Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Keep 'Em All Close, I Say

My plea, folks, is indeed a very simple one. To all of my Democratic/liberal friends out there, I beseech you, if/when Senator Obama becomes President of the United States, do not, DO NOT, go to sleep. This, I'm saying, in that, yes, power is power and it has in fact been abused by members of both parties. Just ask the Japanese-Americans "interned" by F.D.R., the family members of the 31,000 dead service-members from the Johnson years, all those affected by Clinton's ghastly pardons of drug-dealers, terrorists, etc., etc.. Vigilance, my friends, damned if it hasn't become a full-time job these days. Please, beware of taking vacations from it.


Anonymous said...

Like you have done with the crimes committed during the Eisenhower Administration;

Topple a democratically elected government in Iran for oil companies, and refuse a mandate to hold democratic elections in Vietnam which gave us all the Vietnam fiasco?

Or the numerous crimes of the Nixon Administration;

Illegal bombing of Cambodia, illegal invasion of Cambodia, toppling the democratically elected government of Chile helping noted criminal Pinochet to come to power?

Not to mention his unconstitutional crimes he was sent packing for.

or the criminal activity of Reagan Administration;

Iran contra?

IGNORING AIDS for years for the religious right because back then they thought AIDS was just a gay disease. (just like Bush ignored the suffering of victims of Katrina for political effect).

Changing the US funding it's government into a process where we NOW owe 9 trillion dollars and look to future mostly unborn generations to pay the bills run up by Reagan and his greedy cohorts.

You for some reason seem quite one sided in your post here.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

My point was not to white-wash the abuses of the Republicans, not at all. I was communicating to all these Obama worshippers who somehow seem to think that Nirvana will suddenly appear upon his coronation. And, yes, I think it's a particularly valid point to make in the midst of Obama's most recent transformation; his new-found love-affair for the death penalty, his rather bizarre compromise on the FISA bill, his apparent backtracking/double-talk regarding his Iraq policy. I hope I have clarified this for you. I did NOT say that one party was better or worse than the other. I only pointed out that they both need to be watched and watched closely.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Oh, and when I said, "Keep'Em All Close", I was referring to Democrats AND Republicans. Damn it, why do people always have to put a partisan spin on things?

Anonymous said...

Only a partisan would try to claim Barack Obama changed what he said in March and today.

Both times he said he wanted the war ended, the troops home BUT he would consult with the military commanders on the ground.

The trick the MSM and it seems you are doing is putting the words of David Axlerod into Baracks mouth.

For someone who claims to be a moderate middle of the roader, you seem to fall for right wing spin a lot.

Why don't you check the whole truth before making claims like "his apparent backtracking/double-talk regarding his Iraq policy."?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

My God, how many names do you have? Only a partisan? Only a partisan would say that Obama's message hasn't changed. His emphasis has always been on a 16 month phased withdwawl. Today it was clear that he was leaving some wiggle-room. Obama hasn't been moving to the middle? Gme a break. As to what you consider me, I don't give a shit what you consider me. I know what I believe and stand for and it doesn't consist of kissing any of these candidate's asses. They get enough of that already. P.S. I am (and have always been) to the left of Barack Obama on this war. Put that in your little clear-cut dichotomy pipe and smoke it. Learn the word, vicissitude and only then call me back, Mr. Obama cop.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

"The trick the MSM and it seems you are doing is putting the words of David Axlerod into Baracks mouth."

Really? The MSM and Will are putting the words of Obama's own SPEECHWRITER into his mouth?

How dare they!

Anonymous said...

Seems you're getting touchy there Will old boy.

Mary Ellen said...

Wait a minute...I'm a Democrat and I also believe that Obama is flip-flopping on the withdrawal of troops in Iraq and many other of his so-called promises he made during the primary...FISA, NAFTA, Campaign finances, the death penalty, and many more. So does that make me "partisan"? makes me wary of a guy who preaches about hope and change when he is nothing more than a guy who will do or say anything to get elected. If anyone gets in his way...he throws them under the bus. That's the Obama wary.

I also don't trust McCain, but I don't think he is anywhere near as dangerous as Obama.