Friday, July 1, 2011

The Dumbing Down of Affluence

One of the things that the "People's Budget" (a plan recently put forth by the House's progressive caucus) does is remove the cap on social security taxes. Hm, I guess that the progressive caucus doesn't think that people making over $106,800 a year meet the definition of people........................................................................................................Seriously, though, I don't like this plan at all. Yeah, maybe raise the cap $5-6,000 or so but to not have any cap AT ALL is flat-out crazy. I mean, just take a look at what this provision would do to a guy/gal making $200,000 a year. That person, folks, would end up paying the government an extra $7,130 a year, every year for the rest of his or her life. That's a lot of money. And I hate to tell you here but $200,000 a year isn't necessarily rich anymore. I mean, think about it. This person probably has a stout mortgage, a massive student loan, and a couple of kids that he/she would probably like to put through college someday. The last thing that these people need is to be singled out and plundered like this, especially when it's somebody else that's probably going to bear the fruit of it..............................................................................................................P.S. Just for the record, this is in no way meant to imply that I reject the "People's Budget" completely. There are actually some particulars in it that I DO like; the sharp reduction in defense spending, for example. I just didn't particularly care for this one provision.


dmarks said...

Those making $200,000 are in the economic elites, and are rich by many standards... including mine.

Would it be OK then if instead of taxing these handouts to the rich, the government simply means-tested social security and hand out a lot less?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'd feel much more comfortable with some sort of means-testing once in fact the person does retire, yes, as opposed to plundering them during their productive years. Absolutely.

dmarks said...

How about replacing social security with an actual welfare fund to take care of the needy during their retirement?

Do we really need a social security program to hand out pension payments (from the treasury) to well off, people of means, and those who can afford it?

Dervish Z Sanders said...

Means testing SS is what the Republicans favor because that will make the program easier to get rid of. Because if there are significantly less people receiving it then the outcry will be that much less when they try to eliminate it entirely (or cut it significantly). I oppose means testing for this reason.

I support the "People's Budget". It is the only sane budget that has been put forward. The cap should be eliminated.

Perhaps we could have a doughnut hole to "protect" the upper middle class people you constantly worry about Will?

I wish I made a fraction of the amount you say "isn't necessarily rich anymore". "Singled out and plundered"? What utter nonsense.

dmarks said...

"Means testing SS is what the Republicans favor because that will make the program easier to get rid of."

Actually, we favor it because the rich don't need welfare. And I don't think is expanding the number of recipients just for the hell of it is enough of a reason to blow money on the well off.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Removing the cap from social security would totally transform it from a supplemental insurance program to yet another welfare program. We already have enough welfare programs (and, YES, I'm including all of those that benefit the rich).......wd, you seem to think that people get these $200,000 jobs by luck or something. It usually involves 6-8 years of college (I'm sure that they would want YOU to pay THEIR student loans off) and busting your tail up through an organization. The last thing that these productive people need is to have you and your buddies with your tin-cups (or, in some instances, guns) harassing them all the time. You want to make more money, you say? Work harder, go to school, be industrious. Don't constantly look for the government and the unions to do your bidding for you.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

It's the easiest thing in the world to call for tax increases that don't apply to you. A frigging bum off the streets can do that, for Christ.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

I'm sure that they would want YOU to pay THEIR student loans off.

I think college education (and beyond) should be free. It's an investment because people with higher levels of education get higher paying jobs and pay more in taxes over their lifetimes.

I see by your denigration of bums off the streets that you and the Republicans share a hatred of the less fortunate... that's disturbing.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

I find the "tin cup", "bum" and "in some instances, guns" comments incredibly insulting, btw. Suggesting that taxation is theft is conservative class warfare rhetoric. I reject it. Taxation is not theft.

Progressives have the same right as everyone else to petition our elected officials and request they do what we feel is in the best interest of the nation. I believe the nation as a whole does better when we take care of all our citizens.

Means testing makes the distinction between the haves and the have-nots that much more distinct. Take SS away from all but the poor and eventually a large number of the people who no longer have it will begin making the arguments that Will just did.

Those who still receive it will be "bums" who are "stealing" from the more productive members of society. And then the Republicans will vote to abolish it completely, perhaps replacing it with a subsidy for churches.

Means testing is a bad idea.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Oh, free college education now! Do you have ANY idea how expensive that would be? And do you even care? We'll pay for it by taxing the rich, right?............I care about people as much as you do, chum. I just make a distinction between people who are poor do to no fault of their own and those who are are poor because of their own foolishness, stupidity, and bad choices. And I even care about them. I just prefer to show it with tough love. We have people where I work who constantly come in late, hungover, or both. We have others still who are frigging "no call, no show". These folks get fired and still collect unemployment and boy do they ever milk it. And then we have these other girls who constantly get knocked up and milk the system that way (knowing precisely how much they can earn and still get benefits x,y, and z). Don't you think that maybe we need to start reinforcing good behavior? I knew that you were going to get all self-righteous over that bum comment (what's the politically correct term for these alcoholic pan-handlers who spend whatever you give them on rot-gut?). I put it in anyway (replete with violins).............I think that we should pass a law that takes $7,130 a year out of YOUR pocket. Methinks that it might be thievery at that point.............And let me see here. You're the guy who wanted a 90% top rate, right? Well, with your no cap on SS scheme, we'll just have to jack it up to 97.65%, right?...Add another $15-20,000 a year for property tax, all of those sin, gas, luxury, and sales taxes and, yeah, you just might get your grubby, little paws on all of it.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

We'll pay for it by taxing the rich, right? We'll pay for it by taxing the rich, right? We'll pay for it by taxing the rich, right? We'll pay for it by taxing the rich, right? We'll pay for it by taxing the rich, right? We'll pay for it by taxing the rich, right? We'll pay for it by taxing the rich, right? We'll pay for it by taxing the rich, right? We'll pay for it by taxing the rich, right? We'll pay for it by taxing the rich, right?

What a broken record you are. As for your comment, "I care about people as much as you do, chum"... I don't buy it.

BTW, you can't get fired and collect unemployment. Unemployment is only for people who are not let go (or fired) for cause.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Yes, you CAN get fired and collect unemployment. It happens all the time in CT. Where are you from where that doesn't happen?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And like I said, I make a distinction between people who are poor through no fault of their own and people who can't hold a job mainly because they're a fuck-up.