Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Detecting" the Obvious

Gloria Steinenm's first big splash came in the '60s. It was when she posed (as a reporter for Huntington Hartford's "Show" magazine) as a Playboy bunny and infiltrated Mr. Hefner's "empire". So, what were the young woman's landmark findings pertaining to "Playboy"? She ultimately concluded that Playboy Inc. was a sexist organization....Hm, she actually had to go undercover to figure that out, huh? So much for HER being the intellectual leader of the women's movement.


Commander Zaius said...

Never been big or figured I had a dog in the huge debate about sexism so I've never thought much about it.

For the most part I always considered Hugh Hefner an almost permanent resident of the what was "cool" and stylish. Now Hugh is a sick caricature of what he once was and while the thought often comes to mind of the Rolling Stones members looking like zombies for Hugh it is even more so.

Jerry Critter said...

I would suspect that she had to go undercover to gather details about how Playboy was a sexist organization and specifically how they treated their female employees first-hand. She couldn't walk in and ask them about it. I think they made the judgment that Playboy was sexist before going undercover, not after.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I could have pretty much told her how they treated the women at "Playboy". And I was only 5-6 at the time.............You're right, double b. Hefner is Keith Richards with only slightly better enunciation.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

She is a chick. maybe she just wanted to see what she looked like in a bunny outfit and used the journalism angle to keep her cred with women's libbers.

Personally, I am offended and would gladly accept sexual favors from hot women's libbers as a reward for my being offended.

Contra O'Reilly is not a sexist blog. If it were I would not visit! You're welcome ladies.

Jerry Critter said...

Yes, you probably could have, but when you are writing an article for a magazine you need more than just your opinion. Some facts and proof help substantiate your point of view.

Mordechai said...

It seems willy doesn't really care much for fact gathering.

I wonder why?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I agree with Jerry, as often seems to be the case. The anonymous poster raises an interesting question as well. At the very least Will should be able to admit it's a funny point. I laughed, and perhaps Will would too if the "joke" were not at his expense.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The FACT that they were showing numerous pictures of naked women (basically objectifying them) wasn't enough? The FACT that they were publishing a never-ending stream of misogynistic/chauvinistic articles wasn't enough? The FACT that 99% of their subscribers were knuckle-dragging idiots/blowhards (i.e., men) wasn't enough? The FACT that the power structure there was comprised entirely of men wasn't enough? It's like, what, she actually needed to be pinched on the ass and called, "Hey baby" in order to more fully prove her hypothesis? I mean, that would be like some guy going undercover as a soldier in order to find that there were actually people getting killed in Vietnam.............I agree with Truth here. The chick just wanted to see if she could pass muster as a hottie.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hey, anonymous. I have been very fair, magnanimous, patient, and cordial with you. And, yes, you are more than welcome to add to the discussion here. But, if your goal is to drop periodic insults and constantly distort my record, then, I'm telling you right now, you can drag your fucking ass? Do you understand what I'm saying about that? Have I made it totally clear?............I know who you are, btw. And it's time to grow up.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Why are people constantly distorting your record Will? Man, it must getting old!

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Well when Cliffy is wrong he just refuses to acknowledge it...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You're done, anonymous. Have a good life.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

This was a frigging joke post. Kind of like when Sheryl Crow wrote a song called "All I Want to Do is Have Some Fun". I.E. How long as that one been staring us in the face? What's the real problem here? Steinem is a progressive and we simply CANNOT EVER make fun of a progressive? You were right all along, Voltster. These clown have ZERO sense of humor.

Jerry Critter said...

Your "FACTS" are more about Playboy magazine. Her interest was in how female employees at Playboy Clubs were treated.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Jerry, she expected that women parading around in bunny outfits in front of a bunch of old men were going to be treated respectfully? It just seems that, at a time when we were sending "advisers" over to Vietnam and black people couldn't even sit at lunch counters, she might have found a slightly meatier topic.............Why can't ALL progressives debate civilly like you, Jerry?

Jerry Critter said...

I think her concern, or at least the impetus of her article (I have not read it), was the behavior of the Playboy management towards their employees, not their patrons behavior.

As to your other question, I guess the same thing could be asked about conservatives, but then civility and argument often do not go hand in hand.

Jerry Critter said...

And she was writing for Show magazine, not a political oriented magazine.

Jerry Critter said...

But like you said earlier,

"This was a frigging joke post."

so, maybe we are just beating a dead horse.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I guess that when you have to explain the joke......"All I want to do is have some fun......" I mean, come on, didn't you think at one point that YOU could have written that song?

John Myste said...

All progressives don't debate civilly? Progressives have much to learn from the temperament of conservatives.

On a lighter note, what momentous milestone was suddenly due on July 18, 2011 3:18 PM? It is a trivia question.

Prizes will be issued.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

It couldn't have been Armageddon, John. I'm at least for the moment still typing here.............You're a civil progressive, too, btw.