Saturday, August 10, 2024

On the Democrats Going from the Party of Grover Cleveland, William Jennings Bryan, Al Smith, JFK, RFK, John Glenn, William Proxmire, Mayors Daley and Koch, Paul Tsongas, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Sam Nunn, Lee Hamilton, and Jim Webb to the Party of These Two Flaming Buffoons

   I get it that a lot of you don't care for Trump (trust me, he gets on my nerves, too, sometimes) but these two are so insanely radical that they make FDR seem like the titular head of the John Birch society. But don't just take my word for it. Examine their records and the positions that they've taken through the years (everything from allowing hooligans to torch major cities to mutilating mentally ill kids to giving illegal aliens drivers licenses to allowing nine month abortions) - with a critical eye (as opposed to the media jackoffs at CNN, MSLSD, etc. who will do anything humanly possible to paint these two rodeo clowns as middle of the road moderates) and if you're still a big fan of 'em after that, God bless, I did my best.

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