Did any of you catch this clown (he simply goes by the name of Toure') last night? He goes on Piers Morgan's show and just denigrates the poor Brit, questions his professionalism, integrity, etc. (even going as far as to disqualify him because he's British!). And all because he a) interviewed George Zimmerman's brother and b) didn't do it nastily enough. Unbelievable..................................................................................... And, yes, I DID see the frigging interview. It was a good interview. I mean, no, he didn't attack the guy or anything but he challenged him and challenged him repeatedly. For this douche-bag, MTV caliber malcontent of a guy to shit on somebody for acting professionally is sickening, in my opinion. Maybe Mr. Toure' needs to go back and spin some videos or something....Oh, wait a minute, I forgot, MTV doesn't play videos anymore.
He's the guy who said that Herman Cain was a frightening guy who represented predatory black sexuality.
Just an example of the left's racism against Herman Cain during his campaign. As if there wasn't enough to criticize him about without bashing him for his skin color.
Did you see the interview? Mr. Morgan (who seems like a pretty decent fellow to me) really skewered him, I think.
I used to watch Larry King a lot. I can't watch Morgan without either falling asleep or changing the channel within 10 seconds.
I actually kind of like him. LOL Even more so now.
Toure certainly appears to be black to me. How can a black man be racist against another black man? Why would a black man criticize another black man for his skin color?
He certainly isn't "self hating" (I've seen him on MSNBC). I'm calling BS on your assessment of the situation dmarks.
btw, I did not see the interview.
WD asked: "How can a black man be racist against another black man?"
Because the definition of racism has no caveats that the racist and their target must be of different races.
I know, it is silly and stupid for someone to be racist against their own race, but it happens. Not that there's any racism that isn't silly and stupid.
"He certainly isn't "self hating" (I've seen him on MSNBC)."
I don't know Toure's outlook on himself or self esteem, but his hatred of Herman Cain was such that he was not above using anti-black racist smears against him.
Toure's claims about Herman Cain were B.S. Not my calling him out on it.
I'm not buying it dmarks. You're misinterpreting what happened. Toure made no anti-black racist smears against Herman Cain.
One of those things where if you don't like what happened, then it never did, it looks like.
Me not liking it isn't a factor, I'm going according to the facts. I read Toure's article on Herman Cain. There is are no anti-black racist smears against Herman Cain in it.
You're the one who doesn't like what happened (Toure wrote an article putting forward a reasoned criticism of Cain)... and are laughably attempting to call those criticisms "racist".
This one named asshole is trying to be the next jackson/sharpton.Pretty soon he'll be showing up crawling on the ground looking for loose change just like jesse and al do.
Toure's criticisms of Cain included that he was threatening, and represented predatory black sexuality. Sorry, I do not find that to be "reasoned" at all. I have yet to be convinced that hardcore racism is "reason".
And yes, I would say the same if he had called Obama a threatening black sexual predator. I've criticised racism against Obama whenever I've seen it arise, and since I am consistent and not a hypocrite, I criticize racism that is directed against Herman Cain.
Cain fits the stereotype, and, that being the case, did a disservice to advancing equality for African Americans. I stand by my assessment of Toure's criticisms as reasoned/not racist. They ring true/have validity coming from Toure due to his being black.
The criticism levied against Obama would have no validity, as he has never been accused of having an affair or sexual harassment.
Way for Toure keep the stereotype alive, then. Is it really necessary for Toure to have bashed him for black, as well as being a threatening sexual predator? IMHO he could have left the first part of the criticism out.
Will: Toure's name itself is an anagram of another word, which has this meaning:
"Out of the common course or limits; .... bizarre; outlandish"
It fits in with Piers' statement at the conclusion.
Speaking of names, what real journalist runs with the clownish "first name only" schtick that is usually found with entertainers (Cher, Prince, Akira, etc) ?
He's an MTV guy, dmarks, and in way over his head on this stuff.......wd, check out the 2 interviews on youtube; the Piers Morgan interview of Zimmerman's brother and the one with Toure'. I think that even you will conclude that Mr. Morgan is a fair and decent fellow who didn't deserve the bile that this lightweight was throwing at him.
