Monday, March 10, 2014

On Vladimir Putin and Shale Gas

The former detests the latter and guess who has a shitload of the latter....Can you say, leverage (the fact that we can sell it to Europe and create a situation in which those countries aren't nearly as dependent on Russia as they currently are, etc.)?


dmarks said...

I bet Putin hates fracking too.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Yes, but not because of environmental concerns. It's more because he/Russia sucks at it.

BB-Idaho said...

No transoceanic shipments of LPG have been made yet. One company is certified and may begin in a year or two. Specialized equipment & transfer facilities may not be able to compete (at this time) with natural gas coming through Russian pipelines.
Crude & refined crude, yes.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm OK with waiting, just as long as we start.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And nat-gas has a carbon to hydrogen ratio of 1:4 (as opposed to coal which is 2:1), making it easily one of the least carbon producing options on the planet (if in fact you're worrying about one of the principle building-blocks of life).