Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ann Coulter, Anti-Immigration Huckster Extraordinaire

Ann Coulter went on "Kudlow" last week and spouted off some of the nastiest and vilest disinformation of recent memory. Amongst the worst of the woman's BS was the fact that she just continues to trot out that discredited stereotype of Mexicans mooching off of the Welfare State. It's false, and either Ms. Coulter is an ignoramus who doesn't know the research (namely, that most illegals aren't even qualified for entitlements and even if they are these folks tend to utilize them at a lower rate than do native born Americans, that immigrants in general add as much as $200 billion a year to the U.S. economy, etc.) or she knows it and is lying like a son of a bitch in order to gin up anti-Hispanic sentiments. Either way, I find her repulsive and wouldn't give her the time of day if I had a show.


dmarks said...

I think the number of native-born Americans mooching off the welfare state outnumbers total Mexican immigrants, period.

If they are serious about this supposed moocher problem as they define it, it's easy to see which group is more of a problem.

Les Carpenter said...

She's still around?

Ann and Phil should team up.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Most of the economists that have studied this (including a lot of whom are anti-immigration; Borjas, for example) will tell you that immigrants for the most part aren't competition for American workers and are actually beneficial to the economy (not to mention entitlements such as SS and Medicare). Kudlow to his credit seems pro-immigration.

dmarks said...

Yes...these immigrants live and work in American buildings, eat American-grown food, go to American theatres, and countless other ways they participate in the economy and help already-here workers.

dmarks said...

God... Did some flushing today, all of 7 seconds. WD wrote me a pile of private comments today. My quick glance showed a typical recurring theme: the penis.

WD really really wants to be able to comment on my blog. I propose this: if he behaves in a civilized fashion (no more mindless "you suck" type comments) and stops sending me penis messages, and can maintain this for 4 weeks, the blog will be open to him. Good manners, and mind out of the gutter. A challenge anyone can meet, but I suspect it will be very very very difficult for him.


Coulter? She's a real trip, unbearable. Most of the time. But I once caught her saying something about Thurgood Marshall that was actually worthwhile

Rusty Shackelford said...

At least Coulter is consistant..she doesn't deviate.

Les Carpenter said...

Consistant indeed. Like I said...

dmarks said...

Yet again, nor does a runaway train.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Ann is only spouting the bullshit people who buy her books want to hear.

If she said guys with avatars like Dmarks, Truth101 or Contra O'Reilly had big wieners we'd buy her books also.

Rusty Shackelford said...

.....and sell books,she has...

Rusty Shackelford said...

Are there any Liberal political non-fiction writter's that hit the best seller list?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I don't disagree with Ms. Coulter on everything and when she goes up against an ignorant leftist like Joy Behar I actually tend to pull for her, but on topics such as immigration, the drug war, the war in Iraq, etc. I find her to be vapid at best and divisive at worst.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Al franken and Michael Moore have. So has Barack Obama Rusty.

Les Carpenter said...

Some of Ann's published stuff borders on fiction. Some has a modicum of truth, occasionally a small amount is actually fully truthful..

Phil, Ann, and Palin, now there would be a terrific trio. The New Three Stooges?

Les Carpenter said...

Yeah, Joy Behar is a real piece of work. For me watching the two of them together would be torture.

dmarks said...

Behar is quite the bundle of hate, and usually comes across as drunk and belligerent.

She is also quite racist, as evidenced by this rant which grants special, superior moral status to people based solely on their skin color.

dmarks said...

To answer Rusty's question, Michael Moore is one of those Liberal political non-fiction writers" who has been on the best seller list.

However, a couple of big caveats: I don't think he has been on the list for a long time, and a truth-check of his works shows them to be largely fiction, anyway.

Rusty Shackelford said...

I had forgotten about Moore and I think Franken's book was written in crayon.Obama writing a best seller has as much credence as his Nobel prize.

dmarks said...

Rusty: And some say Obama's book was ghost written by that Chicago terrorist, anyway.

One important point to mention about Moore and Franken's bestsellers is that they were quite a while ago.