Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Miscellaneous 63

1) I've made this suggestion elsewhere, but I think that I'll make it here, too. What do you say that we, as a country, drop one less Tomahawk cruise missile over in Libya and, instead, donate that $1,000,000 to Habitat for Humanity, Wounded Warriors, or another good charity? I mean, certainly here, one less bomb won't make a huge difference - right?............2) I always thought that Tim Pawlenty seemed like a pretty reasonable (yeah, I'm talking in terms of present day Republicanism) dude. But, as was clearly the case with (I'm to the left of Ted Kennedy on gay-rights Mitt) Romney back in 2007, Mr. Pawlenty is doing the inevitable transformation thing; kissing up to the rank religious right, proposing idiotic measures such as resurrecting DADT, yucking it up at CPAC with the rest of those knuckle-draggers (Gingrich, Huckabee, etc.)..... I mean, is it too just much to ask that maybe ONE moderate get into the race over there?............3) Sean Hannity has obviously never heard of videotape. Or maybe the asshole just doesn't care. Either way, the fact is irrefutable that Hannity, back when Mr. Bush was U.S. President, said that he really liked that old Arthur Vandenberg line, "Politics ends at the water's edge." Hm/Gee, something must have happened to make him change his mind about that sentiment; a Democrat now being the Commander in Chief, maybe. Just a wild hunch!!............4) Not that Mr. Obama's performance during this Libya crisis has been perfect mind you (hell, folks, I've criticized him myself). I'm just underscoring the hypocrisy/double-standard here.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Tell the republicans it's for Habitat Homes for destitute former Haliburton executives and this will pass Will.

Sadly our politicians can't actually say what they think for fear of losing votes and donations. Seeing as how blogging makes me no money and I'm not running for anything, I'm glad we're bombing Gadhaffi's stuff. Screw him. He deserves a good bombing.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Yeah, he is kind of an asshole, huh? LOL

Les Carpenter said...

MDL - Just a question. Probably a foolish one. When we finish bombing his stuff, and blow up things, who is going to pick up the repair tab.

And since we were invited to the fireworks party by the Arab League I'm just wondering who's going to pick up the tab for the spent American ordinance and other costs associated with our little bombing outing.

And the cost to maintain that all important no fly zone?

Yeah, a foolish question. I guess we'll be getting reimbursed for our troubles. Right? We will won't we?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It's not a foolish question RN. What's foolish would be reimbursing Libya for the damage done when the reality is it's Gadhafi's fault to begin with.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Sadly, as you've pointed out, our government is foolish.

Commander Zaius said...

Yeah, a foolish question. I guess we'll be getting reimbursed for our troubles. Right? We will won't we?

Hell RN if you want to count angels dancing on the head of a pin Bush's Iraq War was only suppose to cost 80 billion. Sure a hell went over budget on that one.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Must be something in the water at the White House. This, in that we basically have to go back to Ike to find a resident there who wasn't trigger-happy.