Saturday, April 2, 2011

Miscellaneous 64

1) John Bon Jovi owns 7 acres of some of the most expensive land in America. You know how much in property taxes that he paid on it last year? Can you say $104? Yeah, that's right, folks, $104. It seems that New Jersey has some archaic law which states that if you own some land and farm on it, you're entitled to some ridiculous/humongous property tax deduction. And what makes it even worse is the fact you only need to sell $500 worth of goods to qualify for it. What does Mr. Bon Jovi raise on his particular "farm"? Honey bees!............2) Bruce Springsteen owns one of these "farms", too. His, though, is organic. BRUUUUUUUUUUCE!!............3) What's this, folks, Vin Diesel and "The Rock" in a movie together? Am I safe to assume that the script isn't Chekhov?............4) And how 'bout 'dem Butler Bulldogs - two consecutive trips to the NCAA finals - and from the Horizon League, no less!! Take that, frigging power conferences.


Jerry Critter said...

What's your point?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

He's a rich fake celebrity farmer who's taking a free ride on the people's expense. You should be patting me on the back for this one, Jerry. LOL

Rusty Shackleford said...

Those two Jersey boys are pretty damn smart and have good accountants.

If you dont like it have your elected officials reform the tax code.

Commander Zaius said...

Hey, I'm all for the "Fair Tax" in which every swinging dick, hot chick, and corporation coughs up their true annual earnings and pays a set percentage.

Now if you believe such a thing has a snowflake's chance in Hell I have a couple of bridges and a moon I can sell you.

My wife is a tax attorney and I have heard enough to know "taxes" are the biggest scam in American history. Its the ultimate combination of Ponzi scheme and shell game with the lowly suckers catching all the real grief.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I agree with Rusty!?

I'm not sure if he believes we actually should reform the tax code though... of if he's just saying that if YOU don't like it you should contact your elected officials.

Will likes to point out "Liberal hypocrisy". He believes it's one of the things that makes him a moderate. Which is why he begs Jerry for a pat on the back. No can do Will.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I thought, wd, that it was all about the rich paying their fair share.......Bon Jovi's a liberal? I didn't even know that he voted.......And I'm not accusing the fellow of doing anything illegal. It's the system in New Jersey. It sucks.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm glad to see your outrage Will. What's just as outrageous is that Bon Jovi is considered great on the basis of three songs.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Amen, Truth. Amen.