Friday, July 23, 2010

I Have a Question for Rachel Maddow

Ms. Maddow, it appears as if Congressman Frank is one of those fellows on Capitol Hill who voted to cut off funding to ACORN. My question to you is simply this; What does that mean? You see, to me, it can only mean one of two things. It could mean that ACORN really in fact IS a rump (at best) organization....that even liberals can no longer stomach. OR, it could mean that Mr. Frank is nothing but a spineless/lying sack of doo-doo - an individual whose integrity isn't any better than any of those other Beltway idiots.....Well, unless, of course, there's a third explanation. Is there, Ms. Maddow? I would really love to hear you posit one.


Commander Zaius said...

Come on Will, you know as well as I do it the latter. Barney's courageous bravery is as tactical as any other elected official.

As for ACORN, any organization dedicated to representing the concerns of poor and minority people is a prime target for those who have an interest in keeping them powerless.

I'm not excusing anything unethical or criminal they have done but name a large organization, left or right, that is without sin.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Toughness and outrage must be exhibited from time to time in the political arena.

Too bad it takes real toughness to vote against unneeded invasions and occupations.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Double b, Maddow may in fact have a point here. I've actually done a little you-tubing on this story and, yeah, it's entirely possible that those tapes were altered to make the ACORN folks look worse. Which leads me to ask you, what about Breitbart? Does he have an alibi on this one?......Truth, to this day, I still salute the 23 Senators who voted against the Iraq War authorization. THAT, without a doubt, took a lot of toughness.

Oso said...

Door number two in my opinion, Will. Spineless sack of crap.