Saturday, April 16, 2011

Commercial Venture?

Donald Trump is supposedly this big billionaire. Which leads me to ask, why in the hell is he doing network television? I mean, I personally can only think of two possible reasons. a) He's basically an attention-seeking media whore. Or b) he isn't anywhere as rich as he wants us to think that he is. Either way, folks, it doesn't say very much good about him, now does it?


Commander Zaius said...

Yeah, for someone who claims a business mind which is perfect for the running of a country I understand the guy has gone seriously bankrupt several times.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

He prefers to call it, restructuring. LOL

Commander Zaius said...

All the Elites have those nice euphemisms to prevent from saying they fucked something up

Rusty Shackleford said...

His net worth according to D&B is over a billion...thats pretty much F*#K YOU money.He did in fact have some financial problems with his casino properties in Atlantic City due to really poor management,not by him but the people running his gaming operation.Seems he was starry eyed being a casino owner.Like any other real estate developer you ride the economy.He does own a sizable chunk of downtown Manhattan plus 5 or 6 world class golf courses.
He's like a modern day P.T.Barnum,always looking for the spotlight.Supposedly his show make a ton of dough for NBC and I'm sure he has a big piece of it.
A few years ago he tried to make his presence felt here in Las Vegas,but the king Steve Wynn kind of sent Trump packing.
You'd have to admitt its comical how the libs allow Trump to twist their tails like he's doing,I mean the guy can say anything and the left goes crazy.I think The Donald has been on every station both main stream and cable the past month.

Commander Zaius said...

Have fun getting him elected.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Trump is twisting tea bagger tails to get their votes Rusty. We just like making fun of him.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Russ, you gotta keep in mind. Up until a couple months ago, Mr. Trump was far more my kind of Republican than he was yours (pro-choice, anti-war, thought about running on the Reform Party, etc.). It was only when he decided that he could get more publicity by being a tea partier and by going on Fox that he ultimately decided to be a "rightie". It's basically all a bunch of bullshit, Russ.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Dont get me wrong here.I'd never went to see Trump get the Republican nomination,not that he ever would.I just think he's hysterical.You got to admitt he's a showman,a successful builder,has a high rated reality show,a good looking young wife,a great comb over and tons of money.Plus he has the media kissing his ass and the liberals heads exploding.I dont think he will ever run for president but he sure is getting attention.Only in America my friends,only in America.
And for the record....he's never said he was a tea partier...he said he admires some of what the Tea Party's accomplished.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Russ, I like tweeking the far left as much as you do. But what the Donald is currently doing is very troubling; legitimizing the birther movement/bullshit, etc.. There are much, much, better ways to get publicity.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Thats exactly why its called "F*#K YOU" money.You get that much,you can do what ever the hell you want.America...what a country.

Marcus said...

Trump keeps asking to see Obama's birth certificate...I just want to see Trump's hairline...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm sure, Marcus, that the latter would be far more embarrassing.