Wednesday, April 24, 2013

On this Fellow, Matt Millen

I'll take "Easily the Crappiest General Manager in the History of Organized Sports" for a thousand, Alex (needless to say, I've never forgiven him for shitting all over UConn during the 2011 Fiesta Bowl).


dmarks said...

We know him as the man who helmed the Detroit Lions through what were truly years of greatness and football glory. The 7 Superbowl victories during his tenure were truly a crowning achievement.

BB-Idaho said...

Sort of a modality for linebackers.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I've always said it's never a good idea to put an asshole in charge. Yet, the asshole almost always ends up in charge. Matt Millen is an asshole.

I'm thinking of putting that on my resume. #1 quality: I'm an asshole.

Our pal WD would agree with that Will.

Rusty Shackelford said...

Wasted three first round picks on wide receivers.....none of who were any good. I think he had some dirt on the Ford family....cant be any other reason for him lasting so long.

dmarks said...

He is to pro sports management what Tim Geithner is to fiscal matters. Incompetance that inexplicably rises and lingers.