Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Obama to Big Businesses

"Yes, we're going to regulate you, but we're also going to give you subsidies and even give you a seat at the table when we craft the damned legislation....AND we'll bail your ass out. Wink, wink, nod, nod."...............................................................................A couple of examples of just how President Obama works - a) He took massive amounts of cash from the big-wigs at Google and alakazam, Google skated on its anti-trust and illegal manipulation charges less than 2 months into his administration. b) He assigned a fellow by the name of Mark Ernst to craft the new tax preparation law which would have had as one of it's side effects the putting out of business of a lot of small guys and did I mention that Mark Ernst was a former bi-wig at H&R Block? c) He had as his main business adviser GE's Jeffrey Immelt and damned if this whole green energy scam hasn't benefited that company immensely. d) For some strange reason he gave Philip Morris a seat at the table in the crafting of the tobacco bill and that legislation quite literally solidified their status as the #1 tobacco company (they apparently already had the new testing equipment and the smaller companies didn't). e) The stimulus package itself was a veritable grab-bag for corporate America; big tech, big energy, big concrete, big pharma, etc., etc.. To say that this fellow isn't a crony capitalist and that he seriously bleeds for the little guy is uproarious.


Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

He is to the Ds what Gohmert is to the Rs; Crazy, malicious, and totally divisive.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

My message to his wife prior to their marriage would have been, "Don't marry him, but if you do, divorce early."

Les Carpenter said...

The truth is ALWAYS way better than something you can make up.

Someday perhaps rEpublocans will come to find this to be TRUE.