Monday, March 12, 2012

Miscellaneous 120

1) I consider myself a pretty devout non-interventionist (I even opposed the first Iraq War - yeah, I was wrong). Like Mr.s Paul and Kucinich, I only think that we should act militarily when our own national security is at stake. But I'm telling you here, folks, if I were President and I had actionable intelligence, and I could take out that butcher, Bashar al Assad (he's starting to make his father look like a camp counselor), with a single missile, I'd do it. I'd do it and I'd feel about as guilty as I felt when I was a kid drowning ant colonies....with urine.............2) Nor would it bother me to be called a war criminal over it, either. Fuck China and fuck Russia, too.............3) Virtually all of the unions who would stand to benefit from the Keystone pipeline are now supporting it. Only groups like the SEIU and transport workers union are opposing the project (probably because Obama is opposing it). Hm, what do say that we score this sucker Environmental Lobby 1 the Working Stiff of America 0?............4) For a balanced examination of the Keystone XL pipeline, I strongly recommend "Five Myth About the Keystone XL Pipeline" by the Washington Post's Michael Levy. Forewarning - if you're a hard-core partisan on either side here, you're probably not going to like it. It's up to 98 now, the number of major sponsors who've said sayonara to Rush. Wow, huh? I mean, I don't know, if I HAD TO guess right now, I'd sat that the scrimey ends up on satellite, maybe pay-per-view....He's just too toxic for anything else, essentially.


Eric Noren said...

5) Are you a betting man? I predict that 3, 6, 9 months, whatever... Rush will still be on the air. This won't break him.

(When are you going to switch comment forms? Don't you know that Google broke this one and your loyal readers can't subscribe to email comments?)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

HR, I am totally computer illiterate. I'll definitely have to check into it, though.......Rush? I'd probably be a fool to bet against him, huh?

Les Carpenter said...

The only ethical and rational justification for the use of force is in retaliation to an act of aggression against a nation and its people.

But who's paying attention to rational, ethical, and moral philosophy anymore. Power lust trumps the above.

BB-Idaho said...

Besides the usual alignment vis a vis the Keystone Project, there are
considerable eminent domain problems
which may entail drawn out legal

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Rush will probably weather this, although It would make me happy if it killed his show. And it isn't because of his Conservative ideology either. Mainly it's due to his rabidly anti-woman ideology.

I do not think anyone who was against the first Iraq war was wrong.

Are you against Keystone XL or in favor of it? Your comments sound like you approve, but the article you linked to doesn't make that case.

It says some of the arguments people make against it are slightly overstated. That doesn't mean it isn't a bad idea. I agreed with the article... so, is this proof that I'm not a "hard core partisan" as Will often says I am?

Eric Noren said...

From the Blogger Dashboard, Settings > Posts and comments > Comment location > Embedded.

I understand both the pop-up and full page options are broken. You're currently using full page.

(Feel free to delete this comment if you don't want the clutter.)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Limbaugh is the originator of asshole punditry. And it's because of him that we also have Levin, Hannity, Ingraham, Olbermann, Schultz, Crowley, Maddow, Malloy, Coulter, Melanie Morgan, etc., etc.. It wouldn't bother me one iota if the fellow simply went away.......As for the pipeline, I'm essentially for it. But BB Idaho brings up an excellent point about eminent domain. I hadn't really considered that before.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I set the comments to embedded, HR. Does that help?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Been having trouble with my design feature on the dashboard. It also boogered up my comment section.

I was against both Iraq wars.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I don't like it like this. I think that I'll switch it back.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: I set the comments to embedded, HR. Does that help?

Yes, that's a lot better. I changed mine too.

dmarks said...

WD said: "And it isn't because of his Conservative ideology either. Mainly it's due to his rabidly anti-woman ideology."

Do you favor the same for Bill Maher and his anti-woman ideology? We already know that you support Maher's emphatic claim that the 14 million Americans with mental disabilities are not human beings due to having brains that are "retarded"