Sunday, March 9, 2014

Question for the 99%ers 4

You do realize, don't you, that it was primarily government interventions that  prompted the 2008 financial collapse; the fact that the Federal Reserve artificially reduced interest rates for years and then followed that up with trillions of dollars of additional fiat money, the fact that Fannie and Freddie had reduced their lending standards to the point where they were gobbling up literally hundreds of billions in toxic loans and were fully leveraged up the poop-shoot, the fact that Congress and the FED had made it patently clear that they were well prepared to bail out Fannie, Freddie, and pretty much any other entity that needed it......and so down went moral hazard, the fact that government had created what was essentially a cartel with these three crappy ratings agencies and, gee, what a surprise, THEY FAILED, the fact that a lot of the money that these banks were lending out was FDIC insured and so why in the hell would they be careful with it, etc., etc.?

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