Sunday, August 4, 2024

On the Political Establishment and Corporate Whore Media Having Successfully Gaslit Large Swaths of the American Public Into Believing that Trump Is the Extremist and Not the Brain-Disordered Leftists Who They've Colluded with On a Regular Basis

  A few of their more nutty proposals - a) More tech censorship (and censorship in general), b) a gun registry THAT THEY PUBLISH, c) the Green New Deal, a policy that if put into effect would kill millions, d) a single payer healthcare system (with private insurance potentially phased out), e) raising the corporate tax rate to make it the highest rate in the OECD, f) post-birth abortions, g) nonstop identity politics (yes, because it worked so well in Nigeria, Yugoslavia, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Malaysia, etc.), h) wide open borders and amnesty for illegals, i) court-packing (a tactic that Roosevelt tried and was totally humiliated), j) statehood for Puerto Rico and Washington D.C., k) allowing 16 year-olds to vote, l) ending the Electoral College and replacing it with mob-rule, m) defunding the cops, n) ending the filibuster, o) slavery reparations, p) codifying mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, drop boxes, and other shady election practices, q) massive hikes in the minimum wage (add price controls, a dumb-fuck idea with a 5,000 year track record of failure, if Harris wins), r) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (a policy of constructing low-income housing in the suburbs in an effort to garner additional Democratic House seats), s) giving criminals the right to vote (even killers), t) student loan forgiveness, mostly for upper middle class kids, u) free pre-school and community college FOR EVERYONE, v) "gender affirming care" for young kids, w) a "ministry of truth" department led by none other than Scary Poppins, x) proxy wars with nuclear-armed countries, y) a wealth tax and a tax on unrealized capital gains (stealing, in other words), z) draconian gun laws that will ultimately result in the government possessing a monopoly on force. aa) making squatting legal, bb) a central bank digital currency (a fascistic policy that if implemented will destroy freedom and privacy as we know it), cc) allowing hoodlums destroy major American cities, and dd) not prosecuting criminals who pilfer under a G. 

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