Friday, February 17, 2012

Miscellaneous 114

1) - Say what you want about Mr. Bush, people; the fact that he started two unnecessary wars, presided over an out of control level of discretionary spending, mushroomed the budget deficits, etc., you DO have to give him credit for one thing. The dude did recognize the problem over at Fannie and Freddie and tried to do something about it. I mean, you can say that he didn't try hard enough and ultimately rolled over to the pander-bears in Congress FROM BOTH PARTIES, but he tried. That's a hell of a lot more than Barney Frank and Maxine Waters did, that's for sure.............2) When the January job figures came out, there were two two pieces of data that went conspicuously missing from certain cable coverage. On one side of the dial, Fox News refrained from mentioning (at least in Prime-Time) the 243,000 new jobs that were created (O'Reilly simply said that the economy was getting "slightly better"), and on the other side of the dial, MSNBC never once mentioned the fact that the workforce had actually shrunk by 1.2 million (a significant factor as to why the unemployment rate dropped to 8.3%). Nope, folks, if you wanted to get the entire analysis on the unemployment situation, you had to switch on over to CNN and get it from the professionals; Anderson Crowley, John King, Candy Crowley, etc.. It's kind of a shame, isn't it?............3) Alright, I'll admit it, I've got "Linsanity" now, too. I saw the end of the Toronto game on MSG and the frigging guy was Tim Tebow to the nth. First he made that drive to the hoop and then he frigging wins it with a three-pointer with less than a second to go. Youza, huh? And, the thing is, folks, unlike Tebow, who probably WON'T be a long-term solution for the Broncos, this kid is only going to get better. I mean, just the fact that he doesn't have to study 8 hours a day at Harvard anymore alone....


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Politics got me in trouble. On the Lin thingy, it's going to be interesting to see if Coach D'Antonio has Belicheck like balls and keeps Carmello Anthony in his place.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Truth 101: Politics got me in trouble.

I thought your blog had been in existence for years. So, you couldn't have just deleted the one offending post?

Also, regarding the people you "got in trouble" with... do you think it's possible any of them think you're a frigging nut?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I've had three blogs WD. They all got me in trouble. Big balls and good sense are not always compatible.

And you're nuts.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

That's possible, but I don't think you could reasonably reach that conclusion based on anything I've said on any blog.

In any case, I take it that your constant plugging of my blog was not at all serious. I did think it kind of odd.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I haven't been serious about blogging since circumstances forced me to shut down my original and most successful blog years ago.

That being said, I urge everyone to read Whirling Dervish's outstanding Sleeping With the Devil.

Amore outstanding blogger has never blogged. If blogs were penises Sleeping With the Devil would be the John Holmes of blogs.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Truth, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop plugging my blog. I just said I suspected that your plugging wasn't genuine, and, instead of responding to that allegation, you make another over-the-top plug??

Maybe that's what got you in trouble at work? You lied to people's faces (and acted friendly) and then they read what you really thought on your blog?

I'm not sure that is what someone with "big balls" or good sense would do. But I could be wrong. Perhaps we're all nuts in our own unique ways.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I apologize to both of you. Truth said that in confidence and in the heat of the moment I typed it. I shouldn't have and again I apologize....That patience that I display at work (as you know I work with some very challenging Alzheimers patients) I really need to display more in my blogging.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I urge everyone to not read Whirling Dervish's nutty Sleeping With the Devil.

There. You happy now?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No, I'm not happy. I'd prefer it if you just shut the hell up about my blog, period. Jerk.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Truth's not the jerk. I'm the jerk. I'm the one who let his temper get the best of him. And I doubt that he even meant nut in any sort of evil way.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I don't know if Truth is a jerk or not (he's certainly acting like one). I wanted him to explain what he meant, but he refuses, so it looks like I've never now if he meant I'm nuts in a "sort of evil way".

What bothers me is that his plugging my blog with over-the-top grandiose praise began before we started having our disagreements here -- and he wrote that post about you being a Lefty (which is why I assumed he was saying I'm nuts).

Now I'm wondering if he was screwing around with me from the beginning.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

He has a very irreverent sense of humor and likes to tease everybody. I wouldn't take it personally. Les doesn't and I sure as hell don't.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I ever tell you about the time I met Bozo the Clown Will?

I was working at Sears and Bozo was there for a photo shoot with kids getting free toys. The store manager calls me and says Bozo is in his office and wants some snakks from the breakroom and I needed to bring them.

I got the snacks and went into the store managers office, it was like a royal apartment, and said "which one of you guys is the clown?"

Ironically Bozo didn't think it was funny. Clown was nuts.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I've never told the story of how I met Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, but I think it might be relative to the current discussion, so here goes...

A couple of years ago I was working at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show as a gopher for a consulting firm that handled press and media for the show.

Triumph stopped by to "interview" some of the contestants. While Triumph's crew was setting up the boss calls me on my cell phone and says Triumph has requested some treetz, and I should fetch them.

Seeing as Triumph was a dog I brought some liver-flavored dog biscuits. When I entered the media room I said, "which one of you requested the treats? You the guy with his hand up Triumph's ass, or was it the crappy looking rubber puppet that looks nothing like a living dog?"

Robert Smigel (the guy with his hand up the puppet's ass) didn't think I was funny. Robert Smigel also thought I was nuts.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I just hope the guy with his hand up the dog's ass washed them before eating the treats you brought WD.