Wednesday, March 29, 2023

On Living In a Country Where Legitimately Pissed Off Parents Speaking Out at School Board Meetings Are Labeled Domestic Terrorists but Somehow, Some Way, Deranged Psychopathic Mouth-Breathers Like this Slip Through the Cracks - Quick Addendum


  And I ask one more time, what rights do these people not have? They have the right to speak. They have the right to vote. They have the right of PEACEFUL assembly. They have the right to worship as they please. Granted, they don't have the right to be a Hooters waitress but you know what, NEITHER DO I!!
  And as for drag-queen story hour, family suitable drag shows, and the various other tactics that they're using to push this stuff on children, one would be hard pressed to find any era in human history where madness like this was considered a "right", not even in the Wiemar Republic or Oscar Wilde's England. 


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