Saturday, February 16, 2019

Making Wakanda Great Again?

Yes sir, these are the two racist white Trump supporters who supposedly poured bleach on ole Jussie, beat on his ass, fastened a rope around his neck, and not-so politely informed him that the South side of Chicago was MAGA country...….You can't make this stuff up, folks, you just can't!...……………………………………………………………….P.S. And, yes, it now appears as if the whole enchilada was staged with the two Nigerian chaps being friends of Smollett (hell, even CNN is jumping off the bandwagon)…...and just what we fucking needed, another fake hate-crime. Hopefully he gets arrested, is forced to pay restitution, etc.. 'cause this is just totally unacceptable (the fact that it further divided the country, took the cops away from actual policework, etc.).

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