Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Conversion is NOW Complete

It's apparently not enough for Mr. Trump that he shamelessly/moronically exploit this whole birther issue. Ditto, people, his massive, long and tiring litany of flip-flops; abortion, universal health-care, etc.. He has to compound it all by doing what I basically consider to be unpardonable. Yeah, that's tight, folks, Mr. Trump went on "Hannity". And not only did he go on "Hannity", he practically gave the asshole a blow-job, for Christ; telling him just how much that he "loved his program", yada yada. He even went as far as to out-Hannity Hannity; saying that President Obama was the worst president in United States history (it's like, what, they don't teach you about President Buchanan at Wharton Business School?). I'm telling you here, folks, if this Trump character goes significantly lower than this, he's going to be subterranean.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You gotta appeal to the people who vote in the primaries. Trump reads my blog. He knows bigots, idiots, homophobes and religious zealots are the republican base. An accoutn statement and spread sheet with his plan to restore the economy and eliminate the dificit are meaningless to people who can't think beyond four word or less catch phrases.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You don't really think that he's going to run, do you, Truth? I simply can't conceive of it. I mean, the guy doesn't even like to shake hands, for Christ.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

If a bunch of deluded fools organize his petition drives and Trump doesn't actually have to do anything, sure he'll run.

If he has to kiss babies and knock on doors and the other dirty, hands on work, then hell know.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Delegate!! THAT he can do. LOL

Les Carpenter said...

Dump Trump before he even starts!