Saturday, July 17, 2010


Honestly, folks, I could give a rat's ass about "Joe the plumber". And, really, why should I? The frigging guy is nothing but a nimrod/opportunist (and, yes, those are good points) . But (and, yes, me-buckos, this is an extremely humongous but), not even a nimrod/opportunist deserves to be thoroughly lied about......................................................................................................Yeah, you bet, I'm talking about Keith Olbermann. 1) He accused Mr. Wurzelbacher of being a McCain "plant" (Obama was actually touring his, Joe's, neighborhood). 2) He constantly points to the fact that Mr. Wurzelbacher is an "unlicensed plumber" (failing to point out that in Toledo you CAN work as a plumber if in fact you're employed by someone with a master's license OR you're working in an outlying area that does not require a license). 3) He constantly tries to paint Wurzelbacher as some sort of tax cheat (yes, he owed $1,200 in back taxes to the state, BUT according to deputy clerk, Barb Losie, "The state files hundreds of liens per day.....There is a 99% chance that he didn't even know about the lien."). 4) He's always inferring that Senator McCain "thinks" that Mr. Wurzelbacher makes $250,000 a year (nowhere, folks, does Mr. McCain EVER say that). And, yes, of course, there's also the incredibly dismissive tone that Olbermann uses................................................................................................................And it's like I said at the top, folks. It's not like there's a paucity of legitimate criticisms here. Olbermann - he really and truly should be ashamed of himself.


Commander Zaius said...

I have to admit I enjoyed Keith at one time, I can say the same about O'Reilly and even now I agree with what Jon Stewart said about Bill as being the one-eyed man in the kingdom of the blind but both have long since come to believe they are on a crusade.

Vigilante said...

Beach, I kind of agree with you on this. I find myself watching (very little TV) Olbermann much less than I watch Hardball. Hardball offers surprises occasionally.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

It's unanimous, Gents. I liked him at first, too. His anti-war, anti-Fox sentiments were carbon copies of mine. But, now, he's basically a liberal version of Rush.......And I agree with you about Matthews, too, Vig. His motor-mouth aside, that's some pretty compelling television from him.

Vigilante said...

A Liberal Limbaugh? No. You've gone over the edge, Willie.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Wurtzelbacher is an idiot. His not wanting to make 250 G's a year because he'd "pay it all back in taxes" was flat out wrong and truly an ignorant thing to say and think.

He's been riding this pony since 2008 and other than fame, or infamy depending on who one talks to, I don't know if Joe has made all that much money.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Vig, I know that Rush is the great Satan to liberals and, yeah, maybe I'm being over the top here. But, believe me, I've been following this Olbermann fellow for a while and he is a bad fellow. The ad hominems, the spinning, the flat-out lies at times. He is FAR from a good representative of liberalism......And I DO like some liberal analysts/journalists; Jonathan Alter, Joe Conason, E.J. Dionne. People like this have shown that you don't need to be a jerk to be effective......Truth, while I pretty much agree with you on "Joe" (I guess that his real name is Sam), it still doesn't excuse Mr. Olbermann's behavior. Not in my book, anyway.