Saturday, June 9, 2007

Mr. Number One

And he's so frigging hung up on his ratings, too, for Christ. It's like, what, he actually thinks that high ratings are somehow synonymous with high quality programming - that the viewership of, say, "Laverne and Shirley" was itself indicative of excellence, the box-office power of Arnold Schwarzenegger, like-wise?...........I mean, come on, it's all a bunch of bunk and he knows it. The ONLY reason masses have a tendency to tune in O'Reilly is because he simplifies issues. That, and they don't even have to think for themselves anymore, in that HE DOES IT FOR THEM, I'm saying. Quite a little racket, huh, appealing to those baser instincts of BLOW at Sassy's, Linny....rounding the bend at hightower, etc? Quite a little racket, indeed!!!!

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