Wednesday, March 15, 2023

On the Resolution Introduced by Congressman Matt Gaetz Which Directs President Biden to Remove the Remaining 900 Troops from Syria Going Down by a 321 to 103 Landslide

As a individual who never thought that the U.S. should have ever gotten involved over there in the first place and who never bought John McCain's bullshit about us funding "moderates" in that shithole, I'm quite disappointed of course. However I did notice one thing that gave me solace. I looked at the tally and it didn't divide along partisan lines; 56 Democrats and 47 Republicans voted, yes, and 150 and 171 Republicans voted, no. Granted, I would have preferred that the numbers were reversed but seeing the two parties working together on SOMETHING was encouraging. Hopefully it happens again soon as the divisions outside of D.C could certainly use a role model or two.

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