Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Miscellaneous 113

1) I've heard it from a good source that Paul Krugman actually burns incense at the base of a John Maynard Keynes statue.............2) He also chants, I've heard.............3) Harry Truman thought that John Maynard Keynes was full of shit. Hm, let's see here; the crank, Paul Krugman or Harry S. Truman, quite possibly the greatest U.S. President since 1865, yeah, that's a tough one - NOT!!............4) I have to admit it here. I'm getting a little tired of all these people bitching about "negative equity". I frigging had negative equity FOR DECADES (yeah, that's right, I bought my condo at the peak of the condo craze in Connecticut and I still don't think that it's worth what I paid for it in 1987)! And NEVER ONCE, folks, did I even contemplate walking away from my obligation (according to a recent "60 Minutes" piece, that's exactly what a lot of people are presently doing - walking away from the loan and leaving it to the bank). I mean, come on! Have we really and truly become THAT pathetic of a nation in which we think that we're entitled, absolutely, to a return on our investment? Seriously.............5) The Republicans have a golden opportunity to take back the White House AND THEY'RE BLOWING IT. They're putting up these tweedle-dumbs and tweedle-dees and Mr. Obama is looking sane strictly by comparison. I'm telling you, folks, if I wake up on election day all frigging torqued, I just flat-out MIGHT vote for Johnson.............6) Put THAT in your political apple-cart.


Jerry Critter said...

What do you have against chanting and incense?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

To be fair, Jerry, a lot of people on the right (allegedly on the right) purportedly did the same for Alan Greenspan and Paulson. And, no, that didn't exactly work out, either.

Eric Noren said...

What part of Connecticut? I travel there about once a month.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'll Email it to you, HR.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I was born in Connecticut.

I'd go back.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Will: Harry Truman thought that John Maynard Keynes was full of shit.

I've mentioned before how Krugman said the stimulus should have been bigger, and I thought you agreed, at least somewhat. I thought we agree more should have gone to infrastructure and less to tax cuts... but now it sounds like you think there should have been no stimulus at all. Do I have that right?

Will: ...never ONCE.. did I even contemplate walking away from my obligation ... that's exactly what a lot of people are presently doing - walking away from the loan and leaving it to the bank...

I think more people should be doing this. Screw the banksters. They're acting unethically (robo-signing) and raking in the profits after being bailed out... but Will doesn't write a post about that?

No! He writes a post excoriating people for doing something that is completely legal. Unbelievable.

Will: The Republicans have a golden opportunity to take back the White House AND THEY'RE BLOWING IT.

Obviously you're upset by this. I'm not. The only thing that upsets me is that Democrats should be able to win for reasons other then by default. But I'll take the win regardless.

Will: Put THAT in your political apple-cart.

I sure feel sorry for you Will. Clearly you want to vote Republican but can't due to the lack of a decent candidate. Go ahead and vote for someone who has no chance of being elected. Why should I care?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Perhaps, if I wake up on election day all frigging torqued, I just flat-out MIGHT vote for Stewart Alexander. Put THAT in your political apple-cart.