Thursday, October 12, 2023

On Condoleeza Rice Proclaiming this During the Early Days of the Bush Jr. Administration

  "The Palestinian leadership must be democratic, transparent, and non-corrupt. This is what we ask of every government in the world. And we are going to start demanding that of the Palestinian leadership."
   There's obviously several problems with that statement. a) It isn't up to the U.S.A. to demand that governments be a certain way. And b) We've never asked that every government in the world be transparent, democratic, and non-corrupt (hell, even we've had trouble with that over the decades); Iran under the Shah, South Vietnam under Diem, a boatload of governments in South and Central America, the Saudi Royal family, etc., etc.. It's an absolute myth and Rice knows it. As to why she said it, she was probably just lazy and believed that our increasingly dumbed down public would buy it, and to a large extent she was spot-on. 

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