Thursday, July 8, 2010

Treading Something

I heard a rumor today, folks - Sarah Palin as the next chairman (or should I say person) of the RNC. I shit you not. I guess the rationale is that, being that Mrs. Palin has become such an excellent fundraiser (fundraising being the most important function of the chair), she'd no doubt/flat-out be perfect for the job. But, I ask you, what about chairman Steele? Hasn't he also done very well in terms of fundraising? And the fact that Mrs. Palin is even more gaffe prone than Steele - what, pray tell, do you really gain with her? I just don't see it as a good idea myself.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Palin is far more dangerous in that she stirs up the kooks far more than Steele.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I tried very hard to give Mrs. Palin the benefit of the doubt (as a person more-so than as a candidate). And I do think that some of the earlier attacks on her were unfair. But she has done literally nothing to reward my patience and I guess that you could now include me amongst the legion of her critics. As President Obama said, you cannot put lipstick on a pig.