Seriously, though, have you ever witnessed two bigger dirt-bags than these two frigging imbeciles, two people who are more responsible for the coarsening of the discourse/the culture? I'm telling you here, folks, if it were totally up to me......No, I can't say it. I DO believe in free speech. At the very least, though, we should probably shame them, no?
You cannot possibly fathom the immensity of the fuck I do not give about either one of them.
You have the most awesome way with words, dude.
The two are not comparable, IMO. Also, neither are going anywhere, and therefore aren't going to be concerned about the door hitting them on the way out... although I'd like Limbaugh to go.
Unfortunately for Will, I think Maher is going to be around for a while. But it makes me glad becauseI like his program and am a fan.
Also, wrote a post on this subject for my blog, which can be read here.
Rusty's upset because Republican leader Rush Limbaugh is causing problems for his party. I think this may cause some women to reconsider their votes (and NOT cast their ballot for the party waging a war on women).
I'm in total agreement with Rusty's sublime sentiments.
I will add only that both of them are really quite irrelevant.
That and a hollow wind is a blowin from just north of me...
The two are very much comparable. But I can't say for the life of me I'd want either 'fired'.
Just for the record, I don't want either one of them fired. I just want as many people as possible to reject the caliber of mean-spiritedness and divisiveness that they've both been peddling of late.......And, besides, they're not even all that funny anymore.
I know, Will. You aren't the one whose contempt for the First Amendment leads you to seek the silencing of those you disagree with.
I'm sure.
I wouldn't be concerned if dmarks thinks I'm one of those with "contempt for the first amendment", given the fact that he doesn't understand the first amendment. He's one of those who believes corporations have free speech rights.
As for Bill Maher, there are a few things I strongly disagree with him on, but on the whole I like the guy and hope he's around for a long time.
"Rational" Nation thinks Rusty's use of the F-bomb is "elevated or lofty in thought"?! Perhaps on "opposite day". But today this is another example of RN's irrational thinking. And I bet Rusty was cheering as he listened to Rush's anti-woman rants... until the blowback.
Actually WD I was cheering while Bill Maher was into one of his anti-woman rants.
WD , I find your characterization of me as irrational quite amusing. Especially so as it is being emitted from one who has apparently made a study of the irrational their lifes work.
Limbaugh occasionally says very offensive s**t. Maher does so frequently.
But yeah, it's only a matter of degrees.
Stop by RN USA sometime. Then I'm free to speak freely as they say.
WD said: "He's one of those who believes corporations have free speech rights."
I never said anything of the sort. However, it is a fact that people still have free speech rights even when they are associated with corporations.
Even making the free speech of corporations an issue at all is kind of silly, as corporations never speak. But people associated with them often do, and because I understand the First Amendment, I know there is absolutely nothing in it that states "* except when those speaking are associated with organizations W-Dervish happens to dislike".
To go contrary to RN, Rush is not irrelevant. He holds sway over millions of right wing bigots and idiots.
Maher is far smarter than Rush. But he doesn't have power over anyone.
All the same, except the audience of bigots and idiots that Maher controls is a lot smaller.
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