Sunday, November 30, 2008

He May Be a Bad Student...., Part Two

Just for the record, folks, I did a correlation coefficient on the Biden versus McCain class rankings comparison. As it turns out, if in fact here WERE 1,099 law students at Syracuse (the number of cadets in McCain's class at Navy), Biden's rank would have been 982nd. So, yeah, Biden would have come out better than McCain. But I don't know, 982nd doesn't sound ALL that much better than 1,094th.................................................As for Biden's ranking coming in law school, and this supposedly meaning more than McCain's stint at Navy, a couple of points. First of all, this was Syracuse Law School. A good school, but it isn't exactly Yale, Harvard, Penn, Cornell, or Columbia. And, while, yes, Syracuse is a damn decent school and all, 76th out of 85th - kind of hard to spin your way out of that one. He's a lawyer, for Christ!! You know how wany lawyers there are out there? Just in my little area alone, the Yellow Pages are full of them...................................................And another thing, folks. The Naval Academy is probably a little more challenging than the University of Delaware, the place where Biden got HIS undergraduate degree. And, yes, when Biden finally did make his way to Syracuse, McCain had a little something else going on. I think it was called Vietnam (something that Mr. Biden apparently didn't feel the need to participate in).


Kentucky Rain said...

I am not certain that class rankings carry any weight. I know any number of people who graduated at the top of their respective classes only to end up at the bottom of the corporate ladder. I think it is more about how you reason than how you read.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Totally agree, MadMike. I was just asking for consistency from a certain individual. Hey, thanks for stopping by, man.

Anonymous said...

The Naval College ain't particulary that difficult on the intellectual front -- I reckon a law school would be more challenging.

It's the training after you get out of the Naval College that's difficult.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

U.S. News and World Report ranked the Naval Academy among the best undergraduate schools in the country. I'm sure that there are other opinions, though.