Sunday, March 5, 2023

On the Fact that In 2015 There Were Over 385,000,000 Police-Citizen Contacts, Over 11,000,000 People Arrested, Over 48,000 Officers Attacked (Over 13,000 of Which Needed Medical Attention), and 990 Citizens Killed by Police (a Quarter of Which Were Black Men) -

 Yes, I would prefer to live in a society where police didn't have to kill anyone but being that we reside in a country with 330,000,000 people and where there's still a fair amount of crime, 990 cop-killings among 11,000,000 arrests doesn't seem all that disproportionate. To me, at least...................................................................................................................................................................................................................P.S. And, no, I'm not suggesting that all of the 990 killings were righteous. Clearly some of them were bad decisions and the cops who made them need to be held accountable. My only point here is that we need to have some level of perspective and not burn cities down, riot, murder, pilfer, etc. whenever a shitty cop fucks up 'cause trust me here, that ain't sustainable, short or long term.

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