrim from Being Researched, Prescribed, or Even Talked About and Thousands of Sick People Died Because of it -

He also put all of his emphasis and research money into developing a vaccine (sound familiar, ca-ching ca-ching) and bubkas into researching cheaper drugs that hundreds of doctors had been using off label to ward off the horrible sequela of the virus, specifically pneumocystis pneumonia - again, leading to the deaths of thousands................................................................................................And none of this would have been a contentious issue with the left even ten years ago and in fact a lion's-share of the vitriol directed at the shmuck was coming from the left back then (the HuffPo doing a damning piece as recently as six years ago - Of course now that the left sees this COVID outbreak as an opportunity to consolidate power ole Fauci is being rehabilitated, turning on a dime, yet again. 

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