Thursday, June 14, 2007

We Don't Report, You Don't Decide

Let's see if I've gotten this one straight - because MSNBC is covering the Iraq War (I prefer to call it a debacle but, whatever) the way wars have always been covered, HELLO(!!), by reporting on the violence of the conflict, this proves that they're biased against Bush somehow? Holy frigging Toledo!! I mean, couldn't we just as easily, for Christ, Mr. O'Reilly, posit (using similar logic to yours) that the extreme paucity of reporting on the part of you and YOUR brethren at Fox is hard/ unadulterated evidence that you guys in fact are rooting FOR Bush/ the Republican party? Of course, it also might be possible that you're rooting for the terrorists, too. I'm kidding!!..............Kidding and, yet, has not THIS Iraq fiasco been as well a hell of a recruiting tool FOR bin Laden - a gift to the bastard; us, having been bogged down in the desert for, what?, 50-something months now. Talking-points memos, my ass!!!

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