Monday, October 18, 2010

Miscellaneous 32

1) I am NOT a violent human-being. And I especially do not condone violence against women. But, I really have to tell you here, during that recent Nevada Senate debate, when Sharron Angle tried to slime/tar and feather Harry Reid with all of that, "So, Harry, where did you get all of that money on a Senator's salary?" bullshit, there is, folks, at least a possibility that it wouldn't have bothered me if somebody had bitch-slapped her. I mean, yes, I really do hate to admit it BUT, damn it all, that was just flat-out despicable, even for Sharron Angle.......2) Oh, how utterly predictable these partisan "news" cable shows have stunningly become. Just tonight, for example, Sean Hannity focuses like a frigging laser on Jack Conway (running for the Senate in Kentucky against Rand Paul), the fact that Mr. Conway's recent ad against Mr. Paul was disgusting/slimy (and it was), etc.. This, while, at the same time, he totally ignores the apparently thuggish actions of the Miller campaign up in Alaska. Dud, huh?....Oh, and, yeah, Olbermann, that guttersnipe -he, of course, does the exact/mirror opposite; focuses like a laser on Miller and totally ignores Conway. I mean, come on here, FOLKS, is this not getting ridiculous, cartoon-like, etc.?


Commander Zaius said...
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Commander Zaius said...

Yeah, the partisan divide is almost gone to completely psychotic scales, which is the reason I have been ignoring politics at my blog and only making a few comments at other sites, I am liberal after all. It isn’t looking good; I see no evidence that any of them have one iota of awareness of what they are doing to the fabric of the country.

But all hope is not lost, I was watching Morning Joe right before my shift ended and Mike Barnacle suggested to the senator appearing that the American people are fed up and will sometime soon start looking at a third party to find answers even mentioning Bloomberg’s name as a candidate for president. Don’t get me wrong, I like Barnacle but at times he can be a shade self-righteous and the first thought that came to my mind that the one thing that would assure a true bi-partisan spirit in Washington DC would be the election of a third party candidate as president. Both the asses on the left and right would shoot him or her down every chance they got.

Rusty Shackleford said...

Duh Will,the guy was a nickle and dime lawyer in Searchlight Nv.,now he's one of the richest senators....fair question bud.You have a problem understanding people like Harry Reid are the reason the country is in it's present condition.Stop your quest for moderation...get rid of these friggin bums and try something different.

Rusty Shackleford said...

You should have seen your hero Charlie Crist in a debate with Rubio and Meeks last night...Crist had the gall to tell Rubio he had turned his back on hispanics in Florida,even Meeks told Crist he was out of line.

Your admiration for moderates leads you to people just like Crist..if you knew what a slimy piece of crap he really was perhaps you'd reconsider your position.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm in kind of an anti agreement with Rusty. Centrism is now nothing more than appeasing the right so Rove or a wannabe won't smear you with attack ads.

Or Move On or a left leaning group but that's okay.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

It wasn't a fair question, Russ. The woman has zero proof to make such an innuendo. Maybe he made more money than you think as a lawyer. And maybe he's a damn good investor. You (as in Angle) can't just be going around muddying the water like last it turned me off anyway......As for the Florida debate, I'm totally sure that I'll be hearing about it tonight - from various perspectives.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Truth, I'm actually starting to turn away from terms like centrism and moderation, and instead use simply independence and/or pragmatism. As a very wise man once said to me (a great guy by the name of truth), it isn't so much about left (big government) or right (small government) as it is about smart and stupid. I kind of liked that advice.

Dave Miller said...

Actually Rusty, when Reid got to the Senate, he was already a millionaire.

Hammer him for being rich but it had nothing to do with him being a millionaire.

Besides, maybe Angle just thought he looked like he got all his money in the Senate.

Rusty Shackleford said...

There is no question that Reid was wealthy when he got to Wa., the question was how?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

As far as I know, Russ, the only thing that Reid is definitively guilty of, is being a dick. I may be wrong here, but still I don't think that that's against the law.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I didn't find Mr. Conway's ad against Randal Paul to be disgusting or slimy. Ineffective perhaps, since I think most people believe something Randal did in college doesn't reflect his views today. His current views are frightening enough, and political ads focusing on them should be more than enough to defeat him.

Personally, I think the allegations should be further investigated. Randal is a Libertarian, and I thought they were atheists -- or, at least the individual that libertarians idolize was -- and Randal did shorten his first name in tribute to her. Is Randal lying about being Christian for political gain?

BTW, Keith Olbermann did not "totally ignore" the Aqua Buddha story. On Wednesday October 20th Keith said, "Kentucky's Conway, even after criticism for his Aqua Buddha ad against former Aqua Buddhist Rand Paul also tightening the race with some polls giving him a tiny edge".

Sharron Angle was obviously implying that Harry Reid got rich because he's a corrupt Senator. It isn't true of course, so she can't back up her allegations -- which is why she's turning to disgusting innuendo in an attempt to slime Mr. Reid.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

O.K., I stand corrected. He (Olbermann) "mentioned" it. But he didn't condemn it (the ad) like he clearly would have had a Republican done something like that to a Democrat.....And who cares what these individuals did in college. My God, I used to get drunk every other day when I was 20.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Why the hell should Olbermann have condemned the Aqua Buddha ad? There aren't any lies in it -- as far as I know. That's the only reason I can think of that a show that caters to the Left would condemn an ad from a Democratic politician. The Left doesn't condone lying, unlike those who vote Republican.

But there weren't any lies... so no reason to condemn the ad.

Mr. Olbermann has never claimed his program is "fair and balanced", yet, for some strange reason you believe it should be. I don't get it.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The ad is based on anonymous innuendo, questions the guy's religious faith (much like the right has unfairly done with Obama), and focuses mostly on what the poor bastard did in College. If a Republican had pulled a stunt like this, you and Olby would be having figging cardiac arrest......Also, I don't necessarily have a problem with his bias. It's much more the hypocrisy factor; the fact that does a crapload of the same stuff that he accuses his opposition of.