Sunday, April 14, 2013

Note to Republicans Part 2

And less like this.


Les Carpenter said...

Frothy and Baseman. Two fundies the socon/neocon base of the rEpublican party are fine with.

However I do occasionally enjoy listening to Huckabee who is less frothy than Frothy Santorum.

Les Carpenter said...

Frothy and Baseman. Two fundies the socon/neocon base of the rEpublican party are fine with.

However I do occasionally enjoy listening to Huckabee who is less frothy than Frothy Santorum.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I think they both believe climate change is BS. The way you've been on your kick I figured you would be glorifying these two Will.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Yes, but they both do it from an anti-intellectual framework and they both justify their prejudice against gays via the scripture. Not a major fan of that tactic.

Les Carpenter said...

BB... You have have completely missed the point. It has nothing whatsoever to do with anti gay marriage. Well a very small amount.

Substitute offensive for frothy if it helps. Both offend my Objectivist Randian sensibilities.