I watched first the interview mentioned here, Will. You are right. My respect for Morgan went up. He cut the "lightweight" to ribbons. Toure is not ready for prime time, for sure.
"What a bunch of fatuous nonsense." That was my favorite line utilized.
I don't care for either one of them.
But I'm still defending Toure regarding his comments on Herman Cain.
And I am opposing them. Because while it certainly isn't a stretch to bash Herman Cain for being a scary sexual predator (assuming the allegations are true), Toure was way out of line to bash Cain for being black.
dmarks: Toure was way out of line to bash Cain for being black.
I would agree with you if that was what happened (and be confused, since Toure is also black)... but it didn't happen. Toure didn't bash Cain for being black. You're imagining it.
Actually it did happen.
Actually it did not happen. Toure is not a self-hating African-American who wishes he were White. That's the only way your claim would make any sense.
If he bashed Cain for being black, would he not be also bashing himself (because he's also black)? Your argument is totally illogical, and anyone with an ounce of common sense knows it. You're just making yourself look stupid by keeping this up.
Racism makes perfect sense. It's an easy way for people to identify other people who they are better than.
Your argument is what is illogical, silly, stupid and making no sense. Most notably because it didn't happen.
Toure did not bash Herman Cain for being black. He bashed him for being the stereotype. There is a significant difference.
It isn't a "diversion", it's a vital fact you're ignoring to make your nonsensical case that a black man bashed another black man for being black. Toure isn't a self-hating African-American and thus it's impossible for him to say anything racist against another African-American. It's simply not possible.
I am not making a nonsensical case. I am merely pointing out that a racist individual bashed Herman Cain for being black.
The skin color of the racist does not matter. In fact, the skin color of the racist is not in the definition of racism.
"Toure isn't a self-hating African-American"
You bring this up again and again. Yet, it does not matter at all. I don't know if he is, have never given any thought to it, and don't care. Regardless of what his self esteem issues are, this nut-job has no problem heaping hate upon another African-American for reason that include that person's skin color.
"thus it's impossible for him to say anything racist against another African-American. It's simply not possible"
You are making up stuff on the fly. Not only is there no caveat in the definition of racism for this, it is possible. And happens. And happened here.
(and WD, you should look at the video Will wants us to see. Toure is confused and incoherent.
The fact remains that Toure was racist against a black man. The evidence and proof is in his bashing of Cain for his skin color, which is on record. And the fact that Toure is black himself only shows how confused and addled he is. But it doesn't make him any more or any less racist.)
dmarks: The skin color of the racist does not matter. In fact, the skin color of the racist is not in the definition of racism.
It does matter. Unless "racism" is another word you have redefined. Dictionary.com says racism is, "a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others".
Toure is BLACK. If he was racist he would view his race as superior (as per the definition I just quoted) and would therefore NOT bash another black man for being black.
That would be contrary to the definition. You can't "bash" someone for being that which is superior.
Your argument is completely and totally illogical.
dmarks: I am merely pointing out that a racist individual bashed Herman Cain for being black.
You're pointing out something that didn't happen.
Toure bashed Cain for being a black stereotype and making all blacks look bad. He didn't bash him for being black.
dmarks: The evidence and proof is in his bashing of Cain for his skin color, which is on record.
It's impossible for it to be "on the record", because it didn't happen. That's not me denying it because I "don't like it", that's me examining what happened, reading Toure's article, and reaching a fact-based conclusion.
Also, it's because I know what the definition of racism is, unlike you.
dmarks: you should look at the video Will wants us to see. Toure is confused and incoherent.
I already did. Toure wasn't confused or addled. He was a bit of an asshole though. I'll admit that. But I'd say it's because he feels very passionately about what happened.
In conclusion: Toure was wrong about Piers Morgan (by and large), but right in his criticism of Herman Cain (which was in NO WAY racist).
Also, I made nothing up "on the fly", my argument has been the same since this discussion began.
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