Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Shittiest Candidate This Side of South Carolina

I'm going to be honest with you here. What the Republican voters of Nevada have done, I find inexplicable (and, yes, folks, I say this as a person who doesn't necessarily have a dog in this or any other fight). I mean (and, please, forgive me if I'm repeating myself), it's almost as if the Republicans are TRYING to blow it. At the very frigging least, they're totally over-playing their hand. This, folks, in that these same Nevadans had several other candidates who, while they, too, may have been flawed, were at least somewhat within the realm of acceptability. The only conclusion that I can draw is that the voters of Nevada are looking first and foremost to some sort of ideological purity/tea party stamp of approval/pedigree.....................................................................................................How bad is this particular candidate, Sharon Angle? Pretty darn frigging bad, from what I can gather. And apparently even she herself (not to mention her handlers) is starting to recognize this. You want to know many interviews she's given so far - none (this, despite the the fact that the Nevada media has literally been begging for access)! And the fact that she's been so literally sprinting away from her previous positions..................................................................................................Oh well, at least Senator Reid is happy. That should count for something.


Commander Zaius said...

Okay, I'm laughing my ass off just from the title.

Nutcase ideological purity tests on right and lefty voters here in South Carolina picking the first name on the ballot for the senate race. I can't tell you how much I wish the Alvin Greene situation was a case of electronic voter fraud but it appears the voters just went for the first name on the ballot.

It's all signs of the coming Apocalypse

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I hate to say it, double b, but I'm not so sure that Ms. Angle is even as smart as Mr. Greene. I mean, seriously, have you listened to her? She makes Mrs. Palin sound like Simone de Beauvoir.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The tea party is a home for kooks. It's only natural their candidates are kooks as well.

We have a guy where I'm from named Roger Davis. An unmitigated nutjob. He ran every chance he could for years as a republican for mayor or alderman or anything else. He never got more than 70 votes out of thousands cast. Now the Coffee Party decided to run him for Congress against Phil Hare and a right wing republican tea bagging kook named Schilling.

Sometimes you're better off just staying on the sidelines and bitching there. Hare will win big in my district. Reid will crush this nut he's running against and that will make him more powerful than ever. Six more years of Harry Reid. Yay tea baggers. They don't even know how much they did for my side.

IrOnY RaGeD said...


Reids numbers are in the toilet, his son is running for mayor and won't even use his last name.

I wonder why?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Volt, Truth, I really don't consider myself anti-Republican per se (though, yes, I do recognize that the Bush Presidency was largely a failure). And I'm certainly not a big fan of Harry Reid. I just wish that we could get some better candidates, that's all. I mean, seriously, does single every candidate have to meet this new-found litmus test

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Actually Will, I was referring to "Truth 101"'s comment above mine....LOL

However, consider all of us lucky they don't have to pass MY litmus test.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I coule be totally wrong, Volt. But it seems to me that the two candidates that this Angle lady beat would have been far tougher (certainly more articulate) opponents for Reid in a general election. Who knows, though. I guess that we'll just have to see, huh?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hey Volt. Check out While he's probably closer to me in terms of foreign policy, I think that you'll definitely like him on the domestic front. Interesting guy.