Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on the Afrikaner

"The most formidable antagonist who ever crossed the path of imperial Britain."......Well, you gotta at least admire 'em for that.


BB-Idaho said...

Imperial Britain; yes the Boers gave them a run for the money. But being Imperial has its perils:
100,000 Brits in Singapore surrendered to a smaller force of Japanese, mostly riding bicycles,
5000 British troops at Saratoga and 8000 at Yorktown surrendered to a rag-tag colonial army, the Turks butchered them at Gallipoli, etc. With all respects to sir Arthur, perhaps the Empire
overran its military abilities.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The Boers softened them up maybe.......And you will not get an argument from me on imperialism (in fact, I would be more than happy to give back California, New Mexico, Arizona, and certain parts of Utah).

Les Carpenter said...

Now there's an idea Will.

dmarks said...

At least Doyle was short and sweet on the subject. He avoided being a long winded, crashing boer.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Yeah, that whole Manifest Destiny thing was a little creepy, wasn't it?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

They took it all the way to Guam and the Philippines, for Christ sakes